Chapter. 5 – Sleeping Together
Cloud decided to return to the rest of the crew, instead of chasing after Tifa. He didn't like invading anyone's privacy. He had never done that. It was never his style to do so. Though he was getting quite curious from all those questions she had just asked him.
Had she found someone?
It did not matter, he would be happy for her no matter what. She had become somewhat of a little sister to him. He did care deeply about his friends even if he was reluctant to show it. He could never forgive himself for being manipulated by Sephiroth, hence his attitude towards them.
He sat next to Cid. He didn't feel like having Barret near him again. That bastard didn't know when to stop.
"Sephiroth…" He frowned leaning back in his chair becoming lost in thought.
Meanwhile Tifa forced herself from kissing Yuffie. She stood up warmly smiling at her. "It's alright Yuffie, I'll always be there for you," She assured her.
The engine's roar seemed to mask this moment, hidden from everyone. It was their moment to share alone. Yuffie's eyes were watery, a feeling of comfort swept across her. She was finally sure of something, despite everything else that remain uncertain.
Tifa was going to stick with her until the very end.
"Hey, Cloud," Barret called for him in a horse tone. He was getting rather irritated that Cloud was spacing out during his conversation. "Did you hear me?" Barret asked again.
"W-what?" Cloud asked seemingly startled. Barret gave him a weird look.
"I said…do you think we should check it out?" Barret asked.
"The sightings of the man in black?" Cloud asked back acknowledging the situation. Cid was getting irritated that the only thing everyone had been doing lately is talking. That maniac was out there about to call forth Meteor, which could possibly end the world and here they had been chit chatting away like they were caught up in a Chocobo race.
"Hey, come on fuckers, let's go check it out. I mean God damn we're sitting here doing fucking nothing," Cid loved using his curses whilst speaking.
"Cid," Cloud looked straight at him. This made Cid uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable. "I know this is hard. It's getting to everyone but we must carefully plan our moves from here on out," Cloud leaned forward waiting for a reply.
"Fuckers…" With that Cid left.
Everyone knew that was just the way he spoke. If he cussed you out, it usually meant he liked you. You really only had to worry when he took out his lance. That's when you knew Cid was really out to get you.
The engines had become a welcome sound for Yuffie. It was almost like they were humming to her. She smiled at the thought.
"Hey you're smiling," Tifa pointed out, it was true. Yuffie hadn't smiled once since Aries's death. This had been the first time she's smiled for a long time. This however reminded her of Aries causing her to frown again. How dare she smile, Aries had died. Had she forgotten about her already?
"Tifa…" Yuffie's eyes began watering but she did not cry this time. "I miss her," She finished.
"I know…I know…" Tifa embraced her once more comforting her. "Do you want to talk about it at all?" She asked her with concern. Yuffie just shook her head. She wasn't comfortable talking about it. The blood she had seen spilled right there, right in front of her. How it haunted her so.
"Tifa…can I sleep with you tonight?" Yuffie asked blushing.
"Of course you can," Tifa ran her hands through Yuffie's hair, softly rubbing her thumb against her forehead. It was getting rather late, despite how hot and bright it seemed in the airship. They headed for the Chocobo stable, which had essentially become Tifa's room.
While they readied for sleep, Cloud was left in the meeting room. He was thinking about what their next move would be. He knew that soon enough, Sephiroth would show his vile head again. "We'll go into town tomorrow," He told himself before finally dozing off.
Yuffie wrapped herself around Tifa. They lay in the hay talking to each other about everything that happened. Telling each other's personal stories, likes and dislikes, and even stupid things that only one would find comfortable talking about to a true friend and or lover.
Yuffie finally built up enough courage to ask. "Tifa, can we…can I…can you…do something together tonight?"
Tifa wasn't sure what Yuffie meant. "Yuffie, what do you mean?" She asked curiously knowing that they were trapped on the airship during flight. What could she possibly want to do with her unless…?
"Can we…" Yuffie was too afraid to finish, she wanted to word it just right but couldn't.
"Do it?" Tifa asked finishing Yuffie's sentence for her. Yuffie blushed looking away afraid she may just have screwed things up. "I see…well, I do love you. It is something lovers do isn't it?" Yuffie was still afraid to look.
"I'm sorry, I'm rushing things aren't I?" Yuffie asked embarrassingly.
"N-no, you just caught me off guard that's all. I won't mind but…just promise me one thing kay?" Tifa asked blushing.
"What?" Yuffie seemed confused.
"You're a little younger than me by a few years, so don't tell on me, kay?" Tifa asked. Yuffie laughed like she hadn't in a long time.
"Of course I won't!" Yuffie answered still smiling from the question.
After having some fun with each other, Yuffie relaxed into Tifa's arms. It had been nice to forget about their problems for a little while. However, Yuffie still hurt on the inside, she missed Aries. She hated Sephiroth for what he had done. She started crying embracing Tifa harder than ever.
Tifa petted and pampered Yuffie until she finally fell asleep in her arms.
"Good night my sweet angel…" Tifa said before closing her eyes.
I apologize for last chapter's length. I didn't really need it but for one purpose, ahem! Yes, that's the moment you guys were waiting for. I just know it!
I won't lie. I thoroughly enjoyed writing about that kiss.
Of course I'm sure this very chapter will be drooled over by the males even more. I just hope it was done tastefully, it's not like I described the act, which isn't allowed anyway. I would love some feedback on this chapter because I'd like to know if it sounds like I described the "love" in a realistic way or if it sounded like a pervert wrote it.
If it did sound perverted, sighs I promise a Fan Fic love story between Cloud and Sephiroth. Shoot, you may just tell me it did sound like a perv wrote it just so I'm forced to write that… Cries
Anyway, I just realized I've been calling the Highwind the whirlwind, not that it should really bug you but I'll fix it soon enough…just in case it does. You guys should tell me this stuff!
Oh and yeah I don't own the rights to FF7.