Summary: Join Danny as he battles new foes and gains new friends

Disclaimer- I do not own the rights to Danny, Sam, The Box Ghost...etc, but what I do own is mine and you can't have it.

Danny Phantom

The Ghostly Saga



Book I

High Spirits

-Class is in session!

Summary: A new ghost arrives in town with powers you won't believe. And there is a new teacher at Danny's school that is more than meets the eye.

Chapter 1- Jazz's Best Friend


July 17, 1996

Eight year old Jazz Fenton was enjoying her time at the park sitting under one of her favorite trees and reading one of her favorite book. She was minding her own business when all of a sudden she heard a strange sound coming from a nearby bush. She looked up from her book for a moment then went back to her reading. A few moments later she hears the noise again. This time she got up, set her book down and slowly crept towards the bush. She was about an inch away when…


Out pops a small, blond haired, eight year old boy that scared Jazz so much that she fell to the ground. She looked up to see the boy on the ground laughing hysterically.

"Michael Smith," she said angrily "that was not funny."

"It made me laugh." he replied.

"Well it still wasn't nice." Jazz said.

Then she noticed the outfit he was wearing. It was kind of like the suit her parents wore except the top was grey with a black collar, and the pants were black. He had on a pair of black hobo gloves, and pair of black boots. He was also wearing a black leather overcoat, and a nice pair of sunglasses.

"What's with the costume?" she asked.

"This?" he said "Why this is my superhero costume, for I AM MEGA MIKE!!"

"I thought you would have out grown playing pretend."

"Hey just because I'm eight year old super genius doesn't mean I can't act my age."

Jazz couldn't help but agree. Even though Mike was smarter than all the other kids didn't mean that he wasn't allowed to do normal kid stuff.

"I guess your right." she said.

"Well of course I am right I'm an eight year old super genius remember."

Jazz just laughed "Come on Hero," she said "lets go to my house my mom made cookies."

"Yes" Mike said boldly "to the cookies."

15 minutes later in the Fenton's kitchen…

"Wow Jazz your mom sure makes the best cookies." Mike said with a mouth full of cookies.

"Thanks." she said.

Just then the two of them heard a small explosion coming from the basement.

"Darn, still a few bugs to work out" said Jazz's father Jack Fenton as he was coming up from the basement with his wife Maddie right behind him. "Don't worry Jack you'll have it fixed in no time."

"What are you working on Mr. Fenton?"

"Well Mike it's called The Fenton Brain Helmet; it's designed to actually read a ghosts mind."


"Cool indeed, but I just can't get it to work right." Jack said with a sigh the he and Maddie went into the living room.

After a few moments of silence Mike looked at Jazz and asked "Have you ever been down in your parents Lab?"

"No of course not" she said "I'm not allowed to go down there, and besides it's probably full of all kinds of dangerous stuff."

"Well I think I'm gonna check it out."

"Mike don't, you have no idea what's down there."

"That's kinda the point."

"What if you get hurt? Mike? Mike."

But Mike was already half way down stairs. Jazz wanted to follow him down to stop him, but she new she might get in trouble. So she went into the living room to tell her parents what Mike did. When she got there she saw her parents sitting on the couch.


But before she could finish her sentence, a large explosion came from the lab.

"Ghost!!" Jack cried as he ran down to the basement, with Maddie right behind him.

Jazz stood by the door waiting for her parents to come upstairs with Mike, and yell at him for being down stairs. But, to her surprise, only her parent came upstairs and Mike was nowhere to be seen.

"Darn that ghost," Jack said angrily "he completely destroyed my invention."

"Well at least nobody was down there." said Maddie, then the two of them went back into the living room leaving a confused Jazz in the kitchen.

She slowly made her way up stairs. What happened to Mike? She thought it's like he disappeared. But when she opened her bedroom door she was surprised to see...


There he was sitting on her bed looking totally freaked out. And something was different about him. His hair had turned bright green, his skin looked pale, his ears were pointy, his grey shirt turned bright green, and his eyes turned bright yellow.

"Mike what happened?" Jazz asked with a lot of concern.

"Nothing, I'm fine" Mike replied nervously.

"No your not. Look at your self."

"No this is all just… a dream your having a bad dream."

"I'm getting my parents."

"I said you're dreaming" he said angrily his eyes seemed to be glowing. After that Jazz blacked out…

When Jazz woke up she was laying down in her bed. Was all that really a dream she thought. Just then she heard a tap at the window. She opened it and looked down to see Mike looking completely normal.

"Jazz come on out, it's 10 in the morning and it's time to play." He said.

"O.k. I'll be right down." Jazz said cheerfully. It must have been a dream Mike looks completely normal. She thought as she got dressed and ran down stairs and out side.

Meanwhile in the Lab

"Darn Ghosts," Jack said angrily as he tried to reassemble the Fenton Brain Helmet, "now I have to start all over from scratch"


I hope you liked it. And don't worry Danny will be in the next chapter. Please R & R.