Yo to the ppl of humanity! I've got reviews! YAY! So big thanks to Anime-Kunoichi, White Alchemist Taya, Kureneko and Gaara's-Pandachan 101:p .

I find this chap a bit... cheap. Anyway, you'll get to see a bit of Yuki's past, but I'll be more specific in the future. (laugh's evilay)

Notice, this chap is sad, it beacuse I'm having depressions becuase of the guy I like... that I liked last year and I still like. It's complcated...

ANYWAY, ignore my stupidy and READ! READ!!!! and review

Dreams aren't always good

Life is perfect. Otou-san and Okaa-san is here with me, holding hands. I'm a kid again! Everyone loves me, and smiles as I walk pass him or her.

Sunshine all around…

But, if life's perfect, why is it that I can't see Okaa-san's and Otou-san's faces?

It's because this isn't real. You're dreaming again Yuki.

Oh, that's right… Okaa-san and Otou-san died years ago…

I stopped in my tracks, but they continued to walk, letting go of my hand. I watched them as they backs became no more then dots in the horizon.

A tear rolled down on my cheeks. How stupid I can really be? I should stop hoping for this. Okaa-san and Otou-san aren't going to come back!

I touched the tear on my cheek. For a dream, it always looks so real. The feeling of liquid. More tears fell one by one, until it became a torrent

They aren't coming back Yuki! Stop crying, there's no use to cry. This is just a dream, get a hold of yourself!


I fell to the ground and sobbed.

"It's okay you know, to cry. You shouldn't hold back." A pleasant voice said

I looked up and saw-

"Aoshi-kun…" The background changed, we were in a forest now.

I looked at myself, my hair was longer now and I became a teenager…

He held a hand out to me

"Yuki-chan. If you feel the need to cry, cry. There's no point in keeping it all in."

"But… A ninja doesn't show emotions. I shouldn't even be able to cry!" I yelled at him without even noticing.

He bent down to me and hugged me.

"I know. But Ninja's are still human. Humans can't hide their emotions. Or they wouldn't be human, now would they?"

He hugged me tighter and little tears crawled out of my eyes.

"And besides, always remember this. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'll always be here for you, OK?"

The tears came and came. Aoshi-kun… is here again. I really did forget about his promise, haven't I?

Remember Yuki, Aoshi-kun is dead to…

My eyes sprang open, and there laid Aoshi-kun, drenched in blood in my arms. The background became dark…

"Aoshi-kun… No, please, don't go!" the words came by themselves. This is happening again…

He looked at me, pained eyes with a forced on smile.

"I'm sorry Yuki-chan… Guess I'll go first then huh?" He spit out blood. Blood… it was everywhere. It skinned of iron…

My tears mixed with his blood… A river of blood and tears.

He caressed my drenched cheek with his blood soaked hand. "Don't hold back, I told you that already. And besides… if you cry, I know you cared about me…"

His hand dropped and fell back to his wounded chest.

"Aoshi-kun… Aoshi-kun it's not the time to play around like a fool! Please… wake up. Open your eyes, I beg you. PLEASE! AOSHI-KUN!"

I cried and cried…. I remember very clearly. Aoshi-kun had died that day… A part of me was found because of his death…

The nomad village elder had died to. They both gave me the part of me that was missing… but also, they both died with a smile of their lips. As if they did not have any regrets at all…

Everything disappeared. I was left in emptiness. It's true… so may people died because of me… Okaa-san, Otou-san, Aoshi-kun, Ojii-sama…

I always wondered… why is it that they all died? It's a curse. I'm stuck with it.

The One, the last of the blood will loose the people who are dear to her, and will have to go in a harsh life. She will leave behind the ones he love and dear, and then lose more on his way. If the One doesn't quickly gain all the souls, she will die slowly and surely like the Two have died.

That damn curse… I'm bound to it… Can't get away…

If the One doesn't quickly gain all the souls, she will die slowly and surely like the Two have died…

Tch, so, I'll die soon huh? I've got little time left… Won't have time to find the last one… Don't want to kill another one… No more…I give up. I'll just let myself die…

What bout Sasuke? My conscious thought. You left him all by himself. You didn't dare to return.

I-I… I am a coward… Sasuke shouldn't see me. I'll be too ashamed…

But maybe, he'll return if he sees that one person's left right? And think about it…

That person will gain the power to protect, and hold by the one's she loves. When she reunites the 5 souls, Me and He will be back together, and be put to rest together forever…

You'll be able to protect… You only have one more to look for. Isn't one life enough to just to erase your regrets? Yuki, think about it.

You owe Sasuke… All this will come to an end if you JUST find the last one!

Yes… you're right… Just one… just one more…

"He-he's there somewhere… I know he is… I can feel him…" As if I was going to take something, I stretched my hand out.

"He's there somewhere…" A glow of light appeared, but so far away…

"If I could just catch him…" I stretched my hand the more…

End of dream

My arm was outstretched and closed up in nothingness…

I looked at the ceiling… how oddly it was normal… Everything around me is so normal… why is it that I'm not? A silent tear slipped from the grip of my eyelashes and slowly ran down my cheek, disappearing in my hair.

Rubbing away with my hand the next tears, I turned my head on the pillow.

Where am I?

'Kakashi's place' a voice rang in my head

'Oh. How did I get here?' I pushed the covers away and got up…

'Long story, short time. Go on the roof by the window.' Ara just merely said

'hai, hai'

I opened the window, not even bothering to look around

When a demon says 'Go', it's GO.

