A/n: Sigh, yeah. I know! I should've updated sooner. I feel so lazy right now. I didn't really want to start writing again, but I need the spirit back. Thanks to everyone who reviewed! I really appreciated it! Thanks to: Takumi4ever, Bloo.Chocolate, Megan, lil'grass-stain07, dbzgtfan2004, kttamergirl, cutiewootie12step, Kayhera, lexy499 and amylovestakuya. Your reviews made me happy and gave me a little of that writing spirit back :)

Anyways, last time on High School Frontier, we meet Takuya Kanbara and Zoe Orimoto, two second graders in elementary who are classmates. Takuya tells Kallie that Zoe is his best friend, which sends Kallie and her group away from them. TK and Ryo seem very happy at this, and Takuya seems to like it too.

Now, fast forward two years. Takuya, Zoe and the others are now in the fourth grade. And here's the chapter! This is Part 1 of the fourth grade chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own ANYTHING in this story except the plot.

Chapter 2: Don't Like Him

A lot has happened since Takuya and the others left the second grade. Takuya began going to Zoe's house a lot, TK began trying to be best friends with Kari, and for some reason, Rika and Ryo began arguing more than usual. Most of the time, their arguments were about nothing important. But Ryo still liked Rika, deep inside him.

Everyone was in the same class. Zoe sat with Rika and Kari, and Takuya sat with Ryo and TK, and they sat across from the girls. Kallie, Kay and Jillie tried sitting near Takuya, but failed by having to sit at the back of the class. During class, Zoe would always talk with Kari and Rika.

"I can't stand Ryo!" Rika mumbled. "He's such an idiot!"

"Okay, what did you two fight over this time?" Kari asked.

"I know he took my pencil while I wasn't looking!" Rika replied. "I remembered 'cause while we were arguing I had my back towards him! And he could've stolen it!"

Zoe sighed. "Rika, maybe you just lost it somewhere. We all know that Ryo's not like that. Just try and remember where you put it okay?"

Rika nodded and looked in Ryo's direction and began glaring at him. Ryo looked in her direction and simply smiled at her, ignoring the fact that she was glaring at him. TK waved while the teacher turned away, and Kari waved back. Takuya then smiled, and Zoe smiled back. Kallie, Kay and Jillie simply smirked at what they were seeing.

The phone then began to ring, making some of the class startled. The teacher got up and began walking towards the phone. "You may talk silently while I take this call, class." She said and picked up the phone. The class began talking and some even got out of their seats and walked to their friends' seats.

Zoe looked around the class and looked at the new kid. He was wearing all blue, and wore a bandana on his head. He had long hair, but was tied in the back as a short ponytail. He sat in the back, and he was still shy to talk to anyone around him. His name was Koji Minamoto, and became a new student at their school since the previous week. Sure, Zoe said, "Hi" to him when she passed by him, but nothing much came out of his mouth.

"Aww...looking at Koji again huh?" Kari said, making Zoe blush. Zoe shook her head, blushing.

"N-no I don't!" Zoe stuttered, making Rika and Kari giggle. "Besides, I don't really know him yet. Takuya suggested that I should just wait until the time comes when he starts to talk with everyone, but Takuya said that that wouldn't happen in years."

Rika shrugged. "Takuya shouldn't have any say in who you like. He shouldn't change your mind, since you haven't really talked to him yet. Besides, Takuya's just your guy best friend. Guys don't know what girls think about guys."

"True...they don't get us..." Zoe replied, still staring at Koji, who just looked at his paper and began doodling.

A light bulb lit in Kari's head. "Or...maybe you should get Takuya and TK and Ryo to get to know Koji, and maybe we could get to know him too."

"That's a good idea!" Zoe exclaimed. "Then we'll get Takuya to tell us if he's really good or not!"

"Or maybe Koji's not the one for you." Rika sighed. "Takuya this, Takuya that. Don't you think that your true love is right there in front of you...well...across from you in this case?"

Zoe widened her eyes and looked at Takuya, who was talking to TK and Ryo. She just looked at Kari and Rika. "No way. He's my best friend. Nothing more than that."

"Rika has a point though! Look at all those movies, TV shows, books and video games, with the girl and boy best friends getting together at the end...or look better together," Kari replied. "Like...Lizzie McGuire, Kingdom Hearts, Sky High, Tales of Symphonia, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Hannah Montana, some other shows and video games and movies..."

Rika nodded. "It's true, even if some of those shows just started! Even if there are other couples in those shows and stuff, they don't look that good as the best friend couple!"

"Sorry Zoe, but believe us. You don't realize the true love in front of you." Kari replied.

"Even though love is complicated. You shouldn't find it now. You will when we're in the sixth grade though." Rika said.

"Love is not complicated!" Kari said. "Tell me some reasons why you think that Rika!"

"Well..." Rika started. The two began talking about love and shows and anything that had to do with love. Zoe just stared at Koji for a while and looked at Takuya, who was still talking with Ryo and TK. Meanwhile, the boys were talking about something similar to what the girls were talking about.

"Dude, Zoe likes Koji." Takuya said sadly.

"Well then, get her to not like her." TK replied.

"Yeah. It's as simple as that Takuya." Ryo said.

"It's not. I even tried to stop her, but she's ignoring me. See look. She's staring at Koji again." Takuya said and the three looked at her, staring at Koji.

"Well then, I got a plan." Ryo replied and smiled.

"What's that?" Takuya and TK asked, curiously.

Ryo, Takuya and TK then made sure that no one would eavesdrop on them and whispered silently about his plan. Takuya smiled and the three did their secret handshake.

'Everything's gonna be fine.' Takuya thought to himself.


A/n: This is the shortest I've ever written :( I need to really get the whole writing spirit back, 'cause I feel like this isn't my best. I'll edit and revise stuff if you tell me in a review what you don't get. But most importantly, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Lol, can you see that I copied and pasted this off from my SSX fic's Chapter 5 Author's Note too?

Oh yeah! You know, those shows, movies, book and video games that Kari mention in this chapter are just my opinions! You don't have to think so too, since it's just what I think, or what happened at the end.

Lizzie McGuire: In the movie, Lizzie and Gordo got together. I guess it's canon then huh?

Kingdom Hearts: OMG! I loooove Sora x Kairi! That's canon too! Not to mention Roxas x Namine, but they weren't best friends to begin with...

Sky High: Okay, best friend get together. Canon!

Tales of Symphonia: I think that Colette and Lloyd were cute, so I got her to be Lloyd's interest in the end :) Best friend couple!

Pokemon: Ash has...about 5 best friends...I don't really know. But Misty and Ash are the best couple! Best friend couple too!

Harry Potter: Yeah. Ron and Hermione. A best friend couple. I hate that one...since Harry and Hermione best friend couple is the best:)

Hannah Montana: When Rika states, "even if some of those shows just started!" I was talking about this show. Hhahahahaha! That Oliver kid and Hannah are too cute :) They're best friends...I think. Well, they hang out a lot :)

Anyways, here's the next chapter: The Plan Goes Into Action

Read and Review please! I'll try and update soon :)