Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and the fact that I write fanfiction is proof of that. Plus, I can't afford a lawyer...

A/N: First attempt at a Naruto fanfic. Promises to be interesting and worth a read, or at least that's what I want. Includes some OCs, so if you hate stories like that, don't read it and don't flame me.

Summary: Naruto gets assigned to a different team. Yawn, right? Well, let's replace the original sensei with some new, fresh people. This is an overdone plot, but I like it and want to try it. Don't worry, I won't remove Kakashi and the other sensei from the story, they're too cool for that.

Konoha Village, Uzumaki Residence

A loud ringing sound brought one blond ninja to the world of the awake. Naruto groaned as he hit the blaring alarm, silencing it. He gazed wearily around, suddenly remembering that today was important.

What was going on...OH CRAP! THE TEAM ASSIGNMENTS, thought Naruto in a panic. He shot out of bed and began dressing at a pace that would make Yondaime jealous.

After a few minutes of hurried preparation, the blonde leapt out of his home and headed for the Ninja Academy. His thoughts were on what team he would be on, which pretty much boiled down to the fact that he wanted to be on "Sakura-chan's" team.

He moved with the swiftness and grace of a proud shinobi as he made daring leaps from roof to roof of his home village. Clunk! "Aggh!", cried Naruto as a television aerial loomed out of nowhere and sent him sprawling onto the tiled roof of a home. Well, forget the graceful part...

Naruto recovered and then made a final leap to the courtyard below, which was filling with other recently promoted genin. He remained quiet and tried to lessen his presence, still wary of information he'd learned last night from Mizuki.

As usual, no one payed him attention at all, except for one person. From a distance, Hyuuga Hinata observed her secret crush and most admired person. She was hopeful, a rare emotion for her, that they may be on the same team. She followed him as the crowd of ninja filed into their classrooms for the team assignments.

Konoha Village, Academy Teacher's Lounge

A large grouping of jounin with the various chunin teachers milled about as they waited for the team assignments to be underway. An average height jounin, wearing light gray cargo pants and the jounin vest of his village, waited at the edge of the crowd.


He spun as two more ninja waded through the crowd towards him. One was very tall with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, he wore black with a dark green jounin vest zipped up over it. The other was short and had black hair pulled into tight ponytail with eyes that were just as black. He wore gray pants and a netted shirt under an open light green jounin vest. They halted in front of their friend, who regarded them with pale white eyes, those of the Hyuuga Clan.

"Whose on your team?", asked the short jounin.

"I don't know. They haven't given us the sheets yet, Samagi-kun."

The jounin grimaced at hearing his full name."Call me Sam, damn it.", he said through pursed lips.

"Let's not get in a spat now.", said the tall ninja, Steve. He turned as a chuunin, identified as Iruka, handed them each a sheet with there team on it.

"Join me in room 4 in ten minutes. There you will meet your team.", said Iruka, walking off.

Will scanned his sheet and the names made since to him. Well, sort off. He was supposed to have a balanced team that specialized in ambushes and eliminating enemies quickly. He looked over to Sam, who was scrutinizing his sheet.

"This could be real troublesome.", muttered Sam, as he tucked the paper into his vest. "You team any good, Steve?", he inquired.

Steve folded up the sheet and mimicked Sam's action. "I can live it.", he said simply. The tall ninja indicated a wall clock. "We should go, the others are leaving as well.", he stated and left.

Sam and Will exchanged a weird look, since something was off about him today, and then followed him out of the room.

Academy, Room 4

The various graduating genin sat with ill-concealed impatience for the assignments. Some like Hinata and Shino remained quiet, but Naruto was having issues waiting.

"Geez, when will Iruka-sensei get here to give our teams.", groaned Naruto for the twentieth time. He placed his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair.

"Maybe if you had any skill as a ninja, the wait wouldn't seem so bad, dobe.", remarked Uchiha Sasuke in a smug voice from a couple seats away. He gave a superior smirk as he said it.

"WHAT did you say, Sasuke-teme!", roared Naruto as he again moved with Yondaime-like speed to crouch on Sasuke's desk. His patience was worn through at this point.

"You heard me, dobe. Get some skill and you won't be bored.", repeated Sasuke, causing the bastard scale to go haywire. Naruto leaned in closer and closer for a staring contest. He got closer and even closer than closer until...SMOOCH!

