Chapter Fourteen:

Victoria tanner moved swiftly down the extremely white corridor. 123, 124, 125… She was getting close. There she was here, room 129. She looked both ways down the corridor. No nurses were in sight. She turned the handle and opened the door.

She saw her reflection in the mirror hanging on the other wall. She was wearing a white dress that had been issued to her by the medical centre. It stopped surprisingly high. She was wearing ballet like slippers and her long black hair had been braided but that hadn't stopped some pieces from framing her face.

She looked around the room. There was a double bed, a sink in the corner as well as a bare closet. She looked over at a counter on the same wall as the door. A man in his late twenties was leaning against it. He looked up when she came in unexpectedly. He raised an eyebrow. "Aren't we supposed to be in quarantine? Or was that just my imagination."

Victoria smiled at him and shrugged, "I never did like rules much." He laughed and looked at the ground. Victoria took in his appearance. He was wearing loose white cotton pants and no top. His black short hair was messy and it looked like he hadn't shaved in a while.

He looked back at her; she tilted her head to the side. "I am glad you came." He said walking to stand in front of her very close. She smiled up at him.

"So am I." He smiled down at her words and leaned in and kissed her.

A lot had changed in the past forty-eight hours. Most for the worse…yet out of all the loss and death one good thing had emerged.

Once Tink had finally got Samantha to leave she had moved Reaper only slightly so she could get up. She had paced for a while then eventually sat back down. To her chagrin she slipped into a troubled sleep. Thinking of all who had died…Mack…Duke…Goat…. Portman…. The Kid… Destroyer…. Sarge….

The list seemed unending. She had been shaken awake and was a little groggy at first but then realised who had woken her up. It was Reaper… the real Reaper not some fucked up monster. She had stared at him for a while. He was saying something but she wasn't listening she just threw her arms around his neck. He froze at her embrace but Tink didn't seem to care. "You're okay," She had sighed so relieved she couldn't hide it.

After a while Reaper seemed to unclench and hug her back. "Yeah, I'm okay." Remembering herself Tink went to let go but realise Reaper was holding her back. She looked at him and he looked back. But unfortunately there was a noise and the both sprung apart.

With that they had both advanced down the never-ending corridors, Reaper in front since Tink didn't have her gun anymore.

The managed to get by monster after monster, human mutant after human mutant… Finally they found Samantha. She had an injured leg. That was when Sarge revealed himself to them.

Tink couldn't believe it… In the last few hours Tink had seen a side of Sarge she didn't think existed. He was tough and didn't take your crap but he was always…there. And now Tink realised that no matter what he did for her or the team that deep down he was evil.

Tink had helped Samantha to the elevator as they waited for it to work again. Samantha had asked Tink how her hands were. Tink had looked down and been shocked to realise they were fine. She asked Samantha if she was seeing things correctly but Samantha had only confirmed what Tink was seeing. Tink shook her head 'This is impossible.'

Samantha had thought on the matter for a while. She asked Tink if she had injected her self. Tink gave Samantha a look to shut up her theory. Samantha had nodded and then asked if she had had superficial contact with any of the chromosomes that could bring on the symptoms of C24.

Tink had started to say no but then remembered her stomach and the little black thing. Tink had then instantly unzipped the leather jacket to Samantha's shock, revealing not only her black bra but also her perfect stomach. Tink looked up at Samantha explaining that one of the monsters had scratched her stomach and about the black thing she had pulled out her stomach.

Samantha had thought on that for a while concluding that they would have to run tests before finalizing any speculation. Tink had nodded and then told Samantha that she was going to go see if Reaper was okay. Samantha had nodded obviously curious of how her brother was doing a well.

Tink had entered the Arc room to see Reaper standing the just as he threw a grenade through the arc.

He had turned and looked at Tink. It didn't seem to matter to her that she was covered in blood, sweat and tears or that her hair was quickly coming out of her two buns. She ran over and flung herself into Reapers arms. He held her close.

She whispered to him, "I love you,"

He replied, "I love you,"

Now they both stood in a Santa Monica medical testing facility waiting, in quarantine, to get the results back form a number of test to see if in fact they both had the famed C24. But it didn't seem to matter to them. They loved each other and that was all that mattered. They had gotten out of the hell that was Mars. They had lost a lot of friends, but they weren't about to waste the time they did have together.

Victoria pulled back from the kiss and looked at John. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"What is we do have 24 chromosomes? Where do we go from there, I mean we won't be normal will we? We won't ever get sick." John nodded taking in her words and looked down at her.

"I have lost too many people to that damn planet, I am not about to lose you to. So what ever happens we will face it together."

Victoria couldn't help stare, "Are you getting mushy on me John Grim, cause I don't go for girlie men!"

He laughed and slipped one arm around her shoulders and the other under her knees lifting her up into his arms.


"Thought not," Victoria answered giggling kissing him. Everything was finally perfect….

A/N: I hope you liked my doom fanfic. And please read my others! L8ta!