I looked outside. It was dark… nighttime already. I climbed out of the window and managed to heave myself on the roof top.

Kakashi was there, none to my surprise. I stayed quiet, watching him look at the stars. Moonlight shined on him, giving him a mysterious look.

It was dazzling. The light breeze blowing his spiky hair, glowing light of silver. His face held hidden under his mask, the mysterious type.


"Ah Yuki, you've woken up." He said

I blushed. Being caught gazing at someone is not something to be proud of…

I nodded and crawled carefully to him. He didn't say anything and kept looking at the sky.

"So, had a good nap?"

"Uh… yeah, let's say that." I forced a smile. Better not tell him about my dream…

He turned his head a little to look at me. He wasn't wearing his bandanna anymore, so I could see his scar.

How I remember that scar… the day I first saw him without his bandanna covering his eye. How he begged me not to ask…


It was late. He wasn't back yet…

I laid down on the couch in the living room, going trough today's lesson.

'Summoning Chakra' was written on the rolled out scroll on the ground, with a bunch of other books and scrolls.

He said it wouldn't take that long… That big liar. If the mission was going to big long, he didn't need to lie to not get me worried…

I sat back up and went to the bathroom and got the first aid kit. He'll need it…

An hour later…

When I was almost going to fall a sleep on the couch, sitting waiting for Kakashi-kun, a click came from the door.

I jumped up and ran to him, read to give him a hug as I usually did, but not this time…

He looked exhausted. His outfit was ripped in many places, not to mention the blood slowly sipping out of the cuts or slight wounds.

He was clutching his left eye, even if it was covered by his head-band once more. I helped him to sit down on the couch, and laid him there.

Taking the first aid kit, I ripped the bits of clothes that were covering the wounds and quickly started to disinfect them…

When I finished, he was still clutching at his head-band, moaning something under his breath.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to your eye? Let me see-"

"NO! I-I'm okay. I'm just tired…."

"When you're tired, your eye doesn't hurt to the point you're clutching on your head-band. Come on"

I slipped my hand behind his head and managed to take it off.

For the first time in the 2 years we've been living together, I have never once seen his hidden eye…

A vertical scar was across his eye. Even if seemed healed, it was still deep…

"How did you get this scar? It doesn't look new… Kakashi?"

His scared eye opened slowly, the color of blood red… the Sharigan

My eyes opened wide and I gazed the single Sharigan of the Non-Uchiha…

"How… Why do you have the Sharigan??"

Small tears suddenly filled his sharigan eye, but the other one, was neutral.


"Yuki-chan, please, don't ask me…"


"PLEASE!" the tears crawled out and dripped slowly on his cheek. I wiped them away, and I smiled sadly to him.

"Okay… when you're ready, please tell me."

He nodded for an answer and closed his eyes shut again… I went to the bathroom and got a cold wash cloth and pressed it against his scared eye.

"I'll get you something to eat…"

End Of Flash Back

I still don't know of the origins of his scar… I wanted to ask Yondaime-sama… but he passed away before I got the chance…

"Kakashi… um… remember the day you came back from a mission and… I saw your Sharigan?"

He looked at me. A still silence took place.

"yeah I remember… I guess you want to know now huh?"

I nodded. I could have sworn he smiled under his mask of his…

"and that's how I acquired it…"

He explained to me… how sad… I shouldn't have asked

"I'm sorry… I shouldn't have asked you…"

"nah it's fine. I don't know how many times I had to explain to people…"

We looked at the drifting night. The city was becoming slowly dark, the lights going off one by one.

"Um… Yuki… can I ask you a question?"

"sure go ahead." I just said, still gazing out on the lights.

"… did you miss me, when you were away?"

I was surprise by his question. Wouldn't you be?

"I… At that time, I tried not to remember about when I was still in the village. I tried to forget all of it…"

"Ah, ok" he sounded sad to me…

"But" I looked up at the sky "as much as I tried my hardest, I couldn't. I especially couldn't forget you." I smiled to him

He stayed there just looking at me, and smiled back.

"I-I thought about you everyday… worrying, is she okay? Is she lost? Scared, hungry… dead? But after a few years of worrying, Sakura was all getting excited about some new Pop star. When she brought a poster with her of you, I recognized you immediately, and I knew you were safe, just going trough llife…"

He stayed silent then grinned to me

"I really missed you… the house seemed to quiet when you weren't around." He forced chuckled.

A little tear swelled up to my eyes. He missed me… someone missed me. Not my fans, not my agent, not my friends… Hatake Kakshi missed me…

The tears silently ran down my cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry Kakashi… I just… I didn't mean to make you worry." Someone cared… how that felt good to the heart…

He approached me and wiped away the tears of my left eye.

"Don't cry Yuki. What matters, that you're back." He hugged me

The smell… how it smells sweet… The warm smell… warm…

We stayed like that, still watching the city lighting off…

'It's so warm…'

Those words rang in my head. I tried to cool off those thoughts and my slight blush in the night wind… but it didn't exactly work

Hours later, when I was still trying to get those thoughts out, Yuki climbed on the roof and sat next to me…

Time went by and we observed the night…

Moments later, she was in my arms, and I hugged her…

Her hair smelled like flower. How nice…

How long has it been since I hugged her? The feeling was different. The small form had grown and become a young lady… Yuki