Journal entry: Friday 10 pm, continued

Ginny pulled me through the crowd towards Harry and Ron. Dancing bodies were everywhere, alcohol and the smell of smoke filled the room. Gryffindor parties always got out of hand.

"I found her" Ginny stated as we finally managed to push our way through.

"Finally! Where have you been?" asked Ron as he handed a drink to me.

"I was just helping some students that got into a bit of a scruffle"

"You just told me you were studying" shit! Ginny was looking at me skeptically. Crap, I really put my foot into it now. What was I going to say? 'Oh yea, me and Draco were just busy fondling each other in the shower…' I don't think so.

"Well, yea. I went to study in my common room after the situation was sorted…"

"But I checked, and Jeremy said you weren't in there" holy fuck, fuck, fuck! How was I going to get out of this one now?

"I was in my room. He wasn't in there when I came in. Besides, you know how immersed I can get into my books; he probably didn't hear me at all" Ginny seemed to be analysing my face. Please stop looking at me now. Someone save me!

"How good was the final dive I made? Got the snitch just before Malfoy did…ha! You should have seen the look on his face" Harry interrupted the 'analysing' Ginny was giving me. Thank goodness for that.

"Oi! Harry, Great snitch catching mate" Dean stumbled through the crowd and accidentally spilt some drink on Ginny "oh shit! Sorry Ginn-"

"DEAN! Ugh, this is my favourite top!" she glared at Dean as she ran up the stairs to the bathroom.

"What a drama queen" Ron mumbled as he shook his head. He then looked up at me "So, your going to do it now then?"

"Now?" I scanned the room. I spotted Lavender with all her friends. I really didn't want to do this. No doubtI would also end up with a black eye.

"Yea, common. It's perfect now," he began to lead me with his hand on the small of my back, through the crowd "Just make it big; like full on so she can get it through her thick head" I groaned as Ron lead me to her and pushed me in front of him. I was annoyed now. Why couldn't he do it himself? He was a total chicken. I'd show him.

I walked up to Lavender and stood in front of her.

"Hi Hermione"

"Hey Lavender" I looked back to see Ron, now watching me from the other side of the room "Ron has asked me to deliver a message to you," she shifted her weight to her other foot and crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.

"What does that little fuckwit want?"

"Well, being the total spineless chicken that he is; he came here to get me to tell you that he wants out because…"

"I KNEW IT!" I stepped back "That little fucker had the nerve to call me a slut when he has been getting it on with guys behind my back! I knew he was gay" I shook my head.

I turned my head around to see Ron, glancing over at us in question to what was being said.

"Lavender, he isn't gay…"

"UGH! THAT LITTLE…I'll kill him!"

"Whoa, lets not forget that he caught you and Seamus together,"

"You don't know anything about that!" she snapped at me.

"She knows everything you slut" Ron was suddenly behind me. I took a step back. Lavender looked as if she was about to blow any minute.

"Don't you call me a slut, you fucking asshole!" he took a swipe at Ron, but missed and hit my shoulder hard. Fuck, there was going to be a bruise there now.

"Hermione! See what you fucking did you bitch. Its over!"

"Omg, Hermione I'm so sorry" Lavender was in clear shock.

"Get the hell away Lavender" Ron grabbed me and took me with him.

Ron took me over to the drinks table and asked someone to bring him ice and a towel. Shit, my shoulder really hurt.

"She has a mean right swing that one" I stated. Ron chuckled as he took some ice and placed it in a towel.

"How do you think I got such a bad black eye?" he handled me the towel. I pulled my top away from my shoulder and placed the ice over it. Already it was turning a nasty shade of purple.

"You know she thinks you're gay" Ron's head shot up at that.


"Yea…just thought I would warn you before she starts spreading roumors" Ron looked horrified. He quickly ran through the crowd and I giggled.

"What s so funny?" Harry had managed to sneak up behind me.

"Lavender thinks Ron is gay" Harry chuckled.

"I told him not to mess with her. But did he listen? Nope" he then looked over at my shoulder "Shit, what happened?" I sighed.

"Lavender went to beat Ron and accidentally hit me instead" Harry reached over then and pulled the towel away.

