Sorry about the long wait, but I'm a busy kid. Thanks for all the reviews!

And sorry about the typo in the last chapter. At the beginning, Tristan said something about a barrel of funs, and it should've been laughs.

Chapter 3

"So, it's the first day of school, and I would like to extend an invitation your way," Tristan said to Rory as she was packing her backpack to leave school.

"I wasn't aware it was the first day of school, thanks for clarifying that," Rory quipped, "but I'll have to hear this invitation before I accept it."

"Sorry Ace, that's part of the fun, you have to accept before you hear the terms," Logan cut in.

"It makes it all the more exciting, love," inserted Finn.

"But we promise that you'll have a great time, and you won't get hurt," said Colin, coming up to join the four.

"Can any of you finish a conversation without the other?" asked Rory.

"Its unlikely, but I suppose we could do it for you Mary. So what do you say?" asked Tristan again.

Before Rory could answer, Paris came forward.

"Guys, seriously, stop being creeps. Rory, we really want you to join us tonight. It's just something we do every first day of school since we always start on a Friday. We want you to come because you're our friend."

Rory looked thoroughly more convinced. "I guess I could come. What time and where?"

"My house, five o'clock," said Tristan, handing her a direction sheet to his house.

"Wow, you sure have this all planned out. What if I said no?"

"You weren't going to," said Logan, "see you at five!" And with that, the boys and Paris walked out to their cars, laughing and joking.

"Oh yeah, its overnight!" Colin called over his shoulder.

Rory just shook her head, 'What have I got myself into?'


"I still don't understand why you're going to this," Lane said for the third time on the ride back from Chilton.

"They really wanted me to come. Plus, my first day was way easier with them helping me," Rory replied staring out the window.

"Plus you think one's cute."

"What? NO! What gave you that idea, Jess?" Rory exclaimed, a blush appearing on her cheeks.

"I know you. The way you've been talking about the guys and you've been smiling a lot," Jess said, glancing over at Rory's crimson face.

"Fine, okay. Logan's hott, but the others are too, just not as. Plus Logan's got this charm that's so disarming. But he's got a reputation with girls; they hang all over him all day," Rory said, sighing at the end and continuing to stare out the window, "plus, he could never like me. I mean, why would he?"

"Rory, he'd be crazy not to like you. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your best friend," Lane finished quickly.

"Bring those goons over to Stars Hollow after the whatever you're doing tonight. Have lunch at Luke's, we'll meet them, and we'll give you our opinions, which you obviously don't have to take if you don't want to," Jess said, "I really wanna meet the guys who have Rory Gilmore confused."

"Haha, Jess. Just let me out at Luke's, I need some coffee and a conversation with my mom," Rory said, feigning exasperation as they passed the rooster.


"See you tomorrow, remember to bring the Chiltonites!" Lane called as she ran back to her house.


Lorelai looked up from her coffee and Danish as the bell above the door rang. "Fruit of my loins!" she called out when she saw Rory shoving Jess through the door.

"That's just gross, Lorelai," Jess grimaced as he went behind the counter to pour Rory her own coffee.

"I totally agree, Mom. But changing subjects, how would you feel about me going to a friend's house tonight?" Rory said, sipping her scalding coffee.

"Rory made friends!" Lorelai shouted.

"Geez, Mom. You make it sound like I have none."

"Well, you did at Chilton, but now you do. What are their names? What are they like? Are they hott? But only answer the last question if their guys."

"Paris Gellar, Tristan DuGrey, Colin McCrae, Finn Morgan, and Logan Huntzberger. But are you okay with me going over there tonight?" Rory said, trying to deflect the conversation away from the remaining questions.

"Yes, of course I am. But don't try to avoid my questions," Lorelai said, fully concentrating on Rory, coffee forgotten.

"She does. Don't believe her lies," Jess interjected as he passed by filling up customers' coffees.


"I wasn't gonna believe you anyway. Now, spill," Lorelai declared, sitting up straight, eagerly awaiting Rory's news.

"They're all pretty cute, but Logan is hott. And he's so charming and it's great. But he's got a reputation," Rory spilled out, looking dejected as she said the last part.

"Rory, reputations mean nothing. You have to get to know him, know the real him. Plus, I'll meet him, give you my opinion because I am an excellent judge of character."

"Their probably coming over tomorrow for lunch, via Jess's suggestion."


Rory glanced at her watch, and looked up alarmed. "Oh my gosh! I need to go get clothes! They expect me to be there in forty five minutes!"

"Whoa, Rory, calm down. Take the Jeep, breath, and have a great night. I'll see you tomorrow at lunch," Lorelai said, handing over her keys as Rory rushed out the diner door.


Twenty-five minutes later, Rory was headed out of Stars Hollow only a few minutes late, and apprehensive about what she would encounter tonight.