Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the characters. They are Rumiko Takashi's. I thank her for helping those of us that have no life other than InuYasha.

Much Love,


The jewel was complete. No doubt about that.

The sun shone over feudal Japan as everyone began to wake up. "I'm so tired, I'm gonna flunk my math test." Kagome groaned. "If you hate school so much then why do you go?" InuYasha asked. "I have to" Kagome grumbled. InuYasha snorted but didn't say anything else. This argument had happened too many times before and InuYasha knew it would end in a 'sit' and InuYasha would once again meet his friend dirt. Sango desperately wanted to change the subject "Hey Kagome want to help me make breakfast?" Sango asked. "Sure" Kagome replied happily. It was amazing how she could change her mood so quickly sometimes.

Breakfast consisted of ramen like it had for almost a week. Kagome only finished half of hers and gave the rest to InuYasha. "Well, I'm gonna head home, bye" "Bye" InuYasha mumbled with his mouth full. Sango, Miroku and Shippou all said their goodbyes, even Kirara gave a quiet mew and Kagome was off. She hopped down into the well and was transported back home where Souta was waiting for her. "Mom wants to talk to you" Souta said, disappointed that InuYasha didn't tag along. They may have been trying to hide it but almost everyone knew that after high school Kagome and InuYasha were going to become married or mated, either one works.

Kagome headed into the kitchen where her mom was waiting. "Oh Kagome I signed you up for something" Mrs. Higurashi smiled as she handed Kagome an envelope. Kagome gave her mom a confused look and opened the envelope. "What, You signed me up for foreign exchange" Kagome screamed glaring at her mother. "Well since you don't have any more jewel shards to collect, I thought you might want to take a break from it all" Kagome's mom replied calmly. "You know that InuYasha will go bizurk if I go through with this" Kagome fumed "Oh I'm sure he'll understand" Mrs. Higurashi giggled "Remember you are mates….Oh and you might want to start packing, you're flight is in three days and you will be there the rest of the school year." "Oh yeah its not like school just started" Kagome replied sarcastically.

Back in the feudal era

Kagome climbed out of the well still furious and headed towards her friends that she had only left fifteen minutes ago. "Did you forget something?" Sango asked. "No, InuYasha?" "Yeah" "Can I talk to you for a minute?" "Yeah sure" InuYasha and Kagome began walking toward the trees. "So what did you want to talk about?" InuYasha asked. "uhh…mymomsignedmeupforforeignexchangeandiwon'tbehereforallof myjunioryear" Kagome said in one breath. InuYasha gave her a confused look so she spoke again "My mom signed me up for foreign exchange and I will be there for all of my Junior year." Finally InuYasha replied "What does that mean?" he asked. "It means I'm going to be in another country for a whole year" Kagome sighed. "What?" InuYasha yelled. "It's not like I have a choice" Kagome sobbed. They were now quite far from the others so they could not hear InuYasha's yelling. Kagome wiped her eyes and looked up to InuYasha who pulled her into an embrace. "So you'll be gone for a whole year?" InuYasha asked quietly. Kagome nodded and clutched InuYasha's kimono "Sorry" she whispered. InuYasha held Kagome tighter. "Don't be" he replied "It's not your fault" InuYasha came to that conclusion so that maybe Kagome would stop crying. He waited a little longer and eventually the sobs stopped. Kagome looked up at InuYasha again, her face was red from crying and InuYasha could still smell her tears. He took a clawed finger and wiped her cheek. "I'm sorry" Kagome repeated. InuYasha kissed her gently. "I told you don't be sorry" InuYasha gave Kagome a stern look. "Thank you" Kagome replied. "So should we…" Kagome cut InuYasha off "Yeah because then there will be the link." What InuYasha was regarding to was the mark. Instead of a ring it was a simple cut where InuYasha would cut his own wrist and place it on Kagome's cut. Over time this small cut would become something else, like a design. Since demon blood ran through her, Kagome would now live as long as InuYasha and there would be the link. Wherever Kagome was she could all ways contact InuYasha. I guess you could say it was kind of like telepathy.

Kagome sat down and leaned her back against the nearest tree. InuYasha came and sat next to her. "Sorry, but it might hurt" InuYasha warned. Kagome just nodded in response. InuYasha turned to face Kagome and lifted his hand and placed his finger on the base of Kagome's neck. He pressed down lightly and then a little harder. Her skin broke and she started to bleed. He made the cut about an inch long as Kagome fainted from the sight of her blood. InuYasha quickly took his claw and slit his wrist and placed it on Kagome's cut. Within seconds Kagome was healed and all that was left of the small cut was a simple scar. But faint lines had appeared around the scar. Within a month the scar would become an image.

