On the distant planet of Uranus, a young princess sat on her bed crying over the death of her parents. The young princess of sixteen was to rule her planet in her parent's absence, for it was the law of the land to pass the scepter to the next of blood. The princess never intended to take on such a responsibility at her young age. She wanted to feel free and experience things she could not find within her cold, stonewalls of her castle. The princess was described as naïve and young. She did not have objections to what was fact. In response to her uneasiness, the princess felt she had something missing in her life.
Thus, the young Uranian princess gave up the throne and passed it to her younger and only sister, who would serve as her regent until she felt ripe as a ruler. For her sister, she greatly accepted with little hesitation. She had longed the day to rule like her beloved mother and father; she was grateful to her sister. She was wise beyond her years, and possessed the pride of her ancestors within her blood to carry out ruling over the land, yet she was saddened to see her only family leave.
Before her farewell, the Uranian princess was bestowed the Sword of Uranus, which had been passed down by generations for the protection of the royal family. The princess was also granted a noble and fantastical steed that was said to had been a gift given by the Gods. With these endowments, she would have the safety and guidance of Uranus at her side.
The Princess of Uranus departed in the hopes of finding what she so longed for—to find the missing piece of her to make her life complete, to make herself grow into a grand Uranian her parents wished her be, but also to one day return with a whole heart.