Hi ya. Yup, number 29! YAY! This is Harry's POV. Yup. Enjoy!

DC: Not mine.


Each moment that you live to the fullest, until the time you disappear. It's what we call "life," isn't it?

As I stand here, watching the green light come closer, thought race through my mind.

I gave up a long time ago. Everything lost meaning. And now I'm standing here, looking death in the eye. And I feel nothing.

Not fear. Not anticipation. Not sadness. Nothing at all.

It was my destiny to save them all. I was to save the world. I was the only one who could do it. And that made me sick. To think that I was all by myself, to be the last man standing.

It didn't matter who was pushed aside in the process, which innocent people lost their lives, as long as I made it to the finish line.

And here I am at the finish line. But I'm not going to be the last man standing. I'm to join the many that have lost their lives.

Ironic, isn't it? That the person who is meant to save the world, doomed it. It's my fault he left. It's my fault that he came back. I was supposed to save them all. But now I have to live with the fact that it's my fault that he will rule forever.

Because I'm going to die.

That green light is coming closer and closer. Everything is slow motion. That light, it's calling to me. Each particle of broken light, creating that color. It's drifting in the air, so gently. Floating. Coming closer and closer.

It's at my fingertips now. I can feel it's warmth. The thing that is going to kill me looks so... comforting. So inviting.

And with that, the green light collides with my chest, and all is lost.

It was my destiny. To save them all. I was to save the world. I was the only one who could do it. But now, maybe someone else will have to try. Someone else will have to kill him. Because I am no longer the last man standing. You are.

You are to be the last man standing. And please, for the sake of humanity, may it stay that way.


Not my best ever, but I need to get a one shot out there. Hope you liked it! R&R, and remember, flames are for arsonists!