I'm sorry to my faithful readers

Dedicated to all those who adore suspense and mystery in a story.

Rachel screamed, and leaped backwards. She hit her head on the baseboard.

"OW!" she yelled, clutching her head and moaning. "Oh, man, owwww!" The man looked startled, and rather amused at the same time. In case he hadn't heard her the first time, she screamed again. "OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!"

Smiling, he stood up. "I will get you a potion that will heal your newly acquired head injury." he said, leaving. She tried not to think about how hot he looked and instead, tried to be annoyed that he hadn't introduced himself. Then she looked around.

"Whoa..." she breathed, her eyes wide with astonishment. The room was beautiful, large and airy. She was looking out through a beautiful set of windows into a garden that was in full bloom. The room was shaded by the trees canopy from above. There were gorgeous wall hangings showing battles, peaceful times and more people than she could ever imagine. There were also strange animals, like what looked like an elephant with four tusks instead of the two. She tilted her head, staring at the depiction of a woman in a white dress leaning over a man on the banks of a river. The woman appeared to be crying...She tore her eyes away from the tapastry and looked at the garden again.

The door opened and a younger looking woman came in, escorted by the guy from before. The woman placed a tray with a slightly steaming beaker on it on a table that was beside the bed that she was in. The guy sat in the chair that he had vacaded earlier. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Then Rachel let out a little sigh of impatience.

"Yes...?" he said, eyebrows raised the slightest. She noticed that he was speaking in common tounge. Not that Sildar--whatever from the night before.

"Okay...question 1: what is your name?"

"Legolas Greenleaf." he replied, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Question 2: Where am I?"

"The infirmary, in the palace of Mirkwood."

"Okay. Question three: How did I get here?"

He shrugged eloquently. She glared at him. "I mean it!" she snapped. "I'm supposed to be home! I've got a band competition in two hours!" His eyebrows raised slightly. "Are you going to tell me or not?"

"So, feeling any better?" asked Legolas, looking at the strange girl, who was sitting in the infirmary, clutching a cup of potion. It was supposed to help her headache.

"Yes...thank you," she said, looking into the murky depths of the cups contents. How, how, HOW in all the powers of Heaven, had she come back here? She had been happily at home, fixing to do homework after her nap and here she was again! She took a deep breath, and released it as a soft sigh. She should just accept this as a dream. After all, it wasn't every day that she dreamed of an extremely hot boy talking to her, or even looking at her. This guy, Leggo-something was actually studying her, as if he had never seen anything like her. She was just an ordinary girl from Nebraska.

"Where are you from?" asked Legolas, his eyes curious.

"Ummm...somewhere really far away." she said with a cheesy smile.

"To the west or east?" he said, and did his voice carry a hint of threat in it?

"Uhhhh..." What would be best? Uhhh, um...ohhhh...uhhhh..."East. Actually south-east." She stood up. Legolas flinched, then relaxed.

"Do you need anything at all?" he asked. "Maybe a change of clothes...?" Rachel looked at her clothes. It was just the pajamas from the night before. Come to think of it, why was she in these clothes, and not her outfit that she had put on that morning? She sighed and nodded.

Fifteen minutes later...
Rachel stared at her reflection in a mirror. She was clothed in a dress. Not just any dress, but a fancy, white, long-sleeved thing, with a green belt. And she had jewelry on. Fancy jewelry. She never wore jewelry. Her hair had been done up in a relaxed version of Legolas's hair, all braids and flashiness.

She sighed. Where were a pair of jeans when you needed them? Come to think of it, not only did she want a pair of jeans, she wanted a cup of coffee too. Just then, Legolas walked calmly in.

"Lle naa vanima." Somehow she was able to understand this.

"I look like a doll." she said, almost in disgust. "Is there anything simpler I could wear? Like a pair of jeans? A knee-length skirt? A kilt? Anything?"

"I suppose we could get you a skirt...But what are jeans and a kilt?"

She blushed. "Never mind. The skirt will be perfect. And can I get a cup of coffee?"

"Coffee?" He looked at her strangely.

"Tea, maybe? Really strong, sweet tea?" She asked desperately. She needed caffeine so bad. Legolas nodded, and she sighed with relief. "Extra sugar." she said, following him out of the room.

A few minutes later...
She looked at the skirt that Legolas had managed to get for her. It was a simple affair, light brown-green, with a hint of gold when it hit the light. She was also wearing an old white shirt that she thought was Legolas'. She daren't think anymore about that. Another elf came in with a cup on a tray. Legolas nodded to him. He put the tray on a table, and left the room. She sighed with relief again. Caffeine. Yes!

She took up the mug, and took a gulp. She smacked her lips, thinking about the taste. Kinda weird. But in a good way. Tasty yet tangy yet sweet. She decided that she liked it. She smiled at Legolas, then looked at her reflection again. She liked the way that the skirt brought out her eyes. She gave a slight swirl. The skirt fanned out, and spread across the air. It gently fell back to it's original position of clinging to her legs. She giggled, and did it again.

Legolas shook his head in wonder. Who or what was she really? A girl who declined one of the most fabulous dresses in Mirkwood. A girl who wanted simple things, even though they did have strange names, like coffee, whatever that was.

"Lle desiel, heru en amin?" asked yet another elf who walked in. "Lle an lema henio sur."

"Lá." replied Legolas, standing up. He started to walk towards the door.

"Wait just a doggone minute!" said Rachel, whipping around. "You're leaving?"

"Yes." he replied. "I am to go to Rivendell, to see Lord Elrond. He has called a Council and my father has chosen me to go."

"Hold it. You are not going without me!" Legolas's eyes went wide.

"You..want...to go?" he asked, his eyebrows raised again.

"YES." she stated. "When are we going?"


Okay that was short, sweet and to the point. Review please!!