Chapter 2

Minerva was in her classroom correcting papers, the window was open and the hot breeze was blowing airily in bring the beautiful smell of the exotic plants from Professor Sprouts green houses up. To add to that she sun shone brighter than it add all year and everyone was in a good mood, even Snape, well everyone except Minerva. It had been about two weeks since the incident with Sirius had happened, but she couldn't stop thinking about it. Damn she thought, it wasn't that good a kiss, well it was more than that as well wasn't it. She defiantly thought it was going somewhere, wasn't it? Minerva had a lot of doubt in her mind because he had not been in contact with her since then and she knew it would be risky because all letters where being intercepted. But she found herself wanting him more as the days went on, absence really did make the heart grow fonder.

Back when they were in school together, she had secretly always liked him. Well she pretended she didn't and gave him detentions all the time, but it was just really for a way to talk to him. See at that time Minerva was invisible to most people, her face was always hidden behind a book or she was in the library. Academically it paid off but not socially, and after this incident with Sirius she kept going back in her mind to all the points where she could have told him how she felt. But at that time she knew that she wasn't the right girlfriend for him, what about now? She knew she was just going in circles with this, their was nothing for it but to go and see him at the weekend.

Friday night came and Minerva packed her case for the weekend at Grimuald Place. Packing this case was one of the most frustrating things she had ever done. Should she pack teacher-ish clothes or womanly clothes? Maybe even a little silk night dress? After another half an hour of putting things in and taking them out she just charmed her case so that it would fit everything in. She went to lift the suitcase of the bed but never changed it so that it weighed less and she fell over tipping all the contents of the case out. Was this a sign of something?

Saturday morning finally came and she set out to Hogsmede to she could disapparate to London. Once she was at the Three Broomsticks the next she was standing infront of 12 Grimauld place. She casually opened the door and let herself in. She hung her clock up on the hook and put her bag to the side, she could smell breakfast in the dining room so she went in there first to see Molly, only to find Sirius and some other Ministry turn Order Personal sitting on Sirius' lap sharing the same bit of toast. Sirius then turned to look at her, and seeing the look on her face spat the toast out and flung the woman who was on his lap off.

A/N – hope your enjoying it. In the next chapter, Minerva realises she really does want Sirius but what will she do to make him she that she's worth it?
Reviews are greatly valued, thanks.