AN: Sorry for the delay. I ended up writing two different versions of what happens after this chapter and I couldn't decide which story line to go with, so this will have to tide you over til I can find some NCIS fans to bounce the two plots off of. I'll post the next chapter as soon as I figure out which story line to go with.

And thanks, as always, to the wonderful people who continue to read this story and review : )

Chapter 15

Tony reappeared with the first aid kit a minute later and a huge grin on his face. He'd made Kate smile once and he knew just how to do it again. "Nurse Kaaaate, I'm reaaady." She looked up from the couch and tried not to smile, but lost the battle when he wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Do I get a lollipop if I'm good?"

She laughed, and boy did it feel good to laugh again. "I didn't know you knew how to be good, Tony." He grabbed his heart and looked wounded, causing Kate to laugh again.

"I'm hurt, Kate. You have no idea how good I can be." He smiled mischievously and Kate stopped laughing, hearing the underlying suggestiveness of his words.

"Sit down so I can fix your head before what little brains you have left leak out."

"Yes, Nurse Katie." Tony replied obediently and sat down, although the mischievous sparkle remained in his eye. Kate winced at being called Katie and Tony immediately turned somber, kicking himself for his stupidity.

"I'm sorry, Kate."

"Forget about it. It's nothing." She echoed his words from earlier. "Just let me fix your head." She poured some peroxide onto a piece of gauze and scooted closer so she could clean his wound. She cringed at all the dried blood, knowing it had to hurt like hell and hating Greg even more. "This is going to sting." She warned him but he still hissed in pain when the antiseptic touched his wound. She leaned in and softly blew on it, dulling the pain. Although Tony wasn't sure if it was the blowing or her nearness that took away the sting.

"There," Kate smiled, moving back. "All better."

"Thanks. You make a great nurse." Tony swallowed. He knew they had to talk but he hated ruining Kate's smile. But it was better to get it over with now. She'd helped him, now it was his turn to help her.

"I believe we had a deal. Are you ready to talk about it now?"

Kate fought to keep her smile in place, but she wasn't fooling Tony. She started to say there was nothing to talk about but Tony cut her off.

"Don't Kate. Don't try to play it down and pretend that nothing is wrong because I'm not buying it. I know you better than that. You've been through hell today and, like it or not, you need to talk about it."

Kate swallowed hard, knowing deep down that Tony was right even though she hated to admit it. But she wasn't sure where to start. She looked down at her tightly clasped hands, avoiding Tony's gaze, and the words just started to tumble out.

"You got hurt because of me." That wasn't how she'd wanted to start but it was the first thought that came to mind, so she pushed on before Tony could tell her again that it wasn't her fault. "That's always been my biggest fear. That he'd hurt another person I cared about. I could take him killing me. I probably even deserved it after everything that happened. But I couldn't take him hurting me through the people who's only crime was knowing me."

Her voice broke and Tony quickly pulled her into his lap. He wanted to kill Greg all over again, only much slower this time.

"Let's get a few things straight, Kate. First of all, I didn't get hurt because of you. I got hurt because I'm an idiot. I wanted to be the one who made him pay and I didn't think beyond that. I know better than that so it's my fault, not yours. Secondly, you are definitely worth a bump on the head. I'd rather have been beaten to a pulp than have never met you." Actually, Tony thought, I'd rather be dead. But she doesn't need to hear that right now. She'd probably elbow me.

"Thanks, I think." She smiled up at him through her tears and Tony tried not to think about how easy it would be to lean down and kiss her right now. He called himself a bastard and ten times a fool for thinking such things after everything she'd been through. He deserved twenty slaps to the back of the head. Where the hell was Gibbs when he needed some sense slapped into him?

"Uh, maybe we should get some sleep." Tony said when he noticed her stifle a yawn. "We can talk more in the morning. Ok?" Kate nodded, grateful for the reprieve even though she was sure she'd never be able to sleep. She started to stand up but Tony held her tighter, keeping her firmly in his lap. "Allow me." He flashed her his million-watt grin and stood with her in his arms, surprising the heck out of her.

"Tony! You're head!" She immediately reached up to hold on to his neck. "Put me down!"

"Not a chance. My head is fine. I'm trying to be nice here and show you that I'm not an insensitive jerk. I can be a gentlemen, you know."

"More like a caveman." Kate growled, but she was grinning which had been Tony's intent. At least, that's what he told himself. Holding her was just a bonus. He set her down on the bed and brought her her bag. He kissed the top of her head before leaving the room, pulling the door shut behind him so she could get ready for bed.

He leaned against the door, not wanting to go too far in case she needed him. He wondered if she'd want to sleep alone tonight or if she'd let him be there for her. He was worried that she'd try to tough it out, that her pride would keep her from asking him to stay. He was still worried about her and he was man enough to admit that he needed to stay with her. He needed to know she was safe in his arms.

Kate quickly dressed for bed and brushed her teeth. As much as she hated to admit it, she felt too alone and vulnerable without Tony there. She kept expecting Greg to jump out from every shadow. She opened the door, which Tony was still leaning against, sending him stumbling back into the room. He locked eyes with Kate as soon as he regained his balance and they both burst out laughing.

"You think that's funny, Kate?" Tony raised an eyebrow and Kate nodded, still laughing too hard to answer. "Then you'll love this." He rushed towards her, swinging her up in his arms before she knew what was happening.

"Tony!" She squealed in surprise.

He dropped her on the bed and started tickling her. She shrieked and squirmed, trying to get away from his devilish fingers. "Do you still think it's so funny?"

"Y…Yes!" Kate continued to laugh and tried to fight back. Her fingers connected with a ticklish spot on Tony's side and he shuddered. "Now. I've. Got. You. DiNozzo." Kate said between gasping for breath and laughing.

Tony was fighting to stay on top and tickle her while evading her hands, now that she'd found his weak spot. He twisted to protect his side and Kate shoved against his chest. He quickly ended up beside her on the bed, both of them gasping for breath.

"Truce?" Tony panted.

"Truce." Kate quickly agreed even though she was already thinking of ways to pay Tony back.

"I'll be right back." Tony got up and grabbed a pair of shorts from the dresser. He disappeared into the adjoining bathroom, leaving Kate to catch her breath. He returned a few minutes later, ready for bed. He turned off the light as he made his way back to the bed, leaving the room in shadows.

He tossed back the covers and lifted Kate, who still hadn't moved, up to the head of the bed. He immediately slid in next to her, not bothering to ask about sleeping arrangements. He knew that neither one of them wanted to sleep alone but he was afraid she wouldn't admit it if he asked. And he had no doubts she would smack him if she really did want to be alone, so he wasn't really pushing her. At least, that's what he told himself.

"Sweet dreams, Kate." He briefly kissed her temple and pulled her close, relieved when she didn't pull away. If anything, she snuggled closer and he mentally breathed a sigh of relief knowing he'd made the right decision.

"Goodnight, Tony." Kate smiled into the dark. There was no way she could sleep tonight but at least Tony hadn't left her. She felt his warmth against her back and his arm around her waist and it made her feel safe for the first time all night. She didn't really understand it. Or maybe she did and she just wasn't ready to admit it.