Chapter 11-Conclussion: The Devil comes to Collect
(A/N: Before we get started there is something I need to say or...write. WHATEVER! Anyway after this final chapter I will be out of stories to post and chapters to write. My mindhas reache a dry spell or in other words I've got what I like to call a writer story block. Meaning I can't come up with any more ideas for any other stories. Hopefully I'll be able to get out of my dry spell to create a disent story. Maybe another Inuyasha fic or Teen Titans if I'm hit with any inspiration. However, I always wanted to do a Star War fic and if anyone has any ideas they want to share THAT ARE WITHIN REASONthey know where to find me. With that being said enjoy the rest of the story.)
Inuyasha smashed through Naraku's barrier like it was nothing and immediately started slicing and dicing demons left and right with his Tetsuigia. Sesshomorru was right behind him along with Sango cutting through the demons. Kanna used her mirrors to create a barrier against long ranged demon attacks while on Sesshomorru's shoulder. Inuyasha's power amazed the others as they watched slightly out of the corner of their eye the force Inuyasha was unleashing upon the vast majority of the demons that came at him. 'Unreal' they all thought as they were amazed how Inuyasha blasted them all with his demonic red energy either from his hands, eyes, and/or sword.
After disposing of the demon army Naraku had created for his own protection Inuyasha smashed through the castle and immediately went one direction while Sango and the others went a different way to get to Kohaku. Inuyasha found the door he was looking for and kicked it down and entered seeing Naraku sitting their eyeing Inuyasha with a very serious look. "Hello Naraku. I think it's time for your little one way trip to hell to go into...overdrive. Wouldn't you agree?" said Inuyasha who was now covered from down to his feet in demon blood as he stared at his enemy.
"You know I would have punished the others for not having completed the task in killing you as I wanted them to Inuyasha. Unfortunately, you have taken that high honor of that privilege for yourself sooner then I had expected you to. I originally suspected you would have come for me before them to enjoy their suffering. However, I suppose I might have over looked you wanting to retrieve your precious mate before then," said Naraku as he slowly rose up from the ground not taking his eyes off his hated enemy.
"Before I send you to the other side Naraku tell me...why did you want me to fight by your side so badly that you would go so far as to have someone like Bova create that unholy arrow?" said Inuyasha as Inuyasha flexed his free hand while the other twitched around his Tetsuigia in the other.
"You know the old saying don't youInuyasha? 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' and that's what I wanted from you since I absorbed Kagura into my body. In fact having you join me was in the planning stages sometime before I even met Bova, but I didn't have the tools or the necessary skills to create the weapon to turn you to my side. I knew I had to act fast when Kanna revealed that your little...relationship with the girl named Kagome was starting to deteriorate. I knew Inuyasha that it was only a matter of time before things started to finally turn against you for the worst. I had hoped Kikyo would have followed, but it seems the last of her love for you refuses to do so just as both of you refuse to die! But enough about plans that have failed me Inuyasha I know your here for my head and I know the others are head for Kohaku," said Naraku in a defeated yet angry voice as he already knew his fate against Inuyasha was absolute.
"And I know you know the old saying about the dead Naraku that even now goes through your mind. Shall I recite itfor you? 'And when they heard of the dead...some mocked. And others said we will thee again of this matter'. It means that those who believe that the dead can do nothing are fools because somewhere along line of time...the dead speak. But I will digress from such things and get back to you about your nearly flawless plan for me to join you. I'll give you that much and the fact that you hit all the right keys at the exact moment of every turn in my life to instigate my suffering. I wouldn't admit this, but since you are about to die I will reveal to you a truth I discovered about you a long time ago. I fine you were in fact a worthy opponent Naraku and master tactician who knew when and how to strike his enemy in just the right way. If you hadn't been such a greedy, sadistic, ego filled psycho of a mutated version of a half-demon...I might actually have respect for you," said Inuyasha seeing Naraku's eyes widen with surprise then nearly bug out of their sockets with anger at his last sentence.
"There is no need to add insult to injury Inuyasha considering you know that I know...that I cannot win and I respectfully ask that you get this over with," said Naraku as he saw Inuyasha smile at him as he moved steadily towards Naraku for the kill.
