Title: Estel o Edain (Hope of Men)

Author: HazleSilver

Rating: PG-13 for angst, slight character torture, epic battle scenes –grins- and that's about it.

Spoilers: None that I can think of, but I will note them in any chapters that I feel contain them.

Disclaimer (Boring): I do not own Aragorn or Legolas and I do not claim to. However, I do own any characters you do not recognize, the only one who currently comes to mind is Eowine, and she won't be playing anything else other than in this chapter. I will possibly be incorporating Randir, and elf I rather like, who I did make up.

Disclaimer 2: This story could be considered AU because Tolkien does not specify whether or not Aragorn and Legolas met prior to the Fellowship. Also, he does not (as far as I have read) make much mention of Aragorn's time as Thorongil, and if he does I have not seen it. I am taking what Cassia and Sio refer to as an 'artistic license.'

Background: On page 408 of RotK year 2933, Tolkien says that Elrond received Aragorn as a foster-son. I interpret that to mean he became Aragorn's father in a sense, and Elladan and Elrohir his brothers. I realize Gilraen took him there, but I do not feel confident enough to write her well, and so I have decided that for all my story background she was killed with Arathorn. As said before, Legolas and Aragorn are close friends in my story. A brief note to avoid confusion, Steelsheen is what the people of Rohan call their queen, Morwen.

Summary: When Legolas disappears outside of Rohan Aragorn follows his best friend's captors. When he reaches their hideout however, he uncovers a ring of slave traders, who deal specially in elves. /non-slash\\

Feedback:Always! I accept criticism well (didn't used to! But I do now!) But it is unlikely I will go back and edit this story unless in the case of horrid misspellings of place or character names. In the event of any mistakes please let me know!

-Robot voice- The author's notes are ending, please watch your step and let go of the handrail.

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Aragorn walked though the quiet halls. The Rohirrim were all in the dining halls, celebrating, he knew soon he would be forced to rejoin them, but for the moment he was satisfied to wander about. It had been only a short time since he had left Gondor, war weary and prepared to return home to Imladris, but he had wanted to stop in Rohan first, having promised the young princess he would say goodbye. He had been in Rohan for nearly a week and a half and had yet to see princess Théodwyn. He reached a beautiful carved door, inscribed were the words "Princess of Rohan." He knocked gently on the door, smiling at the young maiden who opened it.

"Captain," she said, curtseying.

"Lady Eowine, your lovely charge wouldn't be in, would she? I am to escort her down to the festivities," he said courteously.

"Of course, my Lord, let me fetch her," she replied hastily. She appeared a few seconds later with said child, trying to brush her straw colored blonde hair.

"Thank you Eowine, and how are you Princess, keeping your brother well in trouble I hope?"

"Of course!" the girl replied giggling. She was tall and lanky for a six year old, reminding Aragorn of her mother. A firm nudge of her governess caused her to curtsey and mutter "My lord." Aragorn didn't miss the slightly resentful tone in the young voice, as well as the exasperated grimace of Eowine.

"Come, let us be on our way Princess, and you can tell me of your latest adventures." She nodded and grabbed his hand.

"Just the other day," she began, towing him through the lovely halls of Meduseld, "Théoden took me riding, and he didn't check his girth! So we were riding and he fell in this great big puddle! But I didn't tell him he didn't check his girth!"

"How very devious of you, Princess," Aragorn laughed. The child grinned cheekily at him. He laughed again, he had become very fond of the young Princess, and had she a daughter he hoped she was as…charming and endearing as Théodwyn.

Théoden approached and nodded to the captain, taking the hand of his sister and leading her away. Aragorn sighed, why on earth could he never talk to anyone for more than an average of ten minutes? It was begging to become a real issue. He waded through the crowd of Rohirrim with a disinterested glance at the table which contained drinks.

"Captain Thorongil!" a young soldier called his name, causing him to look up.

"Why, hello, how can I help you Blanca?"

"Lieutenant Heoru challenged Lord Legolas to a contest!"

"Blanca, strange as it may seem I am not Legolas' mother, he is capable of handling himself."

"O-of course Captain!" the young man replied, blushing furiously as he all but ran away. Aragorn laughed loudly, causing more than a few heads to turn as he made his way forward. The Rohirric were a suspicious people at best, and the fact that they had accepted Legolas was enough to make Aragorn laugh. There were a few who didn't, but those were mostly kept far away from the Prince to avoid confrontation. With a grin he spotted Queen Morwen across the room. He made a beeline towards what he thought to be company. He had yet to speak with a woman he considered to be a close friend and confident.

"My Lady," he said with a bow.

"Captain Thorongil, it was a pleasant surprise to have you grace our halls, in truth, we hadn't expected you to return."

"Ah, but I always keep my promises my queen. Surely you know that?"

"Perhaps, but it was a promise you would possibly be unable to keep, Théodwyn very nearly lost her trust in men!"

"My sincerest apologies to your lovely daughter then, my Queen," he replied smoothly.

"Fear not, she had escaped this promise with her faith in men intact, who knows how long that will last?"

