After the Kiss –

Summary: After Trevor (Zac Efron) and Maddie Kiss –

"Do you remember when we first kissed?" Maddie asked Trevor while they were sitting in the lobby.

"Yea, you thought I was a jerk." Trevor replied

"well you were… till you kissed me," Maddie said giggling.

"oh really, do you still think im a jerk?" Trevor asked

"yes..." Maddie said

"Oh really…what about now?" Trevor asked, leaning over towards Maddie

He put his arm around her waist and leaned in towards Maddie's face. He gently kissed her on the lips. Maddie put her hands around his neck. They were interrupted by London.

"Maddie!" London yelled. "O am I interrupting something?"

"Yes" Maddie said, reluctantly pulling apart from Trevor. "anyways, what do you want?"

"O, well I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me?"

"do I have to?" Maddie whined

"as my friend, duh!"

"Actually, she can't" Trevor stepped in.

"why not?" London asked bewildered.

"because she's going with me tonight." Trevor said

"oh, ok, well then, I'll be going now" London said sadly

"thanks Trevor. So where are we going tonight?" Maddie asked

"Well we are going out to eat at your favorite Italian restaurant and then we are going to see a movie, and then back here." Trevor replied

"Well what time should I meet you?"

"well just be in your suite at 6:00pm."


At 6:00 pm –

Maddie was sitting on her couch, waiting for Trevor, she had spent the last 2 ½ hours getting ready for her date. She had finally decided on a black skirt with beautiful silver embroidery and a pink tank-top. She wore pink stiletto heels. She had gone for a look that was beautiful but not over dressed. She had done her makeup, applying blush and eye shadow, eyeliner, and lip gloss. Her hair was long in wavy curls.

Trevor knocked on the door. He was wearing jeans and a dress shirt. He looked just perfect. When he saw Maddie, his jaw dropped.

"You look…gorgeous." He said

"that's what I hoped you would say. You look great too!"

"come on, we're going to be late for the movie."

They went to go see The Wedding Date (a/n great movie – perfect for what is going to happen.)

Casually, Trevor put his arm around Maddie. Maddie looked at him, she removed the arm rest from between them and leaned her head on him. He kissed the top of her head. Maddie again looked up into his brown eyes and smiled. She moved closer to him and moved up so that they could kiss. She closed her eyes as Trevor moved closer to kiss her. Their lips met softly, briefly, before they deepened it. Maddie moved her hands up and put them around Trevor's neck. Trevor moved his hands so that they were around her waist. They started to deepen the kiss even more until they were suddenly thrown apart by an angry person.