Pyrotechnic: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I totally forgot about the damage part, I'll try to remember in this wedding, that you all know is coming…. And I'm glad you're going to read this story and laugh when you do, and I'm glad you'll be otflyao, so will my so called friends. Alright! Later!

StickLad: Thank you so much! You rock too! Yes, that was the last chapter! But hopefully this story won't be our last story! Bye!

smart one: Sure Sparx can be in the sequel, and I forgot her as the flower girl, she must have gotten lost in the many, many rooms in the back dressing area (trust me, it's easy ) What! I have to wait 3 years to read the story! Darn. Ok, thank you for letting me use her, and thanks for the info! You rule!

IgomSoul Sculptor: Come on Jack, gotta give up the life of crime some time! And gosh! I'm such a ditz; I totally forgot to invite him! Can you convince him to forgive me? I hate my bad memory, or lack there of! And I'll try to help with your stories! I finished reading your Nightmares and swordsmen story and read the chap of the sequel, I haven't gotten around to reviewing it yet, it's very good though. Ok, cya!

Disclaimer: The FFC doesn't own Teen Titans… but we can dream….

"Alright, Titans, this is it," Robin said. He looked up at the large courthouse.

"It's quiet," Raven commented, noticing the silence that surrounded the building.

"Way too quiet for a crime. You sure this is the place?" Cyborg asked. Robin took a look at the communicator he held in his hand before nodding. He put it away and grasped the door handle, slowly pulling it open.

You could see Robin pale as he looked inside for a moment before he slammed the door shut. "K-kay. No problem here! Let's go home, quickly!" Robin said. The other Titans gave him a strange look. Raven closed her eyes for a moment before putting on an expression that clearly read, 'shoot-me-now.'

"They're back," was all that Raven muttered.

"Please who is this-" Starfire stopped, realizing who Raven was talking about. "No! They cannot be back! They left, never to return!"

"Never came today then," Beast Boy muttered, pointing to the now open door, a familiar girl standing in the doorway.

"Titans! You made it!" Mirage992 said happily, but with a hint, well, a truckful's worth, of evil in her eyes.


M: Yep! We are back and kicking butt!

WM: Unfortunately…

Midnight(Mid): Come on! It won't be so bad, well, yeah it will but-

WM: You're on their side too! Come on! You're the new member! You haven't even seen me do anything evil! Usually I have to marry someone to a fictional character before they turn against me! Now I won't have a reason to marry you to anyone!

TQ: -smiles- Hey, we got to her first! Don't hate us because you didn't convince her to come to your side fast enough!

M and Mid: -nod-

WM: -glare-

M: Alrighty then! Please review, and the two bachelors for WM that you'll be voting between will be announced in a soon to come up chap (chap 2 or 3).