Hey guys! I know that I haven't update in like 2 years but I've been busy with high school. And now its summer so I'm updating. I'm gonna try and end this in 3-4 chapters, but hey that's better than just leaving it hanging. Anyways..


When Trevor woke up the next morning, he found the bed next to him empty.

"Maddie?" he called out in the suite, but got no answer. He quickly got dressed and went down to the lobby. Maddie had already started her shift.


"hello, can I get you something?" Maddie asked

"Maddie, come on. Don't be like this."

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Maddie said

Trevor grabbed Maddie and led her to the elevators. Despite her struggles to get out of his grip, he was too strong. He took her to her suite and sat her down on the couch.

"Trevor, what are you doing?"

Trevor didn't answer, but just pressed his lips to hers. Maddie's hands found their way around his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair.

"No! Trevor, no, I can't do this until I know what you really feel. I'm sorry." Maddie said, breaking the kiss and running out the door.

And now the next chapter:

Trevor was running through Central Park in a haze. He couldn't figure out what to do. He knew that he loved Maddie, but when he saw Corrie after a long time, there was a spark inside him. He didn't want to hurt either of them, but he didn't know what to do. He continued running for another 20 minutes before he rested on a bench. As his breathing slowly came back to normal, he came up with an idea. Perhaps he could figure out his feelings once and for all.

Corrie, Mary, and London had all come to Maddie's suite to plan her wedding. She glumly opened the door.

"Woah, what happened in here?" London asked. The suite was trashed, pillows thrown all over; the lamp was smashed in the corner. The table was turned over and there were magazines all around the room. But the one thing that was in pristine condition was maddie's wedding dress that hung on the door to her room.

"Yeah, what smells." Corrie asked

"It's not you, is it?" Mary questioned.

"Maybe it is! What's it to you?" Maddie snapped.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Corrie asked.

"You're what's wrong. My fiancé is in love with you!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You heard me, Trevor loves you. He described you as "wow""

"Wait, so are you still going to marry him? What about the wedding and all the stuff we've planned?" London asked.
"Of course I'm not going to marry him and who cares about the rest?"

"Look maddie, first of all, you need to take a shower. We'll clean up and then we are going to have a girl's night out. Ok?" Mary said leading Maddie to the bathroom. She pushed her in there and shut the door. Mary then called room service, but once Muriel saw the mess, she wouldn't step inside the suite. London called her personal cleaning service and offered them an extra hundred to clean the mess in the next 20 minutes.

When Maddie got finished showering, Mary had picked out an outfit for her. They then went to the hottest club. The bouncer saw them and let them in, even though there was a long line stretching down the block. People were heard protesting but the bouncer ignored them. Once inside, Mary, Corrie, and London chattered excitedly at getting into the hottest club so quickly. Maddie remained quiet.

They sat down at a table and ordered their drinks. Maddie quickly downed her drink and ordered another one.

"hey easy girl." Corrie said, "you don't want to get drunk"

"Shut up. I have nothing to say to you."

"Maddie, look I'm sorry, but it's not my fault."

"Of course it is. If you didn't exist, none of this would have happened." Maddie said, downing her 2nd drink.

"Want to dance?" a brown haired, green eyed guy asked Maddie.

"She can't, she engaged." Mary said

"No I'm not and yes I would love to" Maddie slurred, downing her 4th drink.

An hour later, the girls started looking for Maddie, but couldn't find her anywhere.

"Guys, where could she have gone?" London asked.

"We need to find her."

Maddie groggily rubbed her eyes. She sat up in her bed and grabbed her head that was pounded. Her bathroom door opened.
"Trevor?" She asked quietly.

"No, Matt. We met last night." Matt said as he walked out, clad in a towel that hung lowly at his hips.

Hope you enjoyed!