Alright! My second story. Dont get mad at me, this came to me in a dream, literally.

I do not own Naruto or any of its characters


Sakura has spent one intimate night with Sasuke. The consequence, a child. Unwanted by either parent its left to be raised in Konoha as Sasuke and Sakura go their separate ways. However, What happens when a festival for all ninjas brings Sasuke and Sakura back to Konoha 13 years later to find that their daughter is the top ninja. Is she cold and heartless or sweet and quirky?


What We Left Behind


"You're certain? both of you?" The Hokage says hands folded with a stern serious look on her face. Lightening flashed and thunder boomed illuminating the darkness of the office through the window. Both Sasuke and Sakura sat opposite of her, now 17, with a newborn infant flailing its arms in a crib separating them.

"I intend to rebuild my clan, Hokage, but with a worthy woman," Sasuke states in monotone not bothering to look at the child. Sakura nods almost with agreement, but opens her mouth t speak her own answer.

"I cannot stand the thought of raising a child that was fathered by a monster," She urges shooting a dirty look at the raven haired boy.

"Now is not the time to hold a grudge, Sakura," Tsunade says standing to look out the window, "You both played a significant part in this. You can only blame yourself." Sakura immediately bows her head.

"Right, I'm sorry, Hokage-sama," She says staring down at her lap. Tsunade hesitates to answer, but continues to look out the window, staring at the pouring rain. The only thing breaking the silence was the shrill crying of the infant, red faced with tears streaming down its face.

"Can't you make that thing shut up," Sasuke says annoyed. Sakura glares at him.

"Its just a baby, you're scaring it, Sasuke," She says almost defensively. Sasuke crosses his arms, which until now had been folded neatly on his lap.

"It obviously gets its whining from you," He says becoming agitated. Sakura stands up, fists balled.

"And it must have inherited YOUR ugliness," She says ready to fight. Now it's the Hokage that's furious.

"Stop it! Both of you!" She says, voice booming, "Look at you! Calling the child 'it'. You act as if its not even alive!" Sasuke and Sakura stare at the Hokage, surprised by her outbreak. The room was quiet again. Even the child was silenced by the woman's anger. "Anyways," Tsunade says sitting down once more, "Have you told your third teammate of your plans to leave?" Sasuke and Sakura both look down as if the subject saddened them. Tsunade sighs with frustration, "I'm taking that as a no." Sakura decides to speak up first.

"Naruto won't mind," she says, "He knows not to question what I do. I cannot speak for Sasuke, however." Therefore Sasuke decides to speak his opinion.

"He's better off without us. Naruto is meaning to be greater. I cannot do that until I kill my brother and rebuild my clan," he says determined.

Sakura flinches at his words. To hear him mention rebuilding his clan was painful. It meant that he had rejected her. It had been 6 months since it was official. Sasuke had refused to have anything to do with Sakura being pregnant. Sakura finally broke at that moment. You can only push someone so far. From that moment she had begun to hate Sasuke with a passion. She began to see him for what he really was, a monster. The memory still remained vivid in her mind.


"Sasuke, I'm pregnant," Sakura said holding her arms to her chest with a hopeful expression. The dark haired boy simply looked over his shoulder "You have to be kidding me," Sasuke said, suddenly upset with the news, "What do you want me to do about it?" Sakura gasped with disbelief. "Its yours ,Sasuke. You're the father," She said. Sasuke just put his hands in his pockets and began to walk away. "I don't want to be. I'd never live it down if you were the mother of my children," He said getting further away. His words struck her hard. She had fallen to her knees crying. Even the heavens seemed to cry as rain poured from the clouds. She sat in the middle of the road, all alone.

/end flashback/

Yet her sadness and sorrow had awakened an undying determination to make him sorry. Make him regret ever saying that to her. That's why she was leaving, to train out in the countryside. And someday she would be strong enough to challenge Sasuke. She'd show him the same pain she had suffered for so long.

Sakura remembered that when the time came, she would have used a kunai to split her own belly just to get the child out. It represented the last bit of love that had been for Sasuke. The love of the old Sakura. The new and improved Sakura would have killed the child if given the chance. The same thing its father deserved.

"Sakura?" Tsunade says awakening the girl from her trance.

"uh, yes Hokage-sama?" She answers finally. The hokage folds her hands before continuing.

"Do you wish a name for the child?" Sakura actually took the time to look down at the infant. She stared for a long time before responding.

"No," She says getting up to leave, "As far as I'm concerned, It can be called garbage." The Hokage flinched at the harshness of her words as Sakura left. Once she was gone Sasuke stood up, preparing to leave as well.

"It is time I continued my path of revenge. Good bye, Hokage," He says leaving, not even acknowledging the child. The Hokage sighs examining the papers on her desk.

"Well," She says, "Looks like the child will go to a new family in town, the Higure's. They're the only ones looking to adopt a child. Its sad that not even Sakura and Sasuke's closest friends were willing to take the child in. Ino wouldn't, neither would Naruto." The hokage was left in silence besides the muffled sobs of the infant who had just been abandoned by its parents. She stood up and walked around her desk to the crib.

If Sakura were to apologize to anyone. It should be this child, she thought.

She carefully lifted the child from the crib, cooing softly for its comfort. "Well, You'll need a name so that I can put you in the records. Otherwise you wont exist," She says to the gurgling baby, "Lets see, I could call you Jiko, but then your name would mean 'accident' and I'm not that cruel." She takes the child back to the window. The lightening flashes again revealing the child's face. Raven black meets emerald green. "Your father's hair and your mother's eyes. You have quite a mix of blood, but that makes you unique," She says continuing to speak to the child, "Yes, that's it, your name will mean 'beautiful blood'. Your official name is…Kireichi Uchiha!"


Ok, I know its very "out there", but still read and review. Let me know whats on your mind. Also as a note, the childs name does mean 'beautiful blood'. I had a handy mini Japanese dictionary nearby and saw Kirei (beautiful, pretty) and chi (blood). I combined them and thus I have her name.

P.S. Im also attempting to make the next chapters longer.