"I should hope forever, Lady Steelsheen."

"Well, I daresay she was most smitten with you, upon your arrival she declared her intent to marry you when she was 'old enough,'" the queen replied with a smile.

"Again my most sincere apologies, but my heart belongs to another."

"A very lucky lady, I assure you."

"Or a very foolish one," he answered. She was about to reply when the king appeared.

"My dear, would you care for a dance?" She nodded and smiled.

"It was nice seeing you, Thorongil."

"As it was you, my Queen," he smiled at the king and decided it would be very discourteous of him to growl as well. He gave a resigned sigh as he realized anyone who looked vaguely interested in talking to him would soon be carted off. Wasn't that just his luck?

He made his way through the crowded room to the sanctuary of a quiet hall. Once there he leaned against the wall. It was the obnoxious voice of a Rohirric lieutenant he rather disliked that made him jerk up.

"Elf…stupid…ran…ha…" That was enough for Aragorn to decide he a) needed to find Legolas and b) needed to kill Heoru in the very near future. He moved quietly through the dark halls, finding his way to the nearest exit point. He jogged down to the open field and scanned it. His eyes searching for a face he knew as well has his own.


Just ahead a small green and brown form could be seen, hunched over itself and slowly rocking. Aragorn broke into a run wondering what in the world could be wrong with his elven friend.

Stomach wound? No, not likely. Headache? No…Cold? He's an elf you stupid human! They don't get colds!

You know, the best way to find this out would be to ask him. A voice in his head that sounded suspiciously like Elladan piqued. Oh, really? I hadn't come to that conclusion yet! Valar, now I'm arguing with myself…I am going mad.

You always were mad! The Elladan like voice responded. Aragorn shook his head and forced his mind to the present.

"Legolas?" he said gently, the elf did not move. He lay a hand on the elf shoulder, only to jerk back when the elf flinched away from his touch…something he had not done since they met. "Legolas, mellon nin, man sa?" His question was answered when the elf leaned forward and vomited into the brown grass of Rohan.

"That is what is wrong," the elf replied with such loathing that Aragorn was hard put not to laugh, the situation wasn't really funny. Elves weren't supposed to get sick. He kneeled next to the elf, easily ripping off a strip of his sleeve for the Prince. The elf took it and wiped his mouth, blue eyes glittering with shame. Aragorn sat silently for a moment, watching the way the elf closed his eyes and groaned.

"Mellon nin?" he said softly, "Legolas, what is wrong?"

"I feel…" the elf paused for a moment.

"Icky," the ranger supplied. The elf's eyes shot open and he gave an indignant snort.

"I do not…" he began but the pounding headache returned he nodded. "So maybe I do…" Aragorn rolled his eyes and touched the elf's forehead, it was warmish.

"I think we should go inside."

"No! I won't let any secondborn see me like this…" the elf practically whimpered. Aragorn sighed; he knew it wasn't meant as a slander, it was that stubborn elf's pride.

"Prissy elf."

"Smelly human."

"I am going to go get you some water, and…"

"Don't you dare drug me, human," the elf hissed. Aragorn smiled; at least he was acting vaguely normal.

"Let me finish, elf. I am getting you some water and a blanket, don't protest. It is my right to drug you, so accept the terms or I will carry you in and cause a scene." The elf was silent so Aragorn got to his feet and began walking off. The elf's next words were almost so quiet he nearly missed them.

"Thank you for understanding, mellon nin." Aragorn smiled and walked casually up the steps and into the main hall. The lights had dimmed slightly and he could see the King and Théoden talking in one corner. In the middle of the floor stood the queen, an almost…confused expression on her face. A bit to her left stood Heoru, a smirk on his face and a light in his eyes.

"And then the elf runs out, I bet he is vomiting all over the place, like the unholy varmint he is," Heoru barely finished speaking before he felt a blade at his throat.

"It is not my custom to kill friends of my host, but insult him again and Elbereth help you I will," Aragorn hissed.

"Let go of me captain, or I shall have you killed."

"Believe me, lieutenant I think that would be a foolish thing to do indeed," a melodic and powerful voice stated dryly.

"My-my Queen…" the human stuttered.

"Lady Steelsheen," Aragorn nodded and released the man he held.

"Captain Thorongil, perhaps you would care to enlighten me?"

"Later, Lady Steelsheen, I am in a rush I am afraid."

"Water is warm in the kitchens, and the third door to the left has blankets in it," she said with a knowing smile.

"Thank you," he said, moving off through the crowd. One must wonder, he mused, how a woman seems to know everything.

He grinned at that thought, his mind momentarily straying to Arwen. He missed her, but…he missed his family more. It was time to return home. He and Legolas could leave tomorrow, assuming the elf was recovered. With the rather amusing image of Legolas explaining to Elrond exactly why he came back with a hangover in his head Aragorn returned outside. The ground was empty, there was no elf. Only a small piece of paper fluttering in the wind.

Legolas was gone.


Mellon nin- my friend

Man sa- what is wrong?