Frontier Meets…..Everyone Else

Revised into story format. (If you want the original, send me an email and I'll send it to you. In my opinion, the original was better. But I did my best.)

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Suggestion: Don't get your hope up for a spectacular story. Just try to enjoy it. Or make fun of it. That's what I do.


Five kids stared at each other silently, waiting for their late companion to finally arrive. Takuya finally made it to the meeting place, a little out of breath.

Kouji stared at him in annoyance. "Took you long enough to get here. Don't you know we're about to start the Interview?"

Takuya panted, straightened his goggles and hat, and grinned at his companions. "Do you know who's interviewing us?" he asked.

Zoe shook her head. "No. But we'll find out soon enough. Okay, you guys ready? I'm going to start."

"Fire away Zoe!" JP exclaimed with more enthusiasm than he needed.

Zoe tossed her hair, rolling her eyes at her admirer, and clicked on a small tape recorder to record their Interview. All of them sat diligently at the interview table that had been prepared for them, waiting for someone to introduce the interview to the recorder.

Zoe finally obliged. "Hi everyone! It's Zoe here with the rest of the gang! Today is a special day for us."

Takuya grinned. "That's right! It's time for all of us to meet all of… um…" he stared at Kouji for help.

"Everyone else?" Kouji suggested.

Takuya shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so. Something like that."

"No, this is where we Frontier characters get to meet characters from other stories and shows and stuff." Zoe corrected, as if they had said something wrong.

"Oh. That sounds like fun. Maybe…" Takuya said thoughtfully, trying to imagine what an interview might look like. He had no idea.

Kouji grimaced. "I'd say it depends on who we have to meet."

"Hey, yeah! Who are we going to meet?" JP asked, looking to Zoe for the answer.

Kouichi answered instead. "I guess we'll meet whoever people want us to meet."


The writer (me) suddenly popped in out of nowhere to answer the question. "Whoever I or any of my readers want you to talk to," she said simply.

Takuya glared at her accusingly. "Who are YOU? And where did you come from?" he asked, a little upset at seeing her there.

She shrugged. "I'm the writer."

Kouji glared at her too. "Oh fun. I "love" being forced to say things I don't want to say." He grumbled so more, but the writer and everyone else ignored him.

"So…. Who exactly are we going to be introduced to today?" Zoe asked, trying to act friendly. But the author could tell she didn't like her much either.

"Well," she said, clearing her throat, "You guys are getting interviewed by one of my favorite characters from the stupid TV show Liberty's Kids named James Hiller. You also get to meet Sarah Phillips and Henri. Instead of just meeting you guys, I'm bringing people onto the "show" to ask you all some questions. It'll be fun."

Kouji's face was dead-pan blank. "Yay." He said sarcastically.

Kouichi nundged his brother. He hadn't talked much since the interview thing had begun, and now he spike up. "Hey, try to be polite," he whispered to Kouji.

The author bid them all farewell, and vanished from the story entirely. Meanwhile, James, Sarah, and Henri waited patiently to be addressed by the Frontier Kids.

"Hi!" Takuya said, as friendly as always.

"Hello! I'm James. I'm a reporter for the Pennsylvania Gazette! I work with Mr. Benjamin Franklin!" The blonde-haired teenager grinned a huge wide grin at the kids sitting at the interview table.

All the Digimon Season Four characters stare at him silently for a minute in disbelief.

Kouji cleared his throat, and broke the silence. "Hate to break it to you," he said, "but he's dead."

James started, and glared at Kouji in defiance. "No he's not! I would know!"

Kouji stared back at him, just as defiant as James. "Yeah, so would I."

Sarah interrupted the discussion, knowing full well that it could turn into an ugly, useless debate, and introduced herself. "Well, pleased to meet you all. I'm Sarah Phillips. Can we ask you a few questions?"

Takuya shrugged. "Sure!"

Kouji was slightly grateful that she had interrupted annoying James, but didn't show it. He turned his annoyed glare upon her now. "It depends," he stated.

JP leaned back in his chair, pulling a piece of chocolate from his pocket. "What kind of questions?" he asked, not really caring about this whole interview thing. In his mind, the more annoying he could be to the guests, the better.

Sarah, being the bright kind of girl she was, picked up on that attitude very easily. "You children are very vexing!" She declared, crossing her arms and seating herself at the table in one of the empty chairs. "I just want to ask a few simple questions!"

"You can ask already! We already knew this would be an Interview." Kouichi piped up. He was starting to get annoyed that nothing was happening.

James cleared his throat, pulled out a notepad and pencil, and sat down next to Sarah. "Right….So, I've heard that you six are "Legendary Warriors for a "Digital World." Is this true?"

Takuya answered immediately. "Yeah! It's so cool! I'm the most powerful one too!"

Zoe "pfft" and rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to him. He's got a big ego."

"What is it like?" asked Henri, the youngest of the three guests.

Each of the Frontier children answered in turn, excited to tell the guests what they thought of being legendary warriors.

JP went first. "Well, you feel really cool, and powerful too. You feel important!"

Zoe piped up next. "You get to stand up and fight for the things you believe in, and protect the ones you love, even if it's hard." She sounded more sincere that JP had.

"It's nice to be able to do something, rather than just sit around and let someone else solve problems for you," Kouichi admitted, smiling slightly.

Tommy jumped up and down, excited to actually be able to say something now. "It makes you feel grown up!" he said enthusiastically.

Takuya cut him off before he could go any further. "I like fighting…" he started to say, only to be cut off by Kouji.

"I always knew I was a warrior, but being a Legendary Warrior enables me to do more and learn more than I ever thought I would. And I'm only eleven." Kouji smirked at Takuya with a competitive glint in his eyes.