Back with the others Miroku was getting ideas. "Well I wonder what they're doing" Miroku chuckled. "Oh please Miroku, Kagome said she wanted to talk to InuYasha and InuYasha is nothing like you" Sango replied with a frown. "How do you know, InuYasha almost never shows his feelings" Miroku argued. Sango reached for her Hiraikotsu. "Shutting up" Miroku hastily replied. Sango smiled triumphantly "See here they come now" InuYasha and Kagome walked out of the trees and headed for the others. InuYasha had his arm around Kagome's waist protectively and also to hold her up because she still felt a little dizzy from fainting. "So what is going on, ohh" Miroku noticed the scar on Kagome's neck. InuYasha gave Miroku a threatening look and Miroku said nothing more. "Umm, guys what I told InuYasha was that my mom signed me up for foreign exchange and I'm going to be gone for a whole year." Kagome informed. Everyone was silent and finally Sango replied "Where will you be?" "America, it is another country across the ocean. Sorry guys but I didn't really have a choice in the matter." "We'll miss you Kagome" Sango replied. "Yeah, It'll be a lot different, I mean I don't even know this family that I'm supposed to be living with" Kagome said sadly. "I better go, I have to pack" Kagome said finally. They all said their goodbyes and exchanged hugs. Shippou was having a bit of a fit but he would soon get over it so Kagome wouldn't be so sad. Even a tear escaped from Kirara's eye. Kagome slowly walked off and InuYasha followed her. He wanted to spend the last three days with her while she packed.

Once home Kagome fixed up some lunch for her and InuYasha and they headed up to Kagome's room. Kagome pulled a large suitcase out of her closet and started laying out clothes. InuYasha sat quietly on Kagome's bed and watched her. After Kagome had almost her whole closet in the suitcase she sat next to InuYasha to take a break. "Lets make the best of these three days" she smiled at InuYasha who pulled Kagome onto his lap. Kagome rested her head on InuYasha's shoulder and they just stared at each other for what seemed like hours. Their silence was broken by Mrs. Higurashi yelling up the stairs for Kagome and InuYasha to come to dinner. They both jumped, startled by Kagome's mother's yelling. Kagome kissed InuYasha on the cheek and headed downstairs for dinner. InuYasha quickly jumped up and followed. Being half-demon InuYasha beat Kagome to the table. Kagome went into the kitchen to help her mother finish making their food. "Oh Kagome what happened you have a scar" Mrs. Higurashi said pointing to the mark on the base of Kagome's neck. "Well InuYasha and I decided that we should do this now rather than when I come back, its like a wedding ring but different" Kagome informed her mother. "Ohh" Mrs. Higurashi replied. They sat down for dinner and ate peacefully. Kagome started to head back to her room but her mother stopped her "Kagome you can stay home from school the next few days so you can be with your friends" Kagome's mom smiled and Kagome nodded and ran up the stairs. InuYasha followed like an obedient puppy. Once they were in Kagome's room Kagome shut her door and resumed to packing. She had finished with her clothes and began with personal items. Once she had her toiletries packed she moved on to other things. While Kagome was searching her closet for different things that would remind her of home, InuYasha quietly walked up behind her. "Kagome" he mumbled. " Yeah" Kagome turned around not knowing InuYasha was so close. "Here" InuYasha handed Kagome the locket she had given him two years ago. Kagome smiled and embraced InuYasha. He returned the hug and clutched Kagome like he never wanted to let go. InuYasha would of never admitted it but he was trying so hard not to cry. Finally the tears escaped and Kagome felt one fall on her shoulder. She pulled back to look InuYasha in the eye and he very slightly loosened his grip. Kagome sighed "Oh InuYasha you are making me feel so sad about leaving" InuYasha quickly wiped his tears and looked away. Kagome reached up to turn InuYasha's head back to face her "You don't have to be tough all of the time" Kagome reassured him. InuYasha was silent and clutched Kagome tighter once again. "I just don't want you to leave" "I'll be alright, I promise" Kagome reassured once again. "Now, I'm tired" Kagome walked over to her bed and InuYasha just stood and watched her. Kagome pulled down her comforter and sat down. InuYasha took a hesitant step and Kagome nodded. It seemed like he needed a lot of reassuring today. Kagome scooted over and InuYasha laid down next to her slipping his arm around her middle. She pulled the blanket up to her shoulder and closed her eyes, resting her hand on the Inu-Hanyou's chest. She fell asleep quickly and dreamed peacefully all ways knowing that InuYasha was beside her.