"Ouch," he mumbled. He ran his finger tips over the bruise; I shivered…and NOT in a good way.

I shrugged away from his touch and quickly pulled my top back over the bruise. Harry was watching me. I became slightly uncomftorable.

"So…the party was decided to be theme, you know what you are coming as?" I asked in hope that the awkwardness would go away. Harry smiled and winked at me.

"Yea, but I'm not telling you. Your just going to have to wait".

The party went on for ages and before I knew it, it was time for my last detention. I said my goodbyes and headed out the portrait hole. I couldn't wait to see Draco.


"So lovely for you to grace us with your presence Miss. Granger," Snape drawled as I came into the room. Draco was sitting at one of the desks; he turned around when I came in and it was so hard to miss the sparkle in his eyes when he saw me. That alone, the fact that he was so happy to see me made everything fade away.

"Last detention, thank Merlin for that! Now, I want you to sort through all these potions I have up here, label them and write down what exactly they are. It better get don't this time. I must say I was extremely angry that the cauldrons were not all done. For that, I took 50 points each…so finish this job. If you do not, there will be hell to pay. Got it?!" he snapped at us. With that said, He glided out the door and slammed it shut. I sighed and got up, heading to the desk.

"We better get this done…fucking Snape" I felt arms wrap themselves around me and a voice like velvet in my ear.

"I don't care about Snape. He can take a million off for all I care" he lightly kissed the hollow under my ear, gradually moving his kisses down my neck. My heart began to beat out of control. I was trying to write, but this was defiantly not helping.

"Draco," I groaned slightly when he hit a sensitive spot "We have to get this done or Snape will eat us alive" he wrapped his arms tighter and pressed his body against me. I lost my breath for a second at the contact. He kissed my temple and rested his head against mine.

He just held me as I worked. I looked at the potions and wrote down what Snape had said. Draco stood behind me, occasionally moving my hips with his in a swaying movement.

"There, done" I announced after a little while. Draco had moved to help me get it all done faster.

"Bout time" he breathed; grabbing my face in his hands and kissing me in earnest. My knees buckled and I had to grab onto him to support myself. I clutched to his shirt as his kisses grew needy and passionate.

I pulled away from him gasping for breath; he held onto me tightly as if afraid I would disappear if he let go.

"Promise me one thing," his voice was breathless. I nodded, unable to talk for the moment "Promise me that you will never leave me…I cant imagine my life without you, Hermione" I looked up at him. His eyes showed emotion I had never seen before. I caressed his cheek and with that, recited the words he had used the night before…

"I will always be here…always".


Detention finished slightly earlier than usual. Snape came back a few minutes later and told us we could leave.

Draco had promised me he would come back again tonight and my heart fluttered as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

It was still a little early though, so I decided to visit the still on going party at Gryffindor tower. I walked through the portrait hole and immediately had to duck as a vase flew at my head.

"Bloody Hell!" screamed Ron who had ducked beside me. I looked up to see Lavender red in the face and breathing hard.

"You are a fucking coward Ron! How dare you break up with ME! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Well I wasn't the one screwing off with some other guy now was I?" I got up and walked over to the side.

"What's going on?" I asked Harry

"Ron apparently had a go at Lavender for calling him gay and this whole…thing happened. But don't you worry, they have had fights like this before. It's only a matter of time before they are in a closet together" I looked over at the arguing couple.

"Damn it, Ron! I told you! It never meant to…"

"Happen? Yea well it did, so fuck you"

The screaming match continued for at least an hour until people started to withdraw from the room.

By the end, Lavender and Ron both had stormed off.

"Hmmm, some party" I sniggered next to Harry.

"Oh yea, its great. So anyways, how was detention?"

"The usual"…making out with Draco

"Well its over now so you don't have to worry bout it anymore" my stomach sank. I didn't want it to be over.

"True. Harry, I'm actually really tired. I'm going to head off to bed. Night" I gave him a hug and stepped out of the room.


I literally ran into my bathroom and took a shower, putting on new PJs. I sat on the edge of my bed and dried my hair with a towel.

An hour later, I was lying across my bed reading a book. But I could hardly concentrate. How was it that my life had come to this? How was it that I had fallen so deeply for my once enemy?

