A/N: Thank you guys for the reviews! Me like reviews! Anyways this is the last chapter of Part I, this story is five parts so we have long way 2 go! Hope you guys like it, and stay tune 4 part 2!
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom hearts, Zelda, or PoTC. I'm sorry I didn't include it in my disclaimer, but it wasn't my intension to mix it with PoTC, my sister gave me the name, and the rest it just came to me, sorry again, but if it makes you more comfortable I will include it in my upcoming chapters!
Chapter 10
Sora didn't struggled he just stood there, he knew he was a goner, Sora just closed his eyes. Roxas was about to push Sora down and officially hang him when they heard a scream from ahead, Link was swinging himself from a tree with a sword in his hands, he swung past Sora and instead of cutting the string he cut Sora's hat feather, and crashed on the wall that was ahead of him. People just stared in silence and laughter was heard all around. Link quickly pulled himself together and whistled. The other pirates ran bravely into the group, the people around began to run for their houses screaming. Roxas stood there confused but as the pirates were distracted Roxas pushed Sora the rope began to choke him. Riku ran faster and threw his knife, the knife cut the string and Sora fell unconscious on top of Cloud. Link was running with Donald and Goofy besides him. Cloud and all the pirates except Riku retreated towards the ship. Riku stood with his sword in his hand on top of Roxas.
"This is for my friend!" Riku said as he stabbed Roxas with the swords right into the heart. Roxas smiled as he slowly died. Riku took one last looked at the dead body and began to run back to the ship. As Riku gone on Donald began to stir the King of Black Hearts back into the sea. Sora was taken into his cabin where he was taken care by goofy. Sora couldn't see what was happening but he knew that it was going to be the last time he would see Kairi.
I stood at a white chamber everything was white. I looked on ahead. Was I dead? And if I was why would he go to heaven. He killed over a thousand people. He murdered his parents and his brother. All I ask is that you forgive me guys, I'm sorry Naomi, I should have seen it before, and you were really in love with Aroz not with me. Please forgive me guys please.
"Sora we forgive you darling!" My mother stood there hugging my brother and my father standing right next to my mother. They where smiling at me, for once I felt that I was blessed.
"I forgive you too. . . Sora. . . ." Naomi said behind my back. I smiled at them, I felt like my heart was relieved of all the pains and memories I had, my heart was plugged up with that pain and that guilt. I finally said something, "Am I dead?" I asked them.
"No you goofball you aren't ready to be dead, we don't need you here!" My brother said smiling. I closed my eyes and the warmth of that mysterious place disappeared, and then I began top dream, dream about Kairi Hikaru, and the girl that had stole me heart.
Kairi stood there grabbed by her father's grip, as she saw Cloud carrying her lover, unconscious. She was sadden all her hopes and all her dreams where shattered into a million pieces. Her love was gone just like that, Kairi stood there crying silently, and her father watched as the ship took off and began to curse a few words. He pulled his daughter towards his house, she was still crying, he broke his promised. Now there was no way she would hear his voice again, no way that she would see his face again and kiss her lips again. Their love was broken for eternity. The man that had taken her heart away, "Captain Sora L.. Turner you stole me Heart. . ." she whispered to her self.
It is better to loose a love that to loose everything . . .
The End of Part 1
A/N: Sorry 4 being so short, but please I beg you please. . . review, so I can get working w/ part 2!