Back To School!
Guys and Gals!
I hope that you like my comedy, considering that
you liked my (and Zuffy's) story "Haunted" I hope that you like
this one more!
I am going to work really hard on this story; I
hope that you like it!
(I also wrote drunken straw hats with my
partner (Zuffy)! I hope you like it!)
Zoro, Luffy, Usopp, Nami and Sanji were all in the classroom. Mr. Kuro was teaching them the worst subject ever! Science!
Zoro sat in the row behind Usopp. (Usopp was at the front! As always!) Sanji was at the back with Luffy just in front of Him and Nami was in the middle!
"…So, the bacteria doubles at intervals…" Mr.Kuro says facing and writing on the board.
Zoro looks behind to Luffy and Sanji and begins to move his hand up and down whilst miming Captain Kuro. He stares at Luffy who is laughing, and then to Sanji who is scribbling down something on a ripped sheet of paper.
Mr.Kuro turned round and pointed at Luffy.
"What is the symbol for iron?" He says with a smug grin on his face.
Luffy goes red "Ummm…Cake?" He says after hesitating. "No, is it…Orange? No… Apples … No, Apple Pie! Mmmmmmm… I want apple pie! FEED ME!
"Wrong" He smiles "The symbol for iron is Fe you fool!"
Sanji throws a piece of paper at Nami!
Nami opens it to find a big pink heart inside with a note: My heart is you're my love!
Nami throws it in the bin, which was next to her and begins to stare at Zoro who is now throwing paper balls at Mr.Kuro and Pointing at Usopp!
"Hey! Who is throwing them?" Captain Kuro exclaims.
Zoro points at Usopp
"Usopp! Stay behind after class.
"But sir…"Usopp begins.
"No buts you coward" He shouts and begins to carry on with the lesson "…The periodic Table is…"
Zoro quickly runs to Nami and kisses her on the cheek and runs back to his seat as quickly as possible.
"…EWWWWW…" Nami says.
"Come on, you loved it Zoro says back smiling.
Sanji begins to go red and walks over to Zoro and kicks him in the back of the head. "She is mine" He shouts.
"FEED ME!" Luffy shouts for the hell of it!
Zoro falls on the floor and smacks his head on the tiles (blood everywhere)
"Don't fight over little old me!" Nami says fluttering her eyelids.
"We aren't…Bitch"He shouts wrestling Zoro
"I am, my love," He says in a romantic voice.
"Sir, Sir!" Usopp shouts, "They are fighting!"
Captain Kuro turns around and quickly separates them both! "You two are going to go to the head teacher!
"FEED ME" Luffy shouts again.
I hoped that you liked it! This one wasn't too funny; the next few chapters are going to get very M rated. So, watch out, the next chapters are also going to be funny (this wasn't funny at all) All this chapter was doing was setting the scene!( It isn't all going to be set in one class room! Some scenes they are going to be in break and others in different lessons! (I haven't decided weather they are kids or not, why don't you tell me what you think in reviews!) Should they be kids?