He'd gone and clashed lips with the Uchiha prodigy. The kiss lasted for about twenty nanoseconds before they fell apart. Naruto heaved onto the floor, completely horrified. Sasuke was breathing heavily, sucking in large gulps of air as if he'd been poisoned by vapors.

Naruto finished his terror attack and looked up to see Sakura and several other girls with dangerous looks on their faces.

"Hello Sakura-chan.", said Naruto with a grin on his face. The pink-haired genin cracker her knuckles while growling,"Hello Naruto." and, "Goodbye", she screamed delivering an uppercut that launched the blonde through the roof and would have made Naru from Love Hina proud.

Hinata went extremely fidgety when Naruto was launched. It actual wasn't too bad and he landed in a smoking heap in his chair as Sakura walked off dusting off her knuckles to annoy Sasuke.

The sound of a door being opened alerted the ninja to the arrival of Iruka and the jounin sensei. The jounin formed a line in front of the classroom while Iruka stepped to the fore.

"You will now be put into teams of three. These will then be assigned to a jounin. You will perform missions with your team now that you are genin. I will now call out the team number, members, and then indicate the jounin sensei.", declared Iruka. He started reading off names.

Naruto and Hinata could feel the tension building as teams were reeled off. Hinata's fidgeting had reached new levels and she was doing a credible impersonation of a tomato. Naruto edged in his seat as Iruka called out, "Team 6."

Iruka paused to take a breath and said, "Haruno Sakura, Inuzuka Kiba, and Akimichi Chouji, you're Team 6. Your sensei is Ronoya Senge." At this Steve stepped forward and indicated for his team to follow him, which they did.

"Aw man, I didn't get Sakura-chan.", groaned Naruto. Hinata's hopes lifted up a bit upon hearing this. It meant she had a better chance than ever of being on Naruto's team. Her face turned into a slight smile as she thought of spending training with her idol.

Iruka coughed and gave Naruto a look that suggested displeasure, but didn't comment. The genin in the room looked up at him as he prepared to read off the next team.

"Team 7", said Iruka, "Consists of Nara Shikimaru..."

Here Sam gave a grimace. He'd expected to be teaching the only Nara genin, but somehow he wasn't. He snorted a little, but didn't say anything.

"Hyuuga Hinata...", continued Iruka. Hinata looked up with hope rising in her mind. This is it, she thought. Her fidgeting began to resemble seal formation by a jounin, it was so random and fast.

"And... Uzumaki Naruto.", finished Iruka. Naruto looked around as his teammates and wasn't impressed. A lazy guy and a white-eye weirdo., he thought dejectedly. Hinata on the hand was through the roof. Well, only in her mind. But, she was with Naruto-kun and that was all she wanted. Shikimaru just yawned.

"Your sensei is Hyuuga Wiruna.", stated Iruka, indicating Will, the silver haired Hyuuga jounin. The new Team 7 looked at their sensei. He stared back with blank white orbs that told them nothing.

A Hyuuga? Oh no..., thought Hinata. She didn't want to have another person who saw her as a failure as a member of the clan. Granted, she knew nothing about him, but still most of the Hyuuga saw her as weak, so why not this guy.

Naruto for his part was observing their blank faced teacher. Is he related to Hinata? Another white-eye weirdo., he thought, sinking even deeper into depression.

Shikimaru was very quiet about the whole thing. He disguised any thoughts he was having by yawning again. He was actually deeply interested in their sensei. It would a rare opportunity to meet and learn from a scion of the largest Konoha clan.

"Let's go. Meet me in training area 43.", said Will, breaking the silence. With that, he walked out of the room. His new students followed quickly. Behind them, Iruka was heard saying, "Team 8 will be Yamanka Ino,...", until they were out of earshot.

Will observed the genin now under his command. There was the lazy Nara, who Will knew was smart, but it would take some time to get him motivated. The heir to his clan, the supposed weak Hyuuga. And the Kyuubi container, Naruto. He hoped that he could make these three into a potent force.

Naruto presented an issue to him as to what he should learn. Will was familiar with Kyuubi, having fought it twelve years ago as a chuunin. He still had the scars from that encounter and some pretty painful memories. He shook his head to clear it and walked the last few feet to the training area.


Training Area 43

Will walked to the center of the field, where three logs used for taijutsu practice were arranged.