James frowned. "I…..see." he stuttered. (not really)

"Were you disappointed that when you came back from the digital world, it was like none of it ever happened?" Sarah asked.

Kouichi answered this question first. "Well, no….I wasn't." he said, grinning at the others. He knew that all of them were disappointed. He probably was the only one who wasn't. "I get to see Kouji, and I have many more friends than I used to. Besides. I learned a lot, and not just about fighting. I learned a lot about myself."

Kouji huffed at his brother. "Well I miss it." He said. "I feel like I left a part of me back at the Digital World. But you "historic" people wouldn't understand."

Sarah sighed. "I do," she said. "I love America, because I helped it to become a Nation on its own in a way. But I still left a part of me back in England."

"Kinda, but not really."

Sarah tossed her hair dismissively. "Close enough."

"I know I miss it," Takuya declared, trying to get back on subject. "I am suddenly not a leader anymore. Everyone thinks I'm just Takuya."

James snickered. "But… you are."

Takuya frowned, sulking. "Hey, you're talking to a Legendary Warrior here!"

James rolled his eyes "And you're talking to a personal friend to Mr. Franklin!"

"….Who is dead…" Kouji interjected.

"NOT dead!"

Henri, sweating nervously, cut in. "So….who was your favorite person to hang out with during your little adventure?" he asked.

JP answered as quickly as he could. "DEFINITELY Zoe." He declared, grinned at her.

Zoe cocked her head, thinking about the question as hard as she could. "Well…" she said presently, ignoring JP. "I'll have to say….um….uh….well……"

Takuya saved her the indecision by cutting in. "I'd say Tommy. Cuz he's like a little brother to me, and he never let me down. He always believed in me. Course, Kouji will probably come in second." He stared at Kouji for a minute, and then decided against it.

Tommy nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I'd have to say the same about Takuya. JP comes in second."

"I'd have to say Kouji," Kouichi said firmly.

Kouji grinned. "I'd have to say Kouichi…" he paused. "But he did cause me a lot of pain too." He shrugged off the memory like it meant nothing.

Kouichi paled, and hung his head. "Sorry 'bout that by the way," he murmured.

Kouji stared at him in disbelief. "Please…don't apologize every day. It's fine!" He placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I already told you it doesn't matter."

"Um….I….well….." Zoe's voice interrupted their muffled conversation with her indecision.

"Just say me," JP smirked at her. "We all know its true anyway."

(Everyone sweatdrops)

"………It's okay Zoe," Sarah reached across the table with a comforting hand. "I know EXACTLY how you feel."

"Really?" James asked. "How's that?"

Sarah shook her head. "Never mind James. Never mind."

Henri leaned back against the chair with a stretch and a sigh and cleared his throat. "I guess that's all…" he declared. "I just have one last question."

Takuya leaned against the table, looking a little bored. "Sure thing." He sighed.

Henri grinned. "Awesome. So…How do I become a legendary warrior?"

All Six Frontier kids spoke in unison. "You don't."

James frowned. "Why not?" he asked, looking a little put out.

Kouji rolled his eyes. "Cuz you're not good enough," he stated simply.


"Or rather, you have to be chosen," Kouichi said as he glared at his brother to be more polite.

"It was worth a shot," Henri sighed. "Oh well."

Well, it was nice to meet you all…" Sarah said, standing up. "I suppose."

"Good bye." Kouji stood up as well. He didn't much like Sarah, but he usually stood up whenever a lady did. And she was older than him…

The others stood up and waved good bye. Zoe clicked the tape recorder off, and the three guests made their exit. There was a short moment of silence, broken shortly by the author clearing her throat. The six Frontier kids turned to stare at her, slightly annoyed.

"Okay, so that didn't go too bad did it?" the author asked, grinning guiltily.

Takuya nearly exploded. "Yes it did! It was useless!" he declared.

The author shrugged apathetically. "But it was fun for me cuz I'm bored."

"Next time you're bored, don't take it out on us," Kouji asked, already knowing that his request would be pretty much ignored.

He was right. The author grinned with excitement and handed them a calendar. "Next time I'm bored," she declared, "you guys get to meet another Digimon Season."

Zoe stared at the calendar unenthusiastically. "This'll be interesting," she stated. "At least it's another digimon season…"

Tommy clapped his hands together in excitement. "Is there anyone else my age?" he asked hopefully.

The author chuckled. "You'll just have to wait and see," she taunted.

Kouji stuck his hands in his pockets and rolled his eyes. "Well I'm just not going to be here when that time comes," he said.

The writer stared at him, shocked. "Why not?"

"Cuz….I….feel uncomfortable with you dictating what I say all the time!"

She grinned gleefully at him and shrugged. "I guess you'll just have to coop."

"Yeah, well…" he tried to find a come back. "…we'll see."

"K. Till next time then." The writer shooed the kids out of the interview area and ended the story.


Okay, yeah, it's not as cool when it is story format, but I don't want it to get deleted. Or, "baleeted," as Homestarrunner would say. So that's why it's revised. Do you still like it this way? Please say yes! I'm sorry for those who don't.

And if you haven't read this story before, you missed the good stuff. And this next information is for you.

Next Interview:

Digimon Adventure meets Digimon Frontier

R&R please. No more Liberty's Kids, have no fear.

Any suggestions one who the Frontier kids should meet next? Anyone from your favorite show? How about a vote? Next one's up to you.

Note: I only do this when I'm bored, so it's likely to be ridiculous. Thanks for reading.

-The author.

P.S. The author wont be in the story as much in the next story. In fact, she's not in most of the chapters at all. I mean I'm not. It's lame when I am. I think so anyway.