(In the castle else ware)
Sesshomorru was out in front with Sango behind him swinging Tokijin to cut through several remaining demons that were around. Thanks to Kanna on his shoulder they knew exactly where Kohaku would be as Sango kicked down the door and saw Kohaku sitting on his knees with his head down slightly as if waiting for someone to pick him up. "This is way too easy," said Sango who couldn't understand why Kohaku was just sitting their waiting to be taken away.
"Its too easy sister because Naraku has given up on fighting Inuyasha and all of you at this point," said Kohaku whose eyes were still glass when he raised his head.
"Why? Naraku's not one to give up easily it doesn't make sense," said Sesshomorru as all three slowly approached Kohaku in case he might try something.
"Naraku can't beat Inuyasha no matter what he does so he's not going to try anymore against such an incredible power he unknowingly released inside the half-demon. You've all sensed his power that much my master knows, but you have no idea just how much of that power Inuyasha has yet to release. What the half-demon has released so far that you can sense is nothing to the full fury he will unleash if any of you are to die or are injured and Naraku knows this. My master knows that he would want a death now then a death later at the hands of an angry and psychotic Inuyasha whose power is nearly limitless. Naraku told me that you would come for me and that you would free mefrom his control so do what you came to do so Inuyasha can do what he came here to do," said Kohaku who closed his eyes and Sesshomorru knew what the boy meant.
Sesshomorru took the blunt end of the bottom of Tokijin and hit Kohaku slightly in the back of the head knocking him out. "Sango pick him up and let's go outside and wait for Inuyasha to come out of the castle," said Sesshomorru calmly.
Sango did as Sesshomorru asked and picked up Kohaku and they all ran out of the castle to a safe distance as they waited for Inuyasha to come out from the castle. 'Soon this nightmare will be over,' thought Sango as this nightmare that was Naraku was about to end.
(In the castle)
"You know how long I've waited for this day Naraku? I have pictured this day down to the last hour, minute, and second that is your miserable life. I relish in this day and reflect on how you ruined MY life 50 years ago all the way up to now with this scheme you had created for me serving you as you did Kagura. You want me toend it now Naraku? I say were going to drag this out and make you my personal chew toy till I send you hell," said Inuyasha as he took Tetsuigia and sliced off Naraku's left arm without another word as Naraku's screamed for he was worth.
Inuyasha didn't stop though as he did an upward slice to Naraku right arm only to turn into a spin back downward on both of Naraku's legs essentially cutting the ground out from under Inuyasha's hated enemy. "I...thought you...were make me...suffer Inuyasha?" said Naraku who really was suffering from the pain, but he thought it would be worse.
Inuyasha just smiled at Naraku's words as if it were a joke. "Are you going to call me a liar now Naraku? Just because you're dying from blood loss doesn't mean I'm not done because we are by far...from it," said Inuyasha whose smile became psychotic looking as he put away his sword as his eyes glowed and his claws were now flexed and extended to maximum efficiency.
Naraku's eyes went wide with horror then they were before as he realized what Inuyasha was talking about. "NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" said Naraku as Inuyasha dug his claws into him and tore at his flesh as he sent red demonic energy through his hands and eyes that pierced every nerve in Naraku's flesh.
The once mighty multi demon forged creature that was Naraku was becoming nothing more then burned and liquid flesh. "Don't think it ends for you here when you die Naraku for when I die in the far off future...I'll pull whatever weight in hell or where ever I go to continue where I left off with you before now," said Inuyasha as he finally ripped out Naraku heart and crushed it in his hands just as the monster died staring at him with horrified eyes.
Inuyasha then pulled out his Tetsuigia and unleashed multiple and powerful Wind Scar's through out the castle as it exploded in multiple places. Inuyasha smiled as he saw the dark castle burn down from the fires of his rage that he had held in for over 50 years. As he walking out he stopped for a moment and let out one demonic sounding and loud roar that echoed throughout the burning castle and sky.
He jumped into the air and immediately landed next to a surprised Sango who had not expected Inuyasha to land right next to her nearly scarring her out of her mind. "Inuyasha don't do that!" said Sango who grabbed her chest around her heart who was scared from a combination of Inuyasha's roar and then immediate appearance.
