Chapter 16 it's nice to be back home


That morning at breakfast everyone was sitting at the table eating peacefully. That is until Shippou spoke up and asked a very embarrassing question. "Hay mommy."

"Yes Shippou dear?" Kagome looked at the little kit sitting next to her.

"What does it mean when people bathe together but in a bed role?" This made everyone spit out their food and blush furiously.

"W-why would you ask that Shippou?" Kagome asked as she wiped the food dripping from her mouth.

"Well because I saw auntie Kikiou and Koga doing that in a tent outside last night while I was looking for a bathroom… you remember I have never been here before. And last time I checked the bathrooms where outside." He said with no clue what he was talking about… everyone else on the other hand knew exactly what he was talking about. Everyone looked at Kikiou and Koga who didn't seem to be there anymore.

Inuyasha looked around. "Hay where did they go?" Inuyasha never got an answer because the doorbell rang at that exact moment and he went to answer it.


Inuyasha opened the door, to find a half-inu youkai just like him. Only she had blond hair. She was dressed in all white clothing and she carried a sketchbook with her. She looked at Inuyasha with beautiful blue eyes.

"Inuyasha nee-chan! Is that you?" she dropped her sketchbook and hugged Inuyasha tightly.

Inuyasha pried the strange girl off him and looked at her. "Um may I ask. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?"

She gathered up all her things and held them protectively to her chest. "I'm sorry my name is Namine. I am your half sister." She said pulling her hair out of her eyes.

Inuyasha looked back into the living room with a confused look. "Um… Kagome!! Can you come out here for a minuet?" Inuyasha called back to Kagome. "Oh and bring Sesshomaru, he needs to see this too."

"Ok! Well be right there Inuyasha! Camon Sesshy lets go see what's wrong with inu." Kagome grabbed Sesshy's hand and dragged him over to where Inuyasha was only to see the Namine girl clinging to him like a little girl. Instantly when Kagome found those two together she pried them apart and held the girl up by her collar so her feet weren't touching the ground. "Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing to my Inuyasha!" Inuyasha grabbed Kagome by the waist and started to blow gently into her ear sending shivers up her spine, causing her to instantly drop the girl where Sesshomaru cough her before she hit the ground. Kagome regained her composure and continuously apologized to the girl over and over and over… "Gomen, Gomen, Gomen, Gomen, Gomen, Gomen, Gomen."

"Its ok I know what you are going through right now. What with being poisoned and being pregnant, and having new powers you cant quite control yet, I understand." After she said that everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

"Um… Sesshomaru… did you know about this?" Inuyasha asked looking hesitantly towards his older brother.

Sesshomaru looked back at Inuyasha and smiled a little bit (because he knew that this would completely piss him off) and said bluntly "yep."

Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru with the most aggravated look ever. "WHAT YOU KNEW ABAOUT THIS AND NEVER TOLD ME!!!! WHY THE HELL NOT!?" he yelled.

Sesshomaru looked at his brother trying not to laugh at his frustration. "Because you never asked." He said very calmly but still slightly smiling when he saw Inuyasha and everyone else fall over. When Inuyasha got up he whacked Sesshomaru hardly over the head and predictably Sesshomaru fought back which you can guess led to an all out brawl. Kagome sighed and led Namine in and let the boys fight it out.

Kagome looked at Namine as she led her through the living room to where every one was sitting. "So Namine how exactly did you know everything about me?" she asked as she took a detour into the kitchen to get the girl a drink.

"Oh that's easy Kagome -sama." She pulled out this little mirror that had a sort of spiked frame and had jewels all along the edge and along on the inside of the mirror along the edge of the glass its self it had some strange writing on it. "This is how I knew about you."

Kagome gazed at the mirror with awe. "What does the writing on the edge say?"

"Oh that's easy. That is the incantation you say to activate the mirror's power. Only a few people in the world who can read it. I, being one of them. It says 'bati mah bati givier bati gigainey bati venis prodons vir.' Then all you have to do is ask it a question then it will show you the answer." Namine said quickly stashing the mirror in her jean pocket.

"That's cool!" Kagome said handing Namine a cup of juice. She led Namine into the living room and introduced her to everyone. "Everyone this is Inuyasha's half sister Namine, Namine this is my sister Kikiou."

"Hi, pleased to meet you." Kikiou said waiving.

"Her boyfriend Koga."


"My son Shippou."

"Hay there!" Shippou said cutely.

"Sesshomaru's wife, Rin."

"Hello!!! Nice to meet you."

"And this is our new friend Akiko."

Akiko got up and shook Namine's hand. "Hay there! Nice to meet you as well." Namine took her hand and gave Akiko a hug as her way of saying hello. But before she let go she whispered.

"Don't worry I wont tell anyone your secret."

Akiko looked shocked for a second then said, "thank you."

Namine took a seat next to Rin and Kikiou and said hi to them both. Then every one heard a loud bang and "is that the best you can do Sesshomaru? That's pathetic Shippou can fight better than that!" then they heard Inuyasha scream from being whacked on the head again. Everyone sweat drooped and sighed. Shippou mumbled under his breath 'idiots'

Kikiou turned to Namine and said nicely. "So Namine how did you get into this era?"

"Oh, well I was born a few years before Inuyasha and when that happened our father took me to the sacred well in the land of mushashi and took me to this New World. And he dropped me off at an orphanage where I was adopted by a really sweet family. They didn't care that I had dog ears, or that I looked like a demon they loved me like no other. And from there I grew up not knowing anything about my family about my past until recently. When dad contacted me in my dreams and told me everything, and he told me to come and find Inuyasha because he was going to need my help with a battle coming up." Namine said taking another sip of her juice.

"Wow that's a very interesting life you've had. And you're ok with all that you know?"

"Yeah, I mean it shocked me at first then I realized that I was ok with it… and that it all happened for a very important reason." Namine said putting her drink down. Then she donned a sort of depressed look and stared at the ground. "Well it would have been nice to have grown up with my biological parents, but the ones I had were the absolute best they never treated me like a dog eared freak like the kids at school did, and they were always kind to me and-." She was cut off by a loud crash outside. "Shouldn't some one break them up?"

"Fine doesn't every one jump up at once?" Kagome said as she got up to go break up the fight. When she got out there, there was a huge hole in the ground from those two fighting. As Inuyasha was just about to whack Sesshomaru with tetsusaiga, Kagome ruined his fun by saying sit and plowing him into the ground.

Inuyasha attempted to lift his head off the ground and he did only long enough to say "Thanks Kagome you killed my fun!"

"Any time Inuyasha, always happy to help." Kagome said helping Inuyasha off the ground. Kagome grabbed Inuyasha and Sesshomaru and brought them back to the house by their ears to prevent them from fighting. When they got back into the house Kagome sat Sesshomaru over next to Rin and put a spell on him so he couldn't get up. And she brought Inuyasha over to where she was sitting and put the same spell on him. She then sat in his lap to ensure that he couldn't get up… and 'cause she wanted to be next to him.

Inuyasha snaked his hands around her waist and gently tightened his grip so she couldn't get away "If I'm gonna be stuck sitting on the ground so are you missy." He said cutely. Kagome smiled and laughed a little. Then everyone looked around as they heard a very loud roar.


Kagome: I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I didn't mean to take so long to update. I have just been really busy.. I feel soooo bad… can u forgive me. And I ended up with a short chapter and a cliff hanger.. I am soo sorry. But there will be a new character soon.. so that will be good.. I still feel sooo bad. I am soo sorry.