Disclaimer: Serialhugger, doesn't own Naruto or any trademarks related there of, also we don't own any other trademarks you may recognize. Since Smurf is a serialhugger, she wants you all to know that she doesn't own them either… but she would really, really like to own Kankuro. If you have any information on how she can achieve that goal (short of torturing Kishimoto-sama into submission) please let us know!

Dedication: This fic is for Dead Uchiha, and BlackMage13. The American and the Aussie who inspired the continuation of Mary-Sue and her evil ways. So I suppose this means that you can blame them! HAHAHAHA!

Summary: A continuation of serialhugger's spoof of Mary-Sue's and fandom quirks. Includes incorrect spelling of names, etc., OOC-ness, AU-ishness, and other such trademarks of bad fiction. Read From the Floppy Called Subversive first, to get some of the jokes used in this one.

The Prologue; In which Mary-Sue Returns To The Scene Of The Crime

A loud peal of laughter could be heard reverberating throughout the Naruto-verse. The expression of amusement, however, was not of the usual kind. In fact, it was a cackle. A wicked sound that struck fear into the hearts of all that heard it. It was the same evil maniacal chortle that had been heard in the Naruto-verse a time not too long ago.

Yes. Mary-Sue was back.

Some of you readers might be wondering how the deranged character had escaped her confinement Well that, my friends, is decidedly simple. As you well know from reading the first tale in this trilogy that Mary-Sue had been confined to the deepest, darkest recesses of Smurf's mind, where only her irrational fears of smooth peanut butter and boy bands dared to reside.

Giving a vengeful Mary-Sue access to ones greatest fears is never an intelligent thing to do, and Smurf would have realized this, had she not been mentally exhausted after the war with her muses, and the resulting E.M.S.S. activities that had followed.

However, since Mary-Sue had not been locked away in a solitary cell (Ha! Bad pun!), so to speak, she had managed to use her fellow inmates to distract the rather quirky authoress and thusly escape.

What exactly happened to the Smurf you might ask?

She was found two days after the escape cowering in a grocery store, mumbling incoherently about muzak renditions of pop songs, shying away from the peanut butter aisle, rocking back and forth, and holding a bag of double stuffed Oreos as if it was some sort of a lifeline.

Unfortunately, this had given Mary-Sue enough time to gain an impressive head start and work out a list of possible targets worthy of her attentions as a top agent of the E.M.S.S.

And thusly, Mary-Sue's second reign of terror had begun.

Here ends the Prologue.

Reviews would be appreciated, flames will be used to toast marshmallows and make s'mores.
