Well..this is my first time writing a DN Angel fanfic..hope you guys like it..right now, I'm not really too sure what the pairings would be like..initially, I thought of Daisuke/Riku..butI think I'm going let you guys speak your minds about this...

Summary: A lone traveller arrives in a small village town which holds many secrets. He, too, hold a secret of his own. Whenever he dreams of a girl that he cares, he changes to his alter ego; a cocky angelic being whose black wings shimmers in the night. During his stay, he meets a mysterious and alluring girl who invades his every dream. Determine to know the girl, he stays in the town longer that his required time. A twist appears when he met another girl who is the exact resemblance of the same girl who invades his dreams and believes that she is the one. One day, he met the girl again. However, a shocking revelation is revealed. She is the daughter of the vampyric protector of the town. She is one of the ancient ones; a royal member of the royal vampyric family. The very family that he is assigned to destroy.

She stared at the moon, bright and eerily yellow. Her constant companion of the dark. "And my curse," she whispered. The wind billowed around her in answer. A shadow loomed over her from behind. She glanced over her shoulder. A lithe-looking boy stood behind, his feet-long golden hair glowed softly as his own golden eyes stared back at her. She looked away from him and gazed down at a small English village below. She smiled upon seeing the people there making their way to their homes.

Some of the residents were still outside despite the time. As they chatted among themselves, they heard distinct clicking of footsteps for a far and turned to face the direction the sound was coming. They watched as a lone figure appeared from the end of the village. They watched on, dumbfounded, as the hooded figure walked past them and entered a nearby inn. Before it disappeared inside the building, they saw its eyes were red in the moonlight.

Several of them glanced at each other as though questioning each other. Suddenly, they heard flapping of wings and another distinct sound of footsteps. Several others looked up and saw a flash of white streak across the sky. They looked down and saw the daughter of their protector walking past them gracefully. No one made a move towards her but watched on protectively as she walked by.

Upon reaching the inn, the hooded figure walked up to the counter. It looked around as the innkeeper searched for the key to an empty room. Once receiving the key, the figure climbed up the stairs and searched for its room.

Closing the door behind it, the hooded figure leaned back against the wooden frame of the door. It took a deep breath and lowered its hooded, revealing spiky red hair. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed. Raising his head, he pushed himself off the door and walked towards the only available window. Pulling the curtain slightly away, he peered up to the bright yellow moon. He pulled his gaze away from the moon and looked down. As he did that, his eyes widened with surprise.

She walked along the dark silent road, her footsteps silent. Stopping in her tracks, she looked up and saw a streak of white flashed across the dark sky. She smiled and continued to walk. Despite the time, she felt safe walking alone in the dark like this. With a sudden, she stopped in front of the inn. She heard a soft thud on one of the roofs and knew that her guardian was watching over her. But something else was calling her, or rather, someone. Slowly, she turned and faced the inn. Raising her head, she saw a pair of bright red eyes staring back at her. She smiled, amused, as those adorable red eyes widened with surprise.

As he looked down, he saw a girl of about eighteen walked into view. He watched on as she suddenly stopped below his window and slowly turned to face him. His eyes widened when he saw her lifting her head and smiled at him. Her shoulder-length auburn hair glinted under the soft glow of the yellow full moon. Her toffee-coloured eyes reflected amusement. He found that by far, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Even though he had no clue to what her name was. Then, with a sudden, a flash of white rained down on her. His eyes widened with astonishment when he saw a lithe-looking boy, dressed in all white, stood behind her. His long golden hair looked tousled, due to the soft wind.

He saw that the newcomer's golden eyes stared at him coolly and yet, unnerving. A movement from the girl caught his attention and he reverted his gaze back to her. He watched as she dipped her head back slightly and winked at him. Suddenly, huge wings that glowed white stretched behind the golden-haired boy. He watched as those ethereal-looking wings folded and wrapped themselves around both the girl and the golden-haired boy. The wings tightened their grip and suddenly, burst into millions of white feathers fluttering slowly down. The auburn-haired girl and the golden-haired boy had disappeared.

So how do you find the first chapter?