"Hi Trish!" Mickie exclaimed, running to catch up with the Woman's Champ.

"Uh..Hey Mickie...What's up?" Trish asked, hesitating slightly.

Mickie smiled brightly and clamped onto the surprised Diva's arm and walked with her, despite the stares that the two were receiving.

"Mickie...I have to go..Can we do this later?" Trish asked, snatching her arm from Mickie. Mickie looked at her, disappointed.

"I'm sorry Trish..Was I doing it again?" Mickie asked, her face still full of disappointment. Trish nodded and walked away, muttering something to herself. Mickie stood there, tears stinging her eyes.

I was just trying to be nice..., she thought as she stood there, tears falling from her brown eyes. "Trish...I love you." she whispered sadly.

Everyone knew it. Everyone except for Trish. She thought Mickie was just being...weird. But Mickie meant it everytime she said to Trish. She didn't love her as just an idol anymore. It was something deepr than that.

Mickie turned around and walked back to her hotel room and began packing.

She looked at a picture she had of Trish and, still crying and upset, threw it against the wall and finished packing.

As she walked out of the door she walked out of the door, she called her mom, crying.



"Mommy, please can I stay with you for a while?"

"Sure honey."

"I'll be there in a little while." Mickie said as she stepped on the elevator.

An eternity later, she stood in front of the car she rented for the time that they were in town.

After throwing everything, except for her phone, in the backseat, she drove the 2 hours it was to her mom's house. She got out and walked slowly to the front door of the house and rung the doorbell several times before hearing her mother shouting that she'd be right there. Her mom opened the door and Mickie fell into her arms, crying.