Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters, Harry Potter books ect. Belong to J.K Rowling. Obviously you already know this though.

Are My Tears Worth Nothing?


Do you truly know the meaning of this word?

Not many people do.

You could say your best friend betrayed you by calling you names.

You think thats betrayal.


But there is a person... a person who knows the meaning of this word all to well...

I am dying Inside

Harry Potter sat in a lonely, dank and dark cell, it only had a small slit for a window which let in the tiniest amount of light in possible. A small path of moonlight crossed a young mans face, illuminating his pale gaunt features. His face was peppered with silver scars and fresh bruises, his jet black hair flopped lankly over his wide emerald eyes...

Wide with insanity.

He lay on a large piece of stone the guards called a bed, covered nothing but the clothes on his back. Suddenly a sharp coldness fell over the cells and the screaming began.

Dementors... They were the cause of this, foul and loathed by all they sucked out (Eventually) people souls, leaving people a shell of the former selves.


"Harry James Potter you have been found guilty of all charges."

Minister Fudge read out the verdict with a gleeful smirk, finally he could get rid of the Potter brat for good.

"Do you have any last words?"

They acted like it was an execution...

An execution for an innocent man.

Harry raised his head, his eyes dull as he surveyed the court room, they betrayed him...

"Are my tears worth nothing? Are the tears of an innocent man worthless?"

An angry voice interrupted him,

"You foul creature! Your parents are likely to be rolling in there graves at what you've become!"

It was Remus Lupin, someone Harry thought believed him.

Harry's eyes sparkled with tears threatening to spill.

"I thought you believed me..."

He murmured softly.

End flashback.

As the Dementors passed Harry shrieked as if in pain, he clawed at his face digging straight into the flesh. Flecks of blood spilled down his face, mingling with the tears. A guard passed his face twisted into a gruesome smirk.

"Deserve every minute of torture you get." He muttered.

Harry fell back down onto the stone bed crashing his head onto the hard, sharp corner. A sickening crunch was heard throughout the prison as prisoner 22560 fell back, blood seeping onto his matted hair and dripping mournfully onto the floor with soft drips.

His last thought as he sunk into oblivion was a simple,

"Are my tears worth nothing?"

And all was heard was the soft dripping of crimson from an innocent man that lay, dead.

Eventually Harry James Potter was found innocent of all charges, his best friend Ron Weasley, the only one that stood by him campaigned tirelessly to get Harry proclaimed innocent both before and after he died.

Minister Fudge was voted out of office for his corrupt ways and Arthur Weasley voted in, paving a new path for the Wizarding World.

Ron Weasley finally died at the age of 180 he had one child which he named Harry Arthur Weasley in memory of his best friend.