I still remember in vivid detail our first kiss against a tree in the forbidden forest. It was a mess; fumbling around, clinging to each other, rough and violent almost. I smiled at the memory.

"What are you smiling at?" I snapped my head up towards my window. I hadn't even heard him come in at all. I smiled again and got up, placing my book on my bedside table.

"Just remembering our first…encounter. You know I still haven't fixed the missing buttons on my shirt. I reached him and wrapped my arms around him tight.

"I haven't fixed mine either. You are so rough sometimes"

"I cant help it. You make me that way…sometimes" he chuckled and began to caress my back. I sighed into his chest.

"How was it we got like this? I mean, one minute we are fighting and hating each other and the next, we are fondling in the shower" he laughed at the last comment.

"It was more than a minute" he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine…six years" I giggled and looked up at him "The point is, is that this is better than I ever expected it to be. This whole boy/girl thing…its amazing" he smiled down at me and kissed me gently.

"You are amazing".

His eyes seared into mine as he pulled my shirt over my head. My heart often missing beats as the air in the room became heavy. It was hard to breathe, he was making it hard to breathe.

His eyes moved from mine and spotted the bruise; his hand gently ran over it.

"Lavender accidentally hit me when she went for Ron" I whispered. He bent down and kissed it gently. I closed my eyes, hoping that when I opened them, he would still be here and that this was not all some dream I had made up so vividly.

His kisses trailed up my neck and came to my face. He kissed me cheeks, my eyelids, my nose and then, finally my lips.

He stood up straight as I ran my hands down his chest to the bottom of his t-shirt. Looking at me straight in the eyes, he raised his arms above his head and I pulled the shirt up, making sure for the skin of my hands to lightly tingle over his skin as I went. I dropped the shirt on the ground; my eyes followed my hands as they ran over his chest, caressing down to his stomach. I was marvelling at his beauty. He was perfect.

He reached his hands back and unclasped my bra, letting the straps fall from my shoulders. He kissed my shoulder, pulling the material away.

He ran his own hands now down my skin; I shivered at the contact and closed my eyes. When I opened them, Draco was looking straight at me; he gently took my face in his hands…

"You're so beautiful, Hermione" I could feel the tears beginning to form again as they had the first time he had said that.

I kissed him softly and ran my hands down to his pants; unbuckling his belt.

I lay on my back, his fingers intertwined with mine; Our eye contact never wavering.

I took a sharp intake of breath as he moved a little harder. I had never felt anything like this before; So much passion, so much heat. Intense was not even a word to describe it.

I bit my lip, a moan threatening to leave me. His body was pressed hard to mine, his movements strong and powerful, grinding into me as if trying to get closer than he was now. A moan escaped my lips and I began to close my eyes.

"Don't close your eyes," he breathed heavily. I opened them to see his own beautiful eyes looking back at me.

His movements became stronger. I grasped his hands tighter in mine. My breathing became ragged, my heart beating out of my chest. He bent down to the crook of my neck and gently bit on my shoulder. Our movements passionate, gliding against each other. I tightened my legs around him and moved with him. He pulled his head back and kept eye contact with me. I nearly lost all the breath left In me.

I squeezed my fingers tighter, and he crashed his lips to mine.

Breathing heavily, everything slowed down and came to a stop. I kissed him hard, holding him to me. He finally pulled away and looked down at me. Our breathing was erratic and sweat lingered on our bodies.

I went to pull my hands from his; I wanted to touch his face. But I didn't get the chance. He brought my left hand to his lips, and kissed it gently. He paused for a second and looked straight at me; his eyes burning into mine. This is when the world stopped; This is when all things living froze over in their place…

"I love you" he whispered, my hand still in his. I took a breath, trying to control the emotions that were raging within me. No words could describe how i felt at this second.

"I love you too" my voice was cracking; a tear slid down my cheek.

I reached up and brushed some of the hair away from his sweaty forehead. I kissed him again.

He lay beside me and held me tight at his side. I rested my head on his chest. My head was not swimming with thoughts at the moment. I was peaceful. I was content.

I felt him pull me tighter into him and I couldn't help but do the same.

I wanted to stay in the moment forever.