Anyway, so it's your favourite mush. I haven't written mushy mush in a while, and I suddenly had the urge to.

Disclaimer: Mush doesn't belong to me. Ryosaku doesn't, and the Prince of Tennis certainly doesn't. I don't have enough pwnage to own mush. Too bad.


(The narrator doesn't have to be Ryoma, which is the reason why this is a 'slight' RyoSaku. But ah well.)

And she asks me what I want the most in my life.

I say I want to win.

I say I want a pair of wings, so I can fly. I can fly higher than everyone else, and I can jump on the clouds.

I say I want to pursue my dream. My dream is to win the biggest tennis tournaments in the world. And my dream is to become number one.

My biggest wish is to fulfil my dream. Tennis play an important role in my life, and it acts as the support that helps me climb higher.

I will climb until I reach the highest. Just as long as I keep climbing from now, one day, I will reach the top.

And she asks me what I will do when I reach the top.

So I think about it.

Several days later, I come back to answer the question.

I tell her that I have decided what to do when I reach the top.

I say that I still want to win.

I say that I want to win her heart.

I say that I want another pair of wings, so I could give them to her, and we can fly together high up in the sky.

I say I want to pursue my dream. My dream is to become number one, number one in her heart, forever.

My biggest wish is to fulfil this dream I had. After I fulfil my life of tennis, I will turn to her.

She will play the most important part of my life; she will become my pillar of support, one that I cannot live without.

I will crumble to pieces without her. Like all buildings will crumble without a skeleton.

I don't want to break, I tell her. So stay with me.

One day, we will live in a house with white walls. It will have a large garden with green grass and there will be a tennis court.

I say I will teach the child tennis.

The child will have dark hair, and wear a fila cap.

She will tell me that the child looks just like me.

I will smile, and watch the child try and return the tennis balls.

That will be the future that we will fly to, together.

Please wait for the time when that day finally comes.

Wait for me, and I will come down from the peak to collect her.

In the end, I can tell her what the most important person in my life really is.

That person is more important than tennis, and I have only realised it not very long ago.

That person's name is Ryuzaki Sakuno.

One day, I will win over her.

I will take her home.

So wait for that day.

Wait for me.

You are my dream.

And dreams come true.


Do you like mush? I do like them when they're not cheesy. I hope this ficlet isn't too cheesy for your liking. I've already deleted lots of metaphorical mushy pages from it.

I should really be updating other fics, but I decided to write this first.


"The most important person in my life"...

Ah, much mush.