High. This is Dark Moon Riseing, you know the drill, I don't own any of the Inu-yasha characters (sadness overwhelms) please review this is the fist fic I have posted so be kind. (NO FLAMES)

Thanks now lets get on with the story.

Chapter one


( Kagome's thoughts )


Kagome looked around for the source of the voice(s), but all she could see was a huge black expanse.

" Where are you?" The voice(s) came again but louder.


Kagome looked around getting annoyed at not being able to find the source of the voice(s).

" Listen to who? Show your self!"

Suddenly there was a huge flash of light momentarily blinding Kagome. When her vision cleared she saw four glowing figures standing in front of her. They all bowed and spoke as one

" We are the souls of the jewel." Kagome tilted her head to the side.

"Why are you talking to me?"

" We come because it is time you know the truth."

Kagome looked dumbfounded

"What truth?"

"You are the true guardian of the jewel you are the jewel in the flesh." Kagome was confused as hell.

"How can that be I'm the reincarnation of Kikyo."

The voice(s) turned cold and hard almost angry.


Kagome was taken back by the anger and disgust in their voices, but decided it was best not to push the subject.

The figures turned to each other to consult about something before continuing with their purpose of the visit.

"We tell you all this now for two reasons, one being that you are in danger. And as you protect us in turn it is our duty to protect you, the breaking of the jewel has made you incomplete, and until the jewel is completed you will be vulnerable with out guidance." Anger rose in Kagome's chest.

"I am not weak!" "Yes, we know Kagome, but you must train and hone your powers, so that you will be prepared for the day when you will need perfect control over them."

Kagome soaked in the information.

"How will I train?" the voices were silent for a moment before answering her question.

"We will train you here in this place and you will practice at any chance you have while you are awake."

Kagome nodded and looked around the room noticing that the black was slowly fading.

"Fare well Kagome we shall see you tomorrow night. Kagome waved as they faded from sight. Just before the black completely disappeared the voices sent one more message. "Kagome whatever you do not tell anyone about what goes on here, practice in secrecy." Kagome didn't understand why she had to keep it secret, but would follow instructions. When the last of the black faded away, Kagome shot awake. She looked up seeing the stars pass over head, and sighed Well so much for the Kikyo theory, never would have guessed little old me being the jewel in the flesh, crazy Kagome continued thinking about the turn of events until she finally fell into an uninterrupted sleep.