Summary: Wesley is a vampire and in their attempt to re-ensoul him, an accident happens.

Chapter 1: I'm calling him… Wesley.

"We're back, Wes."

Fred, along with Gunn and Angel, came down the stairs into the basement where Wesley was being held. As they reached the ground floor, they were greeted with dead silence, but they knew that in its confines was a predator.

It happened two days ago; there was a nest and as always they went to wipe it out. Gunn and Angel were fighting off their own group of vamps and didn't notice that more vampires were hiding in the shadows and ambushed Wesley. It was a while before they realised that he was missing and when they finally found him in a locked room and dusted the vampires, it was already too late. Wesley lay dead on the floor with two puncture holes on his neck - he was turned.

When they brought him back, the others were shocked. But their conflicted emotions were immediately silenced when Angel suggested - ordered - that they re-ensoul him, and in the meantime lock him in the cell in the basement that they constructed to previously hold Angelus. He refused to let Wesley experience his first kill and afterwards the guilt when he gets his soul back.

That was two days ago. They've been feeding him pig's blood and Angel knew that it was not great in terms of nourishment and expected him to reject it the first time and demand human blood but surprised them all when he silently accepted it with no complaints. But his eyes always held deeper emotions.

"Hey, Wes; we've got you some more blood." Fred said. She put the glass on the floor just in front of the bars and moved back. For a while, nobody did anything as Wesley just sat there in his dark silence. But finally, he moved.

He got up and walked up slowly to the glass and into the light, stopping only inches in front of it. Wesley was a bit paler than a vampire should be – due to the lack of human blood to drink, Angel knew -, his clothes were the ones he wore that fateful night and curiously, he was wearing his glasses. His request for them one night confused Angel as vampires naturally have near perfect vision but he complied anyway. Now he knew. Angel sensed a cold, calculating mind in his casual demeanor and almost shuddered.

Never leaving his eyes from them, Wesley bent down to pick up the glass and slowly held it up to touch his lips. He stared at them as he drank and Fred had to look away from the burning intensity of his sharp blank stare. Even then she could still feel his eyes. Gunn tightened his jaw, forcing himself to endure the scene. Watching Angel drink was nothing compared to watching Wes. With Angel you knew where it came from, but with Wes the eerie feeling crawls into your skin and makes you want to draw your own blood – it was like watching him drink like it was yours and he's loving every bit.

Wesley drank two more fills before he stopped. He licked the stray drops from his upper lip as he brought it away from his face. But instead of putting the glass back down, he held it outstretched past the bars and just behind the red line. He looked at Angel.

"Aren't you going to take it?"

Angel came up to him cautiously. All this while, Wesley was compliant, but that didn't mean that he didn't have something up his sleeves. Wesley's blank expression gave nothing away as he slightly tilted his head, watching Angel's every move. Angel reached up to it and took it from him, his fingers brushing lightly against Wesley's.

Wesley smiled and moved further into the cell.

Angel handed the glass back to Fred and said "Let's get this over with." Fred put it down on a nearby table and they quickly got to work. Wesley watched them curiously as they took out the ingredients and laid them on the floor in order. As they reached the final stage in the spell, no one saw the accidental dip of an extra beetroot leaf from someone's pocket into the mixture. The final words were chanted and a willowy smolder made its way languidly from the mixture towards Wesley. As it touched him, it expanded into a cloud of smoke, getting into everyone's lungs and obstructing their visions.

As Gunn coughed he said "Are you sure you did it right? I don't remember smoke when we had to do Angelus."

"It's a different spell." Angel answered him, but already he was beginning to have his doubts.

Fred waved away the smoke with a smile "Everything's ok now, Wes. You've got your soul now and you can go back to being...," as the smoke dissipated, they finally saw him clearly and Fred finished with, "... a kitty?" They looked at the tiny paws, pointy ears and furry body.

"This... is definitely not right." Gunn said.

Wesley looked up at them blinkingly, "Miaow."