Disclaimer: I don't own 'em.

Rating: 12A

Summary: Bo and Luke are caught on a moonshine run. This is the untold story of how Bo and Luke ended up on probation.

Notes: Bo is 18, Luke is 23. Yes, that's a big gap but these ages are taken from comments in a couple of episodes. (Ask if you'd like this clarified as I won't go into a lengthy explanation unless you'd like me too.) Since there's no clue as to Daisy's age, only the vague sense that she older than Bo, but younger than Luke, I've put her in the middle so she's 21.

The Hazzard Redemption

By NorthernStar

Jesse Duke woke before the cockerel crowed and wandered the old house. Every corner of the old farmhouse, every creaky floorboard held memories for him. The worn spot on the easy chair was where Lavinia would sew, her nimble fingers creating pretty dresses for Daisy and turning up Luke's old jeans to fit Bo. The hearth rug was where Luke had taken his first steps, falling into his fathers arms with huge grin on his face. The table still bore the dent from Bo's head.

Jesse remembered all these as he walked the darkened rooms. The house was so quiet, so bereft of life.

With a heavy heart, Jesse went to the sink and opened the cupboard underneath. He took out a bottle of clear liquid and held it up.

"That, there, is a quart of Jesse's finest. But it ain't just 'shine. Ya'll are lookin' at over two hundred years of Duke history. Jesse's family have been making that moonshine for next to seven generations. It means everythin' to the Dukes."

Jesse unscrewed the shine and tipped the bottle upside-down over the sink. The drink glugged and sloshed down the drain.

"But ya know, some things are worth more. Like family."

Jesse put down the empty bottle and sat down at the kitchen table. He sighed.

It was over.


"Now it was June when it happened. Bo ain't long had his 18th birthday and Jesse'd been lettin' him drive Luke's car on 'shine runs. This was in the days afore the General and Luke's car…Well, let's just say, it weren't the General…"

Bo Duke looked over his shoulder for the twentieth time, his heart racing far faster than Luke's midnight blue Ford ever could. He'd been at the wheel during chases before, but that was always with Roscoe and on home territory. This was Chickasaw county. And they had a crate of shine hidden in a special compartment in the back.

He cast a worried glance at his cousin. "Luke?"

"I'm thinkin'"

The police car was rapidly gaining on them, sirens screaming loudly. Bo bit down on his lip and pressed down harder with his foot. The pedal was already to the floor and the old car could give no more.

Bo wrenched the steering wheel and the car slewed around a dirt corner. "Luke?"

His older cousin snapped his fingers. "Cross Creak Road."

"I ain't sure about that, Luke."

"Just do it!" He ordered. "Take a right."

"Luke, there ain't no road!"

"Traveller can handle it."

Bo twisted the wheel again and sent the car off road, bumping and tossing over the rough dirt and zig-zagging wildly through the trees. The steering suddenly felt like lead under Bo's hands and he struggled to keep the car straight and going where he wanted it to go.

Luke shot a worried look at his cousin, realising the boy was having trouble holding the car steady. He'd only been driving off the farm for a few months, but he'd got so good, so quickly, it was easy to forget his relative inexperience. "Bo!"

The car bumped hard over the dirt, wheels skidding on the loose soil.

Luke twisted in his seat, looking back at the police cars, which had been slowed considerably by Bo's erratic and unexpected right turn. "You can make it, Bo!"

Cross Creak Road wasn't that far and once there, Luke could toss out the 'shine into the muddy waters and they'd only been facing a speeding fine if they were caught.

The Ford hit a large rock and the steering wheel was wrenched from Bo's hands. He gasped in surprise.

Luke spun back, looking forward just in time to see a tree in their path. "Bo!"

But his warning was drowned out by the crunch of metal against wood and they were both thrown forward.

Then everything went black.


Notes 2: Traveller was the real General Lee's horse and was the original choice for the name of the Duke's car.

PS – Let me know how I'm doing with the Dukes speak, I'm a Brit!