"I told you the witch wouldn't just blow it off," The sorceress hissed.

She stormed around the cavern, looking quite out of place in a long, elegant red dress. Her long brown hair flowed across her open back. With a turn of her heel, she lashed out her hand and pulled a small, cowering man out of the shadows.

"What are you so afraid of? You think I might kill you?" A horrible smile graced her face.

"Y-y-you have been known to do so, ma'am."

"You have nothing to be afraid of. As a shape-shifter, you can leave and I would never be able to find you. And as soon as you help me, I will let you do that. Tell me what happened."

"W-w-well, when I caught them in southern San Francisco, only the witch's child ate the soup. The other two ruined my plan and got "Tony" jailed. This time, I almost had her. She was really afraid, and thought it was real that I was going to hurt the others. But when she came out of the illusion, they said that the teacher had died. She didn't pay much attention to that. The Charmed One, though, and her whitelighter, they figured out pretty quick that a demon was after their daughter."

"I think more fear needs to be instilled in these so called Charmed Ones. They were witches for barely three months. They know nothing of how to control their powers or what the Book of Shadows truly holds."

"How do you know all…" The man asked, but as the sorceress turned to glare at him, he cowered in fear.

"I told you!" She snapped. "I came back from an alternate world, because the balance has been tipped. This daughter, Rose, is even more powerful than their two boys."

"Two boys?"

"You live in an alternate reality. Piper and Leo were never supposed to get so close. They were supposed to know each other in school for one year, and then Leo would move away, die in the war, and become the Charmed Ones whitelighter, exactly what happened in my world. He was never supposed to come back and sleep with her, or have that child."

"So, in this reality, there are no witches, and different children." The man reasoned, trying to understand fully.

"Yes. And one sister didn't die here, but that is not important. What is important is Rose. In about ten years, she will find the Book of Shadows, and become a powerful witch. In another three years, a spell gone wrong will bring her to my world. She runs into me, and the only way to get back home is to steal my powers, which is what she does. And this is what I have to stop."


A loud and awkward silence filled the Wyatt's Kitchen. Rose was looking between her two parents, trying very hard to see them as magical beings that fought evil. She really couldn't. Then there was the fact that a demon was after them and their powers. Rose froze on that thought, and it took only seconds for the words to come bursting out of her mouth.

"Wait, I'm a witch too?"

"Yes," Piper admitted. "You and your sister. We gave you a potion when you were just born, so that your powers wouldn't appear."

"You POISONED us?!" Rose screeched. She jumped off the chair and ran out of the room.

"This isn't going well." Piper ran a hand through her hair and sighed heavily.

"You have to be honest with her, Piper." Leo said, putting a hand on his wife's shoulder. "Why you bound your powers, why you bound hers. She needs the truth."

"Can you go get Maddie?" Piper asked. "We all need to talk about this."


The sorceress leaned up against a fountain of splashing water, absently clicking her fingernails against the stone. Her chin resting in her hand, she was bored and anxious for her servant to return.

"They are merely sitting and talking," The man announced as he shimmered into the cave. "No gathering of troops, no potion making, just talking."

"These Charmed Ones are pathetic!"

"But it is not the Charmed Ones. It is the middle witch and her family that is talking."

"You mean she hasn't called her sisters?"

"Unless the whitelighter is off doing it, I could not see him."

"Keep watching, and try to listen in. I must be ready for whatever tactics they come up with.


"What?" Madison moaned from inside Leo's arms as the both of them came down the stairs.

"Sorry to wake you, baby." Piper spoke softly, reaching out and taking her youngest from Leo. Madison molded against her mother's body and leaned her head on her shoulder. "We're having a family talk."

Rose sat huddled in a corner of the couch, her arms crossed over her chest. She harrumphed as Piper said this.

"Okay, Rose. We did not poison you. What we did was called 'binding'. We didn't want either of you to see your powers, if you had any, because…when me and your aunts were witches, we almost killed each other."

"What are you talking about, mommy?" Madison asked.

"You have magical powers, honey." Piper explained, trying to smile. "But me and daddy hid them when you were really little."

"You almost killed each other?" Rose interrupted.

"It was right after our Grams had died, and we were running around the house, yelling and screaming at each other, trying to blame someone. Aunt Phoebe went upstairs, and found a book, and suddenly we all had powers."

"What could you do?" Rose gasped, sitting upright and forgetting her anger.

"Well, Aunt Phoebe had premonitions. She could see a vision of the past, present, or future. Aunt Prue had telekinesis. She could move things with her mind. And I had the power to freeze things."

"Do you know what our powers are?" Rose wondered.

"We have powews too?" Madison asked.

"Yes," Piper said to Maddie, "and no, because there is a long line of Halliwells, and many powers passed down. The only way we would know is if…" Piper gulped, not able to get the words out.

She had been so sure that she would never have to freeze anything again. So sure she would never have to see magic again. But someone was threatening to kill her children. Magic was the only way to fight.

"If we unbind all of our powers."

"All?" Madison, Rose, and even Leo asked at the same time.

"Yes, I'm going to unbind my powers too."

A/n: Okay, I'm very sorry. Another two months of me being gone. I hope you all like this, reviews would be great! And pass the story along, if you think someone else will like it.