Hello there, my name is Kuronoko Tsubame. This will be my first story ever posted, though certainly not the first written. The story starts with mostly Inuyasha, but it will be fused with Yu Yu Hakusho.

I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha, only my mind.


For Being Seen

Chapter 1: Search for a hanyou; are we there yet?

"Inuyasha, you really should go apologize to Lady Kagome." A young monk advised.

"Apologize? For what?" A white-haired teen fumed in response.

A young woman sat beside the monk and sighed, "What did Inuyasha do this time?"

"He was complaining about Lady Kagome going off to her school again."

The white-haired teens furry dog-ears began to twitch, "I didn't do anything!" And with that he stormed off into the forest.

A young fox demon jumped atop the monk, Miroku's head, "Inuyasha no baka."


Inuyasha sat at the foot of the Bone Eaters' Well, tapping his foot. "Stupid Kagome. Stupid 'tests'. Why do I always have to bring her back?" He sat silently for a few minutes then jumped to his feet and into the well, the sleeves of his red kimono flapping behind him. "If she thinks I'm apologizing, she's crazy!"


Inuyasha jumped up to Kagome's window. "Kagome? Kagome are you in here?" Inuyasha searched the house and found that nobody was home. "Jeez, just like her, I come back to get her and she's gone. Might as well go find her."

He went through the forest towards Kagome's school, traveling among the trees, jumping from branch to branch until he caught a weak one and fell. He landed in a heap on the exact spot that a person had been standing only moments before. It was a man, tall with long red hair and shocking green eyes. He had one hand entwined in his hair and looked wary of the stranger before him. Inuyasha stared back at the man, taking a few moments to realize that he was staring at Inuyasha's obviously inhuman ears. The red head was just removing his hand from his hair when a voice called out from behind him.

"Shuichi-kun! Would it be alright if I walked home with you?"

During the brief interruption Inuyasha regained his composure and ran for the well. Shuichi turned to the girl behind him, a classmate, and politely declined, stating he had a few errands to run, then looked back in the direction he had seen Inuyasha run.


Kagome, a young girl with long black hair, sat at the table eating dinner with her family. Her kid brother, Sota, was waving a hand in front of her face.

"Earth to Kagome, are you in there?"

"Hm? Oh, sorry Sota, did you ask me something?"

"You've been acting strangely ever since you came back, is everything okay?" Her mother asked worriedly.

"Did you fight with Inuyasha again?" Sota asked, oblivious to the fact that he wasn't helping.

Kagome frowned. "Mom, may I be excused?"

"Of course."

Kagome cleared her plate and went to her room.

As innocent as ever Sota replied, "I guess she did."

Grandpa sighed and began eating off of Sota's plate.



Kagome lay on her bed, absentmindedly stroking her cat. "Stupid Inuyasha. Why hasn't he come back to get me?...Maybe I was a little bit too hard on him. I mean, how could he understand how important school is? I guess I could forgive him this time."Giving Buyo a final strokeKagome got up and began stuffing her backpack.


Inuyasha and Kagome walked silently towards Kaede's village. Kagome had, once again, forgiven him. Shippo, the little fox demon, suddenly popped out of a nearby bush.

"Kagome you're back!"

"Hey there Shippo. Oh, I have something for you." Kagome put down her backpack and pulled out a lollipop. She handed it to Shippo, who eagerly accepted the gift.

"Thanks a lot Kagome!"


Hiei, Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Botan stood around the well in the Higurashi shrine.

"Okay then, when I open the portal you four can just jump in." A bubbly blue-hairedwoman said cheerfully.

"Alright, just one question: Why are we here?" Yusuke asked, his chocolate eyes filled with boredom.

"Oh Yusuke, sometimes I swear you don't have a brain in there. Koenma-sama wants you to find the demon that Kurama saw and bring it back to Spirit World." Botan, replied.

"Right. So what if this portal doesn't open?" The chocolate-eyed teen asked.

"We'll send Kuwabara in first." A shorter man, almost overlooked among thegroupsaid.

"Okay shrimp, now you're in for it!" The accused teen threatened. He made an attempt to strike the smaller man, missing and hitting the wall instead.

"That's enough boys'. Yusuke, contact me on the com-link when you're ready to return, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Botan opened the portal into the well, "Good luck!"

No one wanted to go in first, so Yusuke threw Kuwabara in. He disappeared, so the others followed.


The four boys landed in the bottom of the well together, the portal having successfully opened. However they were just a little bit cramped.

"Urameshi I'm gonna kill you!"

Hiei, the shorter man, and Kurama, the tall red-head, jumped out of the well. Kurama leaned over the side. "Are you two coming? Or should Hiei and I complete the mission and come get you when we're done?"

