(A/N Bittersweet is a song by Fuel. This is totally my idea though so YAY ME! lol. And Maddy this ones for you... lol luv ya gurl. newyas ya, bye.)
She was only 17. Her life was just beginning. You wouldn't think anyone could fall in love so early in life. But she did, they did. They were meant to be, everyone cold tell. But he, being 22, thought that was wrong. He thought that they wouldn't understand. He was wrong. So Tommy left. Jude was devastated.
Seven sins of
wantonness and
everything that's good is gone
Sell it all for
glory from the peers
She plummeted into a downward spiral. She'd put on a fake smile and tell them all she was fine. They should've known better. Darius made her get surgery, a breast augmentation. Normally she would've fought it, that was, if she cared. Lately she hadn't cared. She took her kitchen knife and scratched her arm.
priestess scratch the back and
twists the knife to bone
against the pricks and scrape the shins
I'm the enemy in the
enemies now
She started cutting herself; she started taking pills. She would drink. Anything to numb the pain of being the one left behind. Anything to get rid of him; anything to get rid of the memories. Anything not to care. Jude wanted to get rid of the burden, get rid of the pain. Of all the weight she carried. Her callousness only lasted awhile, in her bittersweet escape.
Swallowed the pill
Drank to the fill
All these things I carry
In this bittersweet, in this bittersweet now
She tried to hold on to his memory, but she wanted to lose it. He was the cause of her pain, but he was the only cure. Her friends asked themselves "When the affliction is the cure how do you get back." They left her alone. They sent her away, sent her to the "professionals" She hid, her hurt, she masked her pain. They said she was better, they said she was ready. Jude got home, she was just more careful to hide the scars, and the freshly filleted skin. They never noticed the red marks on her arms, or the stains on the washrags. They had no reason to look.
to hold the world there sinking,
swimming in a paper cup
Try to
own the one beneath the skin
Held up to the flame 'till
skin begins to draw and tuck
"Life's just a game" that's what someone told her. She just scoffed and told them "It's a game I'm destined to lose." She swallowed more pills, she drank some more of her bittersweet escape.
told there's a chance to win
What couldn't be, wouldn't be
Swallowed the pill
Drank to the fill
All these things I
carry now
In this bittersweet, in this bittersweet now
They found her on the floor, with a bottle in her hand. They took her to the hospital. Her friends called him. She needed him and from the sounds of things, he needed her. He was drunk all the times, hyped up on drugs. Once he tried to fly above it all, above everything that was pulling him down.
your hands up to the sky and try
so hard to rise above
everything is beating down
Swallowed the pill
Drank to the
All these things I carry now
In this bittersweet, in this
bittersweet now
She was in the hospital when he came. Her knight in shining armor. He made her better; she healed him. They had each other and they never felt better. They quit their other vices; the only ones they kept were each other. They became each other's bittersweet escape.