„Don't touch me!" Prosper hissed at Scipio, tearing his arm away. "So everything was just a game to you? Something to pass your time?"
"No!" Scipio was pale, and his eyes were bright. "I wanted to tell you, I swear I did! Please, Prop, you have to listen to me – "
"I trusted you!" Prosper yelled. "And you just played around with me." His voice broke, and he tried to blink away his tears.
Scipio brought an unsteady hand up to Prosper's face. "I'd never play around with you. Not unless you want me to." His touch was shy, his thumb caressing Prosper's cheek softly.
Prosper choked down a sob, one tear sliding down onto Scipio's hand. "I trusted you!" His voice was low and croaky. He knew he should be careful, should not make himself so vulnerable to a boy who had abused his trust like that. But Scipio was staring into his eyes with such a look on his face, and Scipio's hand felt so good against his cheek. Prosper took a faltering step forward and buried his face in Scip's shoulder.
Scipio's arms came around him at once, holding him close. "Not unless you want me to."