"Sorry I had to getthat off my chest. Can you forgive me?" said Inuyasha in an almost innocent type of way, but before the demon slayer could answer Sesshomorru wished to have his voice heard.
"Sorry to interrupt your...flirting my brother, but I believe we should get Kohaku back to the castle now. The boy has the shard out of him and has been revived with Tenseiga. Also according to Kanna and her mirror we have a guest at our castle that acquires your attention for I believe Bova has arrived and awaiting us," said Sesshomorru who was holding Kohaku in his arm while Kanna was on his shoulder showing Inuyasha Bova was in fact in the Western Lands castle.
"I hate tohaveguests waiting lets go," said Inuyasha as he scooped up a surprised Sango and grabbed her boomerang weapon that she nearly dropped with his teeth and rushed back to the Western Lands castle.
(Sometime later)
"Hello Lord Inuyasha I am glad you are all safe. I honorably and respectfully wish to be a loyal servant in your castle," said the half-demon cow Bova as she bowed her head as much as she could without considering her elderly aged state.
"Of course gentle Bova. However, I would be one who is honored to have you here in this castle. But first...we must remove this curse on you that has plagued you for so long in your life," said Inuyasha as he took the jewel shard from Sango that came from the body of Kohaku and placed the final piece of the jewel in its place restoring what the girl Kagome ironically freed, enslaved, and tried to kill had done the opposite of shortly after meeting her.
Speaking of that girl Kagome, Kilala had just appeared from the side of his face in her more threatening form along with Kikyo and Rin. "The jewel is finally complete I see," said Kikyo as she saw it glow once more with that brilliant holy light that made demons, human, and half-demon sought after it.
"Yes, but the jewel won't be around for long as this jewel will now be used to free this cursed priestess turned half-demon back to the way she was. By the way Kilala did you drop Kagome into the well as I specified you to do?" said Inuyasha as Kilala nodded her head as a 'yes' to his question.
"Rin thinks this is so exciting!" said Rin who was jumping up and down with anticipation at what was about to happen.
"I know Rin I'm excited too I always wanted to see what would happen if the jewel was used as a whole," said Shippo who was right beside her.
Inuyasha smiled and turned back to Bova and placed the jewel directly on her forehead before he spoke. "Sacred jewel hear my words grant my wish to this form in front of me and free her from this insufferable curse place upon her. Make her the priestess she once was before she was trapped in this half-demon cursed body!" said Inuyasha and as he finished saying the last word the jewel glowed in a brilliant light that consumed Bova and blinded everyone else from it.
When the light passed they saw a semi-elderly woman in worn out priestess clothing before them with brown hair with some gray along the sides. The old woman had some wrinkles on her face that held dark brown eyes. She had been staring at Inuyasha in shock as she felt it as well as he saw it that Bova was now free from her curse that had put her in exile in the beginning. "I...I am free! FREE!" said Bova in a happy shriek that would have made Rin proud if the girl wasn't already surprised at seeing Bova's new form that was currently hugging Inuyasha with all her elderly strength.
When she finally let go she bowed her head respectfully as Sango came over and kissed her mate on lips. "You did a wonderful thing Inuyasha," said Sango as she kissed him again more passionately.
Inuyasha smiled ashe gave off agrowledof extreme happiness at her affection. "I can domany OTHER wonderful things with you too, but will do that some place more...private," said Inuyasha making Sango blush a little while hoping that Shippo, Rin, and Kanna didn't hear him as he started licking her ear affectionately increasing her blush effectively to that of a tomato faced one.
Bova and Sesshomorru could only sigh while Kilala covered Kanna and Shippo's eyes while Kikyo blocked Rin's. "A half-demon in love with a demon slayer...only an altered half-demon could pull off such irony," said Sesshomorru finally.
"That's me! Now for some intimate quality alone time," said Inuyasha as he picked up Sango and rushed off to a secluded part of the castle for some...'intimate quality alone time' together.
The End
(A/N: I just want to say thanks to everyone who reviewed my story both officially and those who reviewed me saying they loved it. You guys are what made writing this story worth while. This is possibly one of my top 3 best Inuyasha stories I have ever written and posted. You guys rock! Thanks again to all who reviewed. PEACE!)