Antagonists Unite
By: DarkCrystalis

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in my story, unless they're originals. However, if my readers and reviewers are nice, I just might share them if they ask nicely –wink–


Chapter Twenty Four

NOTE: This chapter contains sexual content that is not suitable for those under the age of 18.

Rin's P.O.V.

7 Months Later in June…

I graduated from high school last week and feel unstoppable. It was amazing to have Koji and all my friends watch me as I crossed the stage and received my diploma, wearing my black cap and gown. I got accepted into university for English in September, which I'm really looking forward to!

Sesshoumaru has been really supportive of me and our turbulent relationship, and even still to this day I have to consciously tell myself to stop blushing whenever he looks at me too intensely. He graduated too and will be going to the same university as me, but will be majoring in Kinesetheology.

What I'm really excited about is the summer ahead and just relaxing with him before things get crazy again in the fall once I start my university classes. We still haven't -done the deed- and although I'm nervous about it, Sesshoumaru has never pushed me so I'm trying to keep calm.

My stalker was apprehended shortly after he made another attempt at nabbing me on my way home from class about a month after his previous attempt. Sesshoumaru nearly blew a gasket, but got over it pretty quickly when he saw I wasn't hurt this time. My wounds have healed and luckily I have no scars; I can only hope that my emotional health will recover just as well as time goes on.

The sickest thing about the situation was that my stalker was Mr. N. Mitsuko, where after legal trials I finally learned that his first name is Naraku. Whenever I think of him I shiver involuntarily, but I try not to let him invade my thoughts anymore these days. After I spoke out about my encounters with him and word got around, other girls came forward too, and now we'll all be safe. I know that he's locked away for many years after terrorizing so many young women, and the idea gives me comfort.

The rest of the gang is doing pretty well. Amazingly, Inuyasha and Kagome still haven't started dating yet, but I know that's sure to change soon. The tension between those two is electric, and I think it'll be interesting to see who caves into temptation first.

Miroku and Sango are fighting as always, but somehow I think they've gotten a little closer despite their incessant bickering. I think if Miroku could tone down his lecherousness just a tad, he'd have Sango eating from the palm of his hand.

Shippou and Ayame are still friends, but I see how Shippou looks at her! Ayame is completely oblivious to it, but everyone else knows better. We hope Shippou will hurry up and grow a pair, before Ayame starts looking for love elsewhere.

I feel really lucky that I've had Sesshoumaru in my life and have clung to him a lot these past few months. I feel a bit needy, which is very unlike me, but I'm working on becoming more independent.

I started working part-time at a retail fashion store around the corner from Sesshoumaru's house. Although I have no need to stay at Sesshoumaru's place anymore, his family doesn't mind and neither does Koji. I think Koji is glad to finally have his own space and be free to do whatever he wants without having someone like me look over his shoulder, even if it was unintentional. He's fine with me living away from home as long as I come to visit him every so often.

It's strange though, not having any concrete plans this summer other than working occasionally, and knowing that I won't be in high school come September. I guess the novelty of graduating still hasn't worn off yet; it's only been a week since that day. I wonder what Sesshoumaru and I will be doing to keep busy over the coming months, and the thought alone makes me blush furiously. I try to keep my brain from being perverted, but it's hard when your boyfriend is as good looking as Sesshoumaru. I think Miroku's lechery has finally rubbed off on me in the time we've spent together, and it's a little frightening, but also a little exhilarating…

My train of thought stops cold when I see Sesshoumaru leaning in the doorway, staring at me closely as I sit on my bed. I wonder if he can see my blush from there and know what I'm thinking, praying like hell that he doesn't – I don't think I could handle the embarrassment!


Sesshoumaru's P.O.V.

I glance in her direction and immediately notice her blush, which she tries to hide by turning away from me once she notices my presence. I feel my cock twitch slightly at the heat in her eyes that I managed to see before she hid it from me, and grit my teeth together in frustration.

All I can think about lately is her body, and she knows it. She's purposefully teasing me in those short skirts and cleavage revealing tank tops, and thus far I've been patient. We haven't messed around much since her incident back in November, and I haven't wanted to press her because of the discomfort it gave her. I completely understand, but something tells me she's gotten over it, seeing the way she looks at me and her provocative dress code as of late.

I have to say though, after 8 months of dating and all the recent teasing, I'm starting to lose it.

"Are you hot?" I ask her, knowing that isn't the reason for her flushed face, but my mouth gets the best of me. There's no way she could be in a house of 22 degrees Celsius in her mini skirt and tight tee.

"Maybe a little," she muttered in response, still avoiding my gaze.

I walk over, trying to keep the grin off my face. She still doesn't acknowledge me, so I kneel in front of her, between her parted knees.

"I could help rid you of some of that heat," I whisper as I tug on her skirt suggestively, and watch in fascination as her face gets even redder.

"You're such a pervert!" She argues with me, but I can tell her heart isn't in it, which leaves me with a chance.

"So what's up with your wardrobe lately, my sweet? Are you trying to make me walk around with a hard-on 24/7?" I can't keep the grin off my face when she gasps, partially outraged and definitely partly interested as her gaze drops to my crotch to take note of the bulge.

"It's summer and it's really hot around here…" She fans herself with her hands, but when her hands graze at her chest I can't help but notice that her nipples are hard.

"Someone's excited to see me!" I exclaim with glee, mischeviousness clear in my voice.

"Oh my god!" Rin cries out, clearly embarrassed as she crosses her arms over her chest and squeezes her eyes shut.

