Casey moved John's jacket from where he'd thrown it on the bed, and a small packet fell out of it. She picked it up to see what it was and was immediately disturbed. It was a starter packet of Viagra. A number of questions ran through her mind, chief among them, was this his? And then another question, if it was his, why in the world did he think he needed it? By the time he came out of the bathroom after his shower, she'd almost convinced herself that it was evidence from a crime scene that he'd slipped in his pocket and then forgotten to voucher.
"What you looking at baby?" he said, as he came up behind her and gave her a kiss on her neck.
"This," she said, showing him the packet of six oddly shaped blue pills. When he didn't immediately offer an explanation, she turned around and went into prosecutor mode.
"So are these yours or did you just forget to voucher some evidence?" she asked.
"Um, well as a matter of fact, they are mine," John answered in a very uncomfortable tone.
"And just what would you need them for? Have you got another woman on the side?" she asked petulantly.
"Of course not, what a stupid thing to say," John retorted.
"Stupid? These are stupid," she screeched, waving the packet of pills under his nose.
"Baby," –
"God, why does every man think calling his girlfriend baby is going to calm her down," Casey grumbled and blew out a breath.
"We don't think it will, we just hope it will," John said, hanging his head in a way Casey couldn't resist.
"Oh, sit down here and talk with me," she ordered, pulling him down on the bed next to her.
"Why would you think you need these?" she asked him, her voice calmer now.
John looked around for a moment, "Shall we get out our birth certificates and make a comparison?" he asked with a note of something in his voice that was somewhere between sarcasm and bitterness.
"Are we really going to do this again? John, I don't give a damn how old you are!"
"But I do. Casey, there are so many nights when I want to make love to you again, but I can't. Face it, your lover is an old man!" John replied dejectedly.
"Oh, John," Casey sighed, but then she proceeded determinedly, "I'm going to tell you something I probably shouldn't," she aused for a moment, "I brag about you to my girlfriends," Casey said.
"Brag about me? What you do you mean?" John asked, truly confused.
"My girlfriends, who have young lovers, all complain. They complain that their lovers never just hold them, caress them and talk to them. All their boyfriends are about is the sex, do it, do it again and then off to sleep. Never a night of kissing, holding hands, whispering in the dark, but you give me those things all the time. When I tell my girlfriends about the wonderful man I'm with, they're all jealous. John, I'm happy with what we have. I don't want more, at least not in the bedroom I don't."
John took the packet of pills out of her hands and tossed them onto the nightstand. "Oh boy, solve one problem and open up another," he said.
"What do you mean?" Casey asked, it being her turn to be puzzled.
"You just said you don't want more, but then you qualified that, you said at least not in the bedroom. That makes it sound like you do want more elsewhere," John said. Casey had turned her face away from him a bit, so he took her face in his hand and gently turned it to make her look at him.
"I want us to be more than lovers," she said in such a soft voice he could barely hear her. He looked at her and remained still, so she'd know he was simply going to wait her out.
"Can I be number five?" she asked timidly, making reference to John having had four ex-wives.
He pulled her to him, so he could kiss her forehead, and then said, "Only if you promise to be my last."