Yusuke looked up at Kurama, gave Kuwabara a final punch and leapt out of the well. "So we're just supposed to find some freaky dog-eared guy?"

"Yusuke, were you paying attention to Koenma at all?"


Kurama sighed, "Yes, we're just looking for a demon."

Kuwabara looked from side to side, "So where do we start?"

Yusuke picked up a leaf and then dropped it. The tip pointed North. "That way!"

Hiei glanced up at Kurama. "The morons are going to get themselves killed. Not that I care."

"No." Kurama replied, "That's why Koenma sends us with them."


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we-"



"Yusuke! Kuwabara!"

"They're too hard-headed to hear you Kurama." Hiei sat up in a tree with his eyes closed.

Yusuke and Kuwabara were on the ground wrestling.

Kurama nodded, "Yes, unfortunately I believe you're right." He sat at the base of the tree Hiei was in. "They'll have to stop eventually."


"Can we get going now Kagome?"

"Inuyasha, why are you so anxious to leave?"

"Why do you think? I want to find the rest of the sacred jewel shards."

"We'll leave in a little while. Relax and enjoy yourself, okay?"

Kagome turned her attention to Shippo, who had found a grasshopper.

"Wait! Come back!" Hop. Pounce. "I'm not going to hurt you!" Hop. Pounce.

Sango laughed. "Sometimes I forget how young Shippo really is."

"Yeah, it's cute to see him playing around like that."

"Okay I've "enjoyed myself". Can we go now?"

"Inuyasha! I told you to relax, now SIT!"


"What was that for?"

"You're driving me crazy that's what!"

Kirara, a small two-tailed neko, suddenly jumped from Sango's lap into the clearing and transformed into her larger form, the size of a tiger.

"Kirara?" Sango looked over at her friend. "What's wrong?"

Inuyasha stood with his hand on Tetsusaiga's hilt. "Someone's coming."


Kurama stopped a few feet in front of a dense brush of trees. "The demon we're searching for is just up ahead."

Yusuke punched his hand into his opposite palm. "Great, now I get to let off a little steam."

Kurama shoved his hands into his pockets. "Then what is it you've been doing for the past half hour?"

"Warming up."

Kuwabara turned around, furious. "So now I'm your punching bag is that it?"

"Geez, didn't you know? You've been my punching bag since the day I met you!"

"Yusuke." Kurama interjected, "Now is not the time. Let's complete this mission with everyone still alive, okay?"

"Yeah, whatever."

Hiei had long ago decided that the other two would be useless, so he turned to Kurama. "Any particular plan?"

Kurama grinned wickedly, "While those two are busy fighting it should be fairly easy to kill them. Then we'll get the demon ourselves."

Hiei smirked and unsheathed his sword. "On three."

Kurama blanched, "Hiei I was joking!" He shouldn't have expected anything else from Hiei.

"Alright, let's just capture this demon."

Hiei flitted away. Kurama sighed and followed, and Yusuke and Kuwabara, just separating from another scuffle, looked very confused.


Inuyasha unsheathed his sword as a short man in black appeared at the edge of the clearing. Next to him stood a taller man with long, crimson locks. Shippo jumped behind Kagome.

"Wh-who're they?"

The man in black made a soft noise, disappeared, and then reappeared to knock Tetsusaiga out of Inuyasha's hands.

"What the-?"

The hilt of Hiei's sword struck against the back of Inuyasha's head and he slumped to the ground. Kagome was so startled by their movements that she barely noticed Kurama slinging Inuyasha's unconscious form over his shoulder.

"I-Inuyasha!" She cried.

Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kagome and Kirara rushed after the two men, who had already disappeared beyond the clearing.


Kurama stopped for a second beside Yusuke. "Let's go."

The Spirit World Detectives, along with an unconcious hanyou, ran for the well. Sango, having caught up first, dismounted Kirara and threw her boomerang bone, Hiraikotsu, upsetting Yusuke's balance. As Kurama looked back, only for a second, the two-tailed neko Kirara landed in front of him. She roared warningly and then charged at Kurama.

"Rose whip!"

Kirara dodged, missing the deadly whip by inches.

"Kirara watch out!" Sango cried.

But Hiei was faster. He stabbed Kirara in the leg and kicked her to the ground. Kirara let out a cry of pain and suprise. His attention currently on Hiei and Kirara, Kurama did not notice that Kagome had fired an arrow at him. Kuwabara blocked it just in time with his Spirit Sword. Yusuke had regained his feet and was watching the chaos unfold.

"This is getting way out of hand. SPIRIT GUN!"

The smoke cleared. The Reikai Tentai were gone. And so was Inuyasha.


Okay, I went over everything and redid several parts. To those of you re-reading this: I hope it's better now. To those of you who just stumbled across it: Please review! Tell me how I did!