Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 1: Marriage sickness

"Lily?" drifted James' concerned voice from the other side of the closed bathroom door. "Lily, are you all right?"

Lily leached forward and was violently sick into the toilet, giving him an answer of, "EEERRRRGH!"

"Lily, babe."

Rolling her eyes at such an amusing name and tucking a strand of crimson hair being her ear, she answered, "Yes, what is it James? I'm trying to be sick here, all because Sirius and your bloody cooking, may I add."

"It wasn't the cooking. We followed that recipe to the letter."

"Like you used to in potions," she retorted quickly.

"Honestly, Sirius and I worked our fingers to the bone yesterday to make that anniversary dinner, and look at all the thanks we get," he said, as Lily came out of the bathroom, white and shaking.

"Yes, our first anniversary. After one year of marriage to you. And me, you and Sirius sat down, ate a curry and talked about Sirius' new motorbike…"

"Anyway," said James, moving the subject away from the motorbike and the fact that it was now in the house; never mind the fact Lily had forbid them to. "I cooked you breakfast." He held a plate of grease and sausages and eggs and grease and fried bread and other things that floated in grease under Lily's nose.

"Urrgh!" she said, pushing the plate away.

"I'll have it!" shouted Sirius from the dining table, where he was already eating his grease filled meal.

Lily rolled her eyes at such a comment and proceeded to pour herself a glass of water from the sink.

"Prongs, she's doing that thing again."


"Ignoring the fact I'm here."

"Lily!" James exclaimed, "What's up?"

"Nothing ,but James, he is going to eat us out of our house and home. And anyway, is it bad if I want you all to myself?" she said, lowing her voice so only he could hear.

"But we were on our own last night. 'Cause I'm pretty sure Sirius wasn't there." He winked at Sirius, who, in return, gave him the thumbs up.

"James, after our 'meal in together', you went down the pub with Sirius and drank four bottles of Latvian peppered Fire whiskey each, and came home drunk and slept on the sofa. So don't think we have an amazing sex life, because we don't."

"But Lily…"

"'But Lily' what? James, you spend more times with your bum chums than you do with me and I'm your WIFE!"

"They're called Marauders, and we do spend time together. Lots. I remember last week when you asked me to pass the marmalade at breakfast, and I did."

"God! And this house is a mess." She indicated to the room that was so untidy you couldn't see the floor. "I asked you to wash these dishes four days ago! And Sirius, you've been wearing the same underwear all week." She now pointed to Sirius who was only clad in the said garments.

"Lily, just because Dumbledore told us to cut down on magic didn't mean you had to confiscate our wands."

"Muggles get around without magic."

"Yes, but we're not Muggles are we?" James said, who was now making toast, or battling with the toaster, whatever way you wanted to put it.

"Here." Lily pulled the lever which lowered the toast. "Look James, I wanted to tell you something last night but…"

"HEY! WE'RE MISSING THE CANNONS!" Shouted Sirius, suddenly running over the radio and turning it on .

"Lily, can't it wait?" asked James, before running over to his friend.

"Cannons are thirty points behind wasps…"

"Come on Cannons!"

"Yeah, come on Cannons!"

She shook her head and decided to go get dressed.

The Potters marriage had been going downhill for some time now, and the arrival of Sirius seemed to of just finished it off. Lily sat on the bed; and now, to top it all off, she had got a cake in the oven.

"Great." Lily had found out only a few days ago and had decided to tell James as his Anniversary present, but she hadn't planned Sirius to be there.

Sirius' flat was being cleaned. When the Ministry found out Devil's Snare was starting to grow, they classed it a 'Dangerous area ', and so Sirius had been evicted. Well, that was his story, which would explain the unhygienic conditions, but Lily rather thought it was because Sirius was lonely.

"Wasn't a child supposed to make a marriage complete?"

She pulled off her pyjama top and put on a clean white shirt. It was her day off today. Lily worked in the Ministry helping out Muggles who's children were new to the wizarding world. James, on the other hand, worked in the international games committee and was still obsessed over Quidditch .

Sirius, at this time, was unemployed.

"Ok, who stole my underwear again?"

Dear Lily,

I need to talk to you and I'd rather not do so by owl. Do you think you could come up to the school? I'm rather busy at the moment. Minerva has been off with flu and I've started to teach her class. It is rather enjoyable really, but I have a great deal more respect for our Transfiguration professor now.

I hope you and James are well and Sirius is not imposing on your great hospitality more than necessary.

Call round at about eight and I should be free.

See you soon,

Albus Dumbledore.

Lily re-read the letter; she hadn't the faintest idea what Dumbledore would need to talk to her about so urgently.

She had received a letter saying that they were to minimise there magic use, as spies in the Ministry were known for getting hold of the list of spells that had been performed. But still…The letter had a friendly tone but… he'd ask her to come up to Hogwarts. It must be important.

She shrugged and folded up the letter and put it back inside the envelope..

It was then when she saw the bike, sitting in the middle of her bedroom. HER BEDROOM. Her private space.

"James?" she asked, as she entered the kitchen. He and Sirius were still crowed around the radio (190- 20 to the wasps ). "James, why is there a motorbike in our bedroom?"

"Ahh… I was hoping you wouldn't see that."

"Of course I'd see it. I am not blind. So I will ask again: why is there a Motorbike in our bedroom?"

"Well you see… Sirius couldn't leave it outside because of the rain. And those punks that live next door." Sirius nodded. "Damn punks and their weirdo hair trying to fly my bike."

"Padfoot, they didn't know the motorbike could fly-"


"Lily, calm down…"


"You sound like your mother when you say that . Remember the time she didn't want me in the house because of my 'bad blood'? Oh God Lils, you're turning into your mother….."

That seemed to calm her. She sat down at the kitchen table and rubbed her temples.

"Listen James, I have to go out later. Get that bike out of my house before I get back, or I'll castrate you."

"Yes dear."

"James, are you listening to me?"

"Yes, and it's my house remember?"

That's right: Godrics Hollow belonged to the Potters . Mr and Mrs. Potter, Harry and Doreen, had given the house to James as a wedding present.

"That's right, Mummy and Daddy gave it to you."

"Lily, I didn't mean it like that.."

"Oh sure you did. Just because you're used to your Potter mansion, you don't like slumming it with us commoners."

"Lily, what is wrong with you? You've been acting strange all day. If you're ill, maybe you should go to St. Mungo's."

"I'm fine, just stop fussing."

She sat in silence for a while, and James and Sirius went back to there match. At midday, she stood up .

"Who wants dinner?" She crossed to the cupboards. "Um…you had a midnight feast didn't you?" The cupboards were bare . "You should've said; I would have went shopping."

"Err, yeah sorry…"

This was it - Lily could laugh, if anyone would have told her a year ago marriage was like this ….

It wasn't working; her and James. She needed to tell him.

"James … listen I think I'm …Going to get some of those Muggle chips! Excellent! I'm going out I won't be back till late, ok? And James, tidy up, will you?"

She walked out of the house and down the street to the local café.

"What did she say before she left, Paddy?"

Sirius shrugged.