"Please come and seat yourselves and we shall get acquainted.", he said with a friendly smile. The best way to gain trust was to act friendly and Will needed their trust now.

The team seated themselves with their backs to the logs. Almost immediately, Naruto raised his hand.

"Yes?", said Will.

"Sensei, are you and Hinata related.You have the same eyes and surname."

Will twitched visibly. So direct. Hinata blushed and tapped her index fingers together. Shikimaru just looked shocked.

"Yes, we are of the same clan, the Hyuuga, but we are not directly related.", came Will's reply. He decided not to make a habit of answering stupid questions, but this was a valid question.

Hinata blushed again and stuttered, "Th-that's ri-right, Naru-Naruto-kun. We are of the same cl-clan." Shikimaru and Will had the same thought at once. She has a huge crush on him.

Naruto looked surprised. It was the first time any adult other than Iruka or the Third had ever given him an answer. It made him happy on the inside, but why was Hinata blushing?

"Anyway, let's get to know each other, shall we?", said Will, clasping his hands together. "We will go around and I want each of you to state your name, likes, dislikes, dreams, hobbies, and types of jutsu. I'll go first."

"My name's Hyuuga Wiruna, but you will call me Will. I like rainy days and cats. I dislike heat and people who give up easily. My hobbies are reading, poker, and training. My dreams are none of your business, and my jutsu you'll find out real soon.", finished Will.

He looked over to the far left, where Shikimaru was seemingly nodding off.

"How about you, Nara-san?", he inquired suddenly.

"Geez, this is troublesome.", muttered Shikimaru, but he went ahead and answered.

"My name's Nara Shikimaru. I like cloud-watching and sleeping. I hate troublesome things. My hobbies are cloud-watching and sleeping and I just want an average life. The jutsu I'm best with is the Kagemane no Jutsu.", narrated Shikimaru, who ended with another yawn.

"Hinata-sama, you're next.", said Will with a neutral voice.

The Hyuuga heiress murmured her answer, "My name is-is Hyuuga Hi-Hinata. I like flowers and I dislike fi-figh-ting. My dream is...my dream is to be-become strong." The last part she turned bright red and looked very shyly at Naruto, who watched her with a weird look on his face.

"I guess that's good. And now for our last, but not least genin.", said Will with a slight smile. Naruto jumped onto the log and declared himself.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto and my dream is to be Hokage!", he practically shouted, then settled into a thoughful pose to finish the question. "I suppose I like ramen and Sakura-chan of course.", he said. Hinata looked a little down at that statement and Shikimaru yawned like he'dheard it all before.

"I don't really hate anything and my best jutsu is Kagebunshin.", finished Naruto with a hand pose. Kagebunshin. Very impressive for the "village screw-up." , thought Will. He cleared his throat for attention.

"Now, we shall have a test. It will determine whether you will remain a genin or go back to the academy."

"What, why?", screamed Naruto in shock.

"Only nine genin or three teams will become genin, the rest will be sent back for another year.", stated Will.

"Come on...", complained Naruto.

"How troublesome."

Hinata merely looked extremely worried. I don't think I can pass the test and not against another Hyuuga., she thought.

"Let me explain the test. There are two bells on me and I will hold them for the duration of the test. Each of you must get a bell to pass and remain a genin. You will have six hours, starting... NOW!" , finished Will with a roar and all three lept away without a chance to ask questions.

Once the genin were hidden, Will removed an alarm clock from his pack and set on a log.

"You have until this clock rings to get a bell.", declared Will to the seemingly empty forest.


An hour later...

Will sat on a log in the clearing where the test had started. It had been an hour and none of his students had come out to attack him. A number of scenarios of what they may be doing ran in his head, but he had this feeling...

At that moment, Naruto charged out of the foliage to his sensei's right and rushed at Will, removing shuriken as he went. Will cocked his head in Naruto's direction as the blonde released four shuriken at his sensei.

Will merely leaned to one side to let three of the shuriken fly past him, before snatching the last one of midair and flinging it back. Naruto, suprised by the attack, halted in mid-rush and ducked the missile.

Will smirked as Naruto stalled his advance to dodge and then moved into Naruto's space at speeds only a jounin could manage. He would hold back, but only a little because the outcome of the fight wasn't the objective of the test.

The Hyuuga spun into a kick aimed for Naruto's side, which he was barely able to block. The genin lept back and countered with a punch to Will's face.

