Kerry and Bridget were listening behind the door.

It wasn't like Kerry to snoop in her mother's business, but she was suspicious that something serious was occurring between Cate and Ed. Her and Bridget had just returned recently with Rory from summer camp

where they were all counselors. It had been a great summer, and they were ready to start school, and Bridget, ready to begin college. Over their trip, she had learned a lot about herself, and was more mature

about making decisions. They were listening behind Cate's bedroom door. They heard laughing and flirting going on. This went on for about 5 minutes and then they heard the door jingle. Cate was leaving her

bedroom. Right then and there Kerry decided to snoop in Cate's bedroom, and try and find out what was making their mother so secretive. The girls ran quickly back to the bedroom, which they shared. Out of

breath, Kerry said hastily," Let's snoop around Mom's room, and try and find out what is going on in this household. Something is going on around here, and Mom better tell us soon." Bridget nodded and said,"

I'm with you. Something about Mom seems different." The sisters nodded their heads and decided that they would snoop later that day. They walked downstairs to find their mother cooking, and Ed was sitting

on the couch with Jim and CJ. Bridget, noticing the suspicions she has noticed, whispered to Kerry," Is it just me or does Mom look pale?" Kerry nodded, and they sat at the breakfast nook. Then suddenly, Cate had begun to feel sick. " Excuse me while I go to the bathroom." She bolted, and then the girls heard Cate vomiting. Rory walked past the girls and said," There is something suspicious going on, that's like the fifth time Mom's puked today."

Kerry looked at Bridget , and said," So she's done this before?" Rory said,"Yeah." CJ even noticed and said that he wondered if something was up." Bridget then said," Kerry and I were going to snoop today,after Mom left to go on her walk." Rory looked at her and said," Actually that is a good idea. Maybe I'll help you." Kerry looked at him,and said," Fine then. Meet us at mom's door after she leaves.

To be continued…