"Oh no, don't ruin the view," I purr as I take her hands and place them on my shoulders. I rise and gently push her down onto the mattress, my knees on either side of her waist as I look intently into her eyes. Her face is still flushed, but somehow that just makes me even more excited. She's fucking gorgeous, and I hope she'll let me finish all the fooling around we've started in the past.

I feel myself leaning downwards as my face descends to hers. I watch for a reaction – a deep breath or a wince, and find nothing to stop me. I take her lips slowly, trying not to go too fast too soon. I want to get her ready and willing, and since this will be our first time together, I want it to be memorable and amazing.

Our mouths are still closed, but I feel Rin starting to warm up under my body. Her hands grab my head and press me closer, and I feel her mouth open under mine. I don't hesitate as my tongue enters her warmth and we experiment a little, playing back and forth with our tongues like a duet. She releases a small sigh of pleasure and I feel my dick harden even more, if that's possible. I'm sure she must feel it against her belly, but she doesn't mention it. However, I do notice that her face reddens more as we continue kissing, and I take it as a sign that she's enjoying herself.

I move my hands from her sides and caress her shoulders, slowly working my way down to her pert breasts. She moans as my hands slide over her nipples, and I groan when I realize she isn't wearing a bra.

"You're such a naughty girl," I murmur before resuming our kiss, knowing fully now that that's what she wants.

I gently pull on her erect nipples, needing to gauge her reaction and emotions. She moans harshly and quivers slightly as her eyes close, and suddenly I feel a slight panic.

"Did I hurt you?" I ask as I move my hands to the sides of her breasts, kneading them gently to make sure she's alright.

"Please don't stop," she gasps as she avoids looking into my eyes. I mutter an internal oath to god, hoping that I make it through this alive. She's so sexy as she grunts underneath my hands and I have to consciously slow myself down before I lose control.

I continue playing with her breasts and feel her body squirm in delight underneath mine. Her crotch keeps rubbing against my cock and it's all I can do not to rip off her clothes.

"Lay down on your back," I instruct and she glances at me curiously before following through.

Her short skirt has ridden up on the bed, and I growl aroused horror when I see her black lace thong. I sit impatiently between her parted thighs and can't help grabbing her ass cheeks with each one with my hands. Rin seems to like this too as her body continually wiggles, luckily with my crotch safely enough away this time. My gaze lowers to her pussy and my cock just about explodes when I see that she's already dripping wet for me. My fingers go to touch her juicy folds but I hesitate, realizing that she still has all her clothes on.

"Take off your shirt," I say in a breathy voice as I move to her side.

"Only if you do the same," she purrs back unexpectedly, and I'm happy to oblige.

It's the first time that I'll see her tits in the flesh, and I can't wait another second. I whip off my shirt in record time and see she's already naked up top. I can't control myself as I lean down and take her right nipple into my mouth and suck hard. I can feel her body shifting below my mouth and moan when her hands get tangled in my hair as she pulls it in ecstasy.

My next instinct is to nibble on her nipple so I do, and feel her hands in my hair tighten even more as she releases an audible whimper. I follow suit with her other nipple, my hands massaging the other parts of her breasts as I continue.

I'm stopped abruptly as she says unexpectedly, "Let me touch you."

I lay down on the bed on my back and grin as she climbs on top of me. For someone that is bashful, she sure likes to take control. She's sitting just above my crotch, and for that I'm thankful. If she ground her wet pussy through her thong against my dick for even a moment I don't know if I could handle my response.

Her hands skim from my shoulders to my chest, and I watch her fascination as she plays with my nipples similar to how I did with hers.

"Does that feel good?" she asks shyly, looking at her hands as she continues.

"Please don't stop," I mimic her earlier words and smile as her hand smacks my chest, her embarrassment coming back in full force. "You're terrible!" she squeals, but doesn't stop.

A knock at the door stops her roaming hands and I want to cry.

"Are you guys hungry?" I hear Zell ask through the door, but I couldn't be happier when he doesn't try to come in.

"No!" we both shout in unison and we glance at one another nervously.

"Okay, well dinner's ready whenever you guys are." There's a hint of knowing in his voice, but we're thankful when he doesn't press any further.

I look up at Rin as her hands descend back to my chest and I sigh happily that we can keep going.

To be continued…


Author's Note

HOLY COW guys it's been a really, really fricking long time – nearly 3 years! But, as I promised, I do finish my stories, and this one is nearly done! One more chapter and then it's a wrap I bet none of you were expecting another chapter to come out, but I've gotten some reviews lately which spurred me to write, so thank you to all of you!

I will get around to finishing this story in a couple months (hopefully), and have intentions of finishing Love At 25,000 Feet as well for those of you that may be wondering. I'm going to take the chapters one at a time and there might be an extended wait between chapters, but I do promise to finish!

So many crazy things have happened in my life! It's been a long time since my last update, so let's see if I can sum things up… I graduated from university, worked for 2 years as a Receptionist/Admin Asst in Ontario before moving out to British Columbia about 6 months ago with my boyfriend Jon (as you guys might remember, he made some appearances in my author's notes in the past – yes, we're still dating!). I'm currently looking for work out here and have settled in pretty well… I miss my friends and family back home, but it's great being out west!

I hope some of my fans are still around… Would be great to get some reviews to hear what you guys think of this chapter. I re-read the story to make sure it would be cohesive with the rest of it since it's been a while, so hopefully I did a good job.

Thanks for your support everyone!

Angel/Emma A.K.A. DC