Disclaimer- I don't own anything. You know the rest.

Journal entry: Tuesday 10 pm.

I just feel like screaming. Why, oh why does this school have to accept people like Malfoy? Life would always be much more simpler without an idiot like that around.

I hate it. Just the mere look of him makes me want to poke his eyeballs out and feed them to the giant squid in the lake.

Do you know why I hate him so much? Although I have told you this so many times over the past years…I hate him because he...is...MALFOY! Everything about him screams annoyance, arrogance, sexuality, stubbornness, rudeness, sexiness, meanness and unpleasantness. I could go on about the MANY characteristics of him, but I would be here for a very long time. Yes, I know he is unbelievably gorgeous. But I ask the question…why is it always the gorgeous ones are jerks? Answer me that. That is a question that has plagued minds for centuries.

Well, anyway, apart from the fact that he is a gorgeous jerk, I had another incident with him today. I swear. I am getting so tired of this. Why can't he pick on someone else? He is always doing something. Whether it is trying to trip me up in the halls, tapping my shoulder then screaming that he has gotten 'mudblood germs' on himself. I really don't understand what he finds so amusing.

Ok, so what happened today (and too bad I am going to tell you because you are my journal and it is my place to complain) was…I was sitting at Gryffindor table eating my lunch in peace, talking with Harry and Ron. Minding my own business, when something hit me right between the eyes. I was so startled that I screamed and fell out of my chair.

To my embarrassment, everyone in the hall started laughing at me. I got up and looked in the direction in which it had came…it didn't take a genius to work out who had thrown it. So, there in all its Slytherin 'Greatness' was Malfoy doubled over with laughter. Yes, he had hit me between the eyes with a corncob…it hurt too the jerk.

I was fuming watching that little fuckwit laughing at me. I hated it. So I picked it up and stormed over to his table. Everyone went silent as I approached. Malfoy had finally ceased his laughter as I approached and replaced it with an evil grin…the bastard.

'What do you want Granger?' what do I want? To kick you right in your Slytherin ass, that's what!

'I think you lost something Malfoy' if looks could kill, he would be dead in a second. Right now, I was not in the mood for his childish games.

'What do you mean?' Argh! Damn that fake innocence. I wanted to strangle his sarcastic ass right there.

'This you idiot!' I threw the corncob at him and began to walk away. I didn't get very far, as I heard him say…

'See, I told you she wanted me. Why else would she have come all the way over here?' right! He wants to play games like this. I would show him. The idiot.

My anger was beyond boiling point at this stage. I turned and walked up to him. I walked right up to him and towered over him as he sat in his seat. My face only inches away from his. I wanted to get my point across (damn he smelt good…no! back to hating the gorgeous jerk).

'The only thing I want ferret, is to smash you right in you disgusting, blonde, skeleton head!' I was so happy with that comeback. (People from other tables began to laugh) The look on his face was priceless. It was a look of shock. But that was changed when he smirked. BAH! I hate it I tell you!

'Oh, but you do want me Granger. Why else would you show me your knickers?' huh? I had no clue what he was talking about. I stood up and stepped back and followed his line of vision. To my horror, the front of my skirt had been caught in the front of my undies. I turned so red I could put Ron to shame. How could I have not noticed it? Maybe I was just too angry to

notice. I quickly fixed myself up and looked around as everyone had burst into laughter. I was so embarrassed.

I turned to look at Malfoy, yes, fucking little ferret head was laughing so hard, he nearly fell of his seat. That was it!

I walked up next to him and picked up a jug of pumpkin juice; with a fake-sweet smile I poured the whole thing onto his head. What? He deserved it. You would have done the same thing if that had happened to you.

I was so pleased with myself. I placed it back down and walked out of the hall, leaving everyone laughing at Malfoy and NOT at me. I had a bounce in my step all the way back to my dorm. Yes, I am head girl…can you believe that this is 7th year? Really immature don't you think? But that is his way. Thankfully he is not head boy. A boy from Ravenclaw is. I am so pleased about that.

So that is what happened today. Really eventful. It's not pretty being stuck with an idiot like that. Oh, well. Just one more year Hermione and you will be out.

Off to bed now, I will fill you in on the 'events' of tomorrow. Luv ya.

hope you like this new and different fic. sort of a side project. i rather really like it. and its funny (well, i think it is).