Authors Notes: Ahh.. sorry for taking so long. I've been rather busy and honestly, the lack of reviews does nothing for my motivation. But I hope you enjoy this chapter, please let me know. Thank you for reading. I'm sorry about the length!

Vincent's POV

She was a vision floating down the hall toward me - a sight that took my breath away. The reality of marriage hadn't hit me until the ancient wooden doors opened before me and I watched Kit take her first steps in my direction. I would be tied to this woman forever, there would be no escape if I were to go through with it. Childhood would take a step back and I would be forced to mature - to stop thinking of only myself.

Somehow, even knowing all of this, I wasn't at all frightened.

When she finally reached me I lifted the veil from her face and rested my eyes on hers for a moment, noticing the look of excitement swimming around in her green orbs. Kit wasn't afraid, either. Regardless of what is awaiting us, our uncertain future ahead, we are at peace with the decisions we have made. Nothing could spoil this moment - a moment that could be our last.

The priest rambled on as my mind began to wander. Will I remember my vows?

The part I was dreading quickly approached and I knew it was time to say exactly what I was thinking - the reasons why this marriage seemed so right. I left the paper I had used to scribble down the important areas, memories and trials, on the dresser in my changing room. Typical move - I was hardly surprised. Besides, the words would flow more fluidly off of my tongue than off of a sheet of paper.

"The first time I laid eyes on you I was intrigued by you. Why you did the things you did, why you hardly spoke and why smiles were few and far between. There was something so different about you - I found myself endlessly fascinated by you in every way. I'd never felt that way before - it was completely alien to me. I pushed and pushed, hoping to pry away at your shell. I wanted to know the real you. Once I did, I wasn't at all disappointed with what I found. Not only are you the most beautiful woman I have ever seen but you're also the funniest, kindest and sweetest person in the world. Nothing could ever compare to you. I never imagined that I would be standing here today with someone like you but I wouldn't have it any other way. You're the one, Kit. And I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you."

Her eyes filled with tears - she desperately struggled to keep her composure - eventually conquering the overwhelming emotions.

"Kit has also prepared her own vows. Whenever you are ready.." The priest began, motioning toward Kit.

She inhaled a deep breath, clutched her hands together and opened her mouth to speak, "I.." she took a moment to clear her throat, "I can't believe I'm standing here today with you. I never planned to take part in a wedding - I didn't believe that time would ever come. It's surreal standing here, even now. Yet as I look at you, none of that matters anymore. All that matters is us. I want to be with you forever. You are everything I've always wanted - but was so afraid to have. I love you, Vince. Thanks to you, I finally feel alive."


The small audience seemed more choked up than either of us, either holding back their tears or sitting back in complete silence.

I slid the simple diamond ring on her finger and she in turn, placed her's on mine.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Finally, the official moment had arrived.

I placed my hand on his cheek and pulled her in for a gentle, lingering kiss on the lips. Cheers from all around us echoed through the halls until we reached the outdoors, ready to head back home and begin our married lives together.

We had done what we set out to do.. how much longer until they come?

Kit's POV

The sound of planes overhead interrupted our moment - soldiers that were searching for us. We had escaped for as long as we could.. they were coming now, nothing could change our future.

"Vince.. I.."

He looked at me with a deep, knowing sadness - unlike anything I have ever seen before - a pain no one could wish away.

It was time to step up and face our destiny.

I've never been so afraid to live.

I ran from the church, through the field and into our garden - tearing my ivory gown in the process - I have truly fallen from grace, it seems they won. Vincent was only lengths behind and upon reaching me, placed his arms around my waist. The propellers caused an awful wind and whipped my hair around furiously, making it nearly impossible to see what was happening. I clutched at my dress and shielded my eyes - debry flew everywhere.

"Kit.. we're going to get through this, alright? I'm never going to let you go. I love you.." Vince whispered, resting his cheek on my head.

I could hear Rae and Dan edging closer to us, readying their weapons for the final fight. "We're here for you." Rae choked out, reaching for Dan's hand.

The sky opened up and rain poured down onto us, a freezing rain that cut into my flesh. We ran for shelter into the castle and closed the oak doors behind us, hoping to buy a few moments in time. I could hear the plane finally land on the sunken earth and the doors pry open, feet making foot prints in the soaken grass and guns being loaded.

"This is really it? I mean, for real.. right? This is it.."

The doors flew open, revealing hundreds of armed SeeD, my father and the traitors.

One shot - a sound that took my mind too long to register - the bullet grazed the side of my arm, the first blood was drawn.

Vince rushed to my side and placed his hand over my gash. "It begins now.." I whispered as the room turned dark..

"I am the worst thing that will ever happen to you."