Let's get these 2 things straight: 1.) I do not own Power Rangers Mystic Force or any of the characters. 2.) This is SLASH. If you don't know what that means let me explain it quit bluntly, guys like each other. So, if that offends you, GO AWAY. Anyway, sorry about the rant, otherwise, enjoy.

Broken Together

Chapter 1if it Ain't Broke, Don't fix it

"You can't fix everything, Xander," Nick said lightly.

"There's no point in jumping to conclude things, you have to just stop and think about things."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

"What are you talking about, Nick?" Xander asked a bit irritated.

"I'm talking about how you think compromising can fix everything. Sometimes things don't need to be fixed."

"So it's better to just run away from it?" Xander asked hastily, disregarding the fact he shouldn't have touched that topic.

"Watch it."

"No, Nick, I won't. Why can't you just tell me why you're always running and moving? There has to be a reason."

"There is no reason!" Nick half shouted, his eyes averting to an inanimate object.

He and Xander had to close the shop as the other three needed to head off to Udonna's for training. Still, Nick wished he could have been stuck with Vida, maybe even Chip instead of Xander. Nick had always been one to misjudge people by their deeds…he figured if they were nice to him, or actually wanted to be his friend, they wanted something more. That something more could range anywhere from money to a relationship…what it was now, Nick couldn't tell.

"Can't you even tell a good lie?" Xander demanded.

"I'm not lying."

"And you're oh so good at hiding it," he chided.

"Alright, fine, you wanna know? You wanna know all about your "leader" and his screwed up past?"

"That would be the point, yes."

Nick glared at the taller male for a few moments before sighing. Did he really need to tell Xander the truth? Was it really necessary for him to even know? What would Xander say or do?

"It started when I was younger…about 9 maybe. My parents were always busy, all the time, I barely ever saw them, but they made sure I was with family. For a while I was with close relatives…but then…when I turned 14, I messed up big time," Nick explained.

Xander looked at him incredulously, "You're not going to stop there are you? It was just getting interesting. You can really tell a good story, ever thought of being an author?"

Nick shot the idea down mid-flight, "No."

The look on the green rangers faced went from amusement to confusion, but Nick carried on with the story.

"I was good friends with this kid named Brice, and we were really cool, I mean, we got along great. But…I've always…looked too deep into things, and I don't ever have them figured the right way. They always seem to be the exact opposite or a mile short of what I was thinking."

"You liked him didn't you?" Xander filled in.

His tone wasn't disgusted or disbelieving, but more of curiosity or self-experience. What was he getting at?

Nick stared off for a while before looking at Xander and nodding.

"Well…" Xander began, starting to pace back and forth as the sunlight completely vanished from visibility, "I don't see much you can do to change that. You think by not making friends you won't make mistakes?"

"That's not the idea, no," Nick replied.

"So you think that if you distance yourself you'll never like anyone—guys particularly."

Absently, Nick nodded.

"And you know your orientation?"

"Not…really…I mean…yes…but no."


"I don't know."

"It's frustrating, I know," Xander sighed.

"How would you know Mr. Charm?"

"It's obvious by the look on your face. You don't seem like a quitter, but you don't seem like someone that would stick around and do something after you knew it was pointless."

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment."

"You should."

Nick was silent, but Xander kept on.

"So, what your saying is, you don't know if you're straight or—"

"Don't!" Nick shouted, then quieted, "Don't…say it…"


"Don't say the word…I've heard it enough in the past three years."

"Well…if that's your orientation, what else can you call it that is any or as nice?"

"There is no nice way to put it, Xander. It's a horrible thing, I hate it, I hate those kind of people…it's…disgusting.

And that was self-loathing…that was how Nick had completely torn himself apart inside. His orientation or his preferences disgusted him. His lifestyle disgusted him, and anyone that reminded him of it disgusted him. Why?

Okay…so this could be one shot, this was just a couple that played with my mind until I wrote it after I saw Mystic Force. So, if you'd like me to continue, let me know with a review.