AN: Yes, I used lilacs again

AN: Yes, I used lilacs again. I can't help it, I love the smell of lilacs. I considered changing it to something else, but the only other fragrant flowers that I could think of were roses and, frankly, I can't stand the smell of roses…so, shoot me. Anyway this takes place during the infamous Epyon/Taurus confrontation in Episode 47 with a just a little tweaking of dialogue

Epyon's Mistake

By Lady Dante

"They're after Peacemillion. We have to stop 'em!"

"It's no use! The mobile dolls are working in unison to form a single powerful shield!"

Milliardo Peacecraft left the mobile dolls to take care of the gundams and took off towards Peacemillion, determined to destroy the ship before it could ram Libra. His path was unexpectedly blocked by Lucretzia Noin's mobile suit. As Epyon plowed towards the white Taurus, the White Fang commander screamed at Noin to move. Just as he was about to speed up, to close the distance, he hesitated. He smelled something.


How could he smell lilacs? It wasn't possible. He tried to disregard the sensation, but it was too late. An image forced its way into his consciousness, refusing to be ignored.


A girl with blue-black hair and eyes the color of the midnight sky. The image changed rapidly to a smiling young woman. The same young woman he was about to slaughter.


"Noin! Get out of here!" Move. Please, please, move…or…or kill me.

~Kill me.~

"Zechs…" He heard her whisper his name desperately. She couldn't kill him and she wouldn't fight him. She couldn't let him pass, but she couldn't stop him. He should have expected this. To buy time for Peacemillion, she would simply allow herself to be killed.

~Kill her.~

Epyon flooded his mind with data. Cold, hard bits of information crowded into his tortured brain, driving him mad. He should kill her and proceed to Peacemillion.

~She let Cinq fall again.~

He forced himself to propel Epyon forward. It was right. She must die. She deserved it.

~She failed to protect Relena~.

Why did he still smell lilacs? Where in Hell was that coming from?

~Kill Her.~

The small part of his brain that refused to give in to the madness registered yet another image: Standing at a comlink, trying to convince Otto to return with Tallgeese. Leaning on Noin. Her arm around his waist, her face next to his…the scent of her hair.


A split second before slicing through the smaller mobile suit, Epyon swerved to the left, narrowly missing Noin's Taurus. Over the comlink, he heard a choked sob.

He was disgusted with himself. "Why am I still so spineless?"

Epyon sped away.

~And why is she?~

+++++++++++++++++++The End+++++++++++++++++++++++

eeeeep! Crazy Zechs is scary! He looks dreamy in that trench coat, though!

O.K. How was that one? Just something that decided to bounce around in my head and make a nuisance of itself until I put it on paper. Did it make sense? Review, please!

Disclaimer: I'm sick of writing disclaimers! If ya wanna sue me, you're gonna have to CATCH me!!!

[Zechs picks up Lady Dante in Tallgeese III and speeds away]