This blow was caught and then Naruto tried to kick at his opponent's ribs, which failed as Will used his free hand to block.

"You'll never win like this.", stated Will matter of factly, as he pulled Naruto forward, knocking him off balance and then hitting him on the stomach with his knee.

"Ooof!", grunted Naruto as the knee hit. He was then sent flying bodily into a nearby pond by Will.

Naruto waited underwater and thought, He's really good, but I will become Hokage. And so, I must...

He made hand seals and then lept out of the water yelling, "Kage Bunshinno Jutsu."

Eight copies of himself dove at Will, who was waiting at the water's edge. It was sad that he was caught off guard by the clones, which kicked him in the face and sent the jounin towards a tree.

Will recovered easily and faced the grinning Naruto. Those clones were Kage Bunshins., thought Will as he assumed a fighting stance.

"You know an excellent technique, but that gives you no permission for being cocky.", yelled Will as he met Naruto and his clones head on.

"You're just jealous!", cried Naruto and commenced his attack. The first pair of clones threw punches at Will.

"You misjudge your abilities.", said Will as he evaded the attacks and used speedy aerial Jyuuken moves to take out the copies, amazing Naruto.

The genin was a little freaked and threw a punch at Will. For a minute, it appeared that Naruto's fist had sunk into the jounin's stomach, but Will vanished in a puff of smoke suddenly, a log appearing in his place.

Kawarimi..., thought Shikimaru from the sidelines, where he and Hinata watched the fight. The Hyuuga heiress was worried for Naruto and watched with concern in her eyes.

Naruto was currently looking for the vanished jounin, who had landed in a tree behind Naruto. He lept down again, aiming for the confused genin. A swift kick to the side sent Naruto flying across the terrain.

He managed to regain his footing, but saw Will running towards him. He formed seals and six more kage bunshins appeared near him. They masked his escape, as he lept into the tree above and sent the clones to fight Will.

Will hit one copy in the stomach and pivoted to kick another, leaving both clones in a cloud of smoke. Three more rushed him, while one stayed back. The jounin figured this was the original or what Naruto wanted to him think was the original.

Will drew a kunai and slashed three times at the attacking clones. They vanished in a puff of smoke and Will dove at remaining Naruto facisimile.

The clone made no defensive moves and a deft kunai slash killed it, which suprised Will and allowed Naruto to attack the jounin's uncovered back. He drove a kunai into the sensei's back, trying to disable him enough to grab a bell.

Then, a puff of smoke enveloped Will's body and Naruto found his kunai stuck in a log. "Ahhh! Stop doing that.", screamed Naruto in frustration.

"Stop trying to play the hero.", murmured Will coolly as he appeared behind Naruto, a rope in his hand.

"What th...Yarrgh!", cried the irate genin as Will tugged on the rope. It was tied to Naruto's ankle and looped over a tree branch. This had the effect of hauling Naruto up the tree and leaving him hanging by one ankle.

Will looked up at his student with an amused look on his face.

"Blind attacking gets you nowhere. You'd do well to remember that .", said Will, before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

"SCREW YOU!", screamed Naruto, highly frustrated at his current situation.

Meanwhile, in the bushes, Shikimaru and Hinata looked at each other. "I think he's coming for us now.", said Shikimaru. Hinata looked to mortified to respond. I can't fight another Hyuuga. I'm too weak., thought Hinata as they waited for whatever was next.

END Chapter One

Author Notes: You like? Well, even if you hated it leave a review with the convnient button below. I need the praise/constructive criticisms.

A couple of things. I have OCs and probably some OOC stuff. The OCs are not going to be over the top. They will be a functional part of the fanfiction. As for the OOCness, I'm not a great writer yet. I'll try to keep the characters IC, but this an alternate universe. They will evolve differently, but won't be radically altered. Shikimaru will not become a hard worker all of a sudden. Other than that, this is my first Naruto fanfic. Don't flame me, I'm immune to it.

As for pairings, I don't have any confidence in being able to pull it off, but I may try anyway. This won't kick in for a couple of chapters, so don't hold your breath. Main one will defintely by NaruHina, but others are open to suggestions. I like unique or little used pairings. Please give feedback.

One last thing. I need a beta reader. Pleaser e-mail me at or leave your e-mail address and interest in helping me in a review. AND REVIEW!

I need reviews...sniff.

Sayonara, minna-san.