A/N: Well sorry to spring this on you guys, but this is the final chapter to Crossin' the Line. Can I say its been a pleasure writing for you all, and I have loved reading all the wonderful reveiws you've given me. I am considering doing another story that charts Bo's progress after the events that happened here, because there is a lot of things that Bo has to get over still, just let me know if you would like me to in the reveiws.

I also apologies for the lateness of the chapter, life gets in the way sometimes which is a damn shame. Remember to read the new story on my account which is being co-written with the wonderful Elenhin. Also, if you have a Dukes of Hazzard idea that you would like me to write, just drop me a PM and i'll see what I can do about it. :-)

Take care now everyone, read and reveiw and Keep it 'tween the ditches ya hear?

Love always, Anakin's Girl xxx

The first thing Luke registered as he opened his eyes was the pain that shot through the left side of his neck. He groaned slightly and squeezed his eyes shut again before relaxing as it died away and he finally got to register where he was. He opened his eyes again and smiled as he saw the sunlight entering through the familiar bedroom window and the sight of those golden rays bouncing off a mop of honey blond curls that lay on the side of his bed beside a hand that was firmly clenched around his, a plaster cast clad arm resting lightly on a pillow to the other side of the head.

Sighing, Luke rubbed his eyes with his free hand, reaching down slightly to tenderly run his fingers over a large patch of bandage that lay over the wound on his neck before laying a hand on his younger cousin's head, stroking his hair tenderly, stirring him from sleep.

He watched as Bo's bright blue eyes met his blearily and he smiled as his cousin blinked a couple of times to clear his vision, before his face broke into a wide, relieved grin.


The grin was infectious and Luke couldn't help but smile wider as the sparkle that had been absent from Bo's eyes returned

"Hey Bo."

"Good Lord Luke you scared the heck outta me last night….when you just cut off from the CB….and then Cooter carried ya in all limp and pale with blood drippin' everywhere…."

Luke noticed that Bo was trembling despite the smile that adorned his face and was quick to put a claming hand on his younger cousin's shoulder.

"Bo…I promised ya I'd come back ta ya didn't I?"

"Well yeah…."

"Have I ever broken a promise to ya?"


"And I ain't about to start 'cause of two out of county bullies who think they can near take my cousin's life away from me and get away with it."

Bo smiled tearfully at him and reached to Luke with his good arm, which Luke immediately knew meant Bo wanted a hug. He sat up, wrapping both his arms round the young man's shoulders and holding him tightly.

"S'alright Bo. I'm back and I'm alright….it's just a scratch. It'll heal in no time."

"I didn't know scratches needed stitches."

Luke had to laugh at Bo's quick sarcasm, even though it was still worry filled and tense.

"Alright so it's a little more than a scratch but…Bo will ya look at me please…"

Bo lifted his gaze from the bed sheet to meet the soft, yet firm, eyes of his older cousin.

"Bo, I'm sittin' right here with ya. I'm jokin around; heck I could even get outta bed if I wanted ta. Truth be told I's just stayin' in-between these sheets cause its warm."

Bo couldn't help but smile and laugh a little. Ever since Luke had been brought back to the farm, Bo had made Uncle Jesse let him stick right by his older cousin's side. The unbearable feeling of helplessness at not being able to do a single thing to help Luke when Luke had been so eager and willing to drop everything at a moments notice to help Bo when he was injured was something that Bo just couldn't accept, something that made him feel so worthless.

Luke was about to say more when he noticed the downcast expression return rapidly to his usually happy-go-lucky cousin's face, but was cut off when Cooter, Uncle Jesse and Daisy stepped quietly into the room, that quiet soon broken by a small squeal of excitement from Daisy.

"Luke! You're awake!"

"I never would have noticed."


She playfully slapped his arm before throwing her arms round his waist and leaning her head happily on his shoulder.

"Did y'all go and see Boss?"

Jesse and Cooter both nodded from the doorway.

"It want just us 3 though buddy roe, practically the whole of Hazzard tried to git into his office to demand that he listen to the tapes and admit the whole thing. Then after he listened to them and we threatened to take the ones with his bein' involved to state police, he 'offered' to pay for the whole charge of Bo's hospital care and he won't be collectin' any mortgage payments from ya for at least 3 months."

Jesse laughed as he recalled to the group again how J.D's face had turned redder and redder as he signed away his money, knowing that this was more of a punishment than jail could ever be to the greedy commissioner. Soon enough everyone was laughing along with Cooter's imitation of Boss….well nearly everyone.

Bo still sat looking at his family, knowing that they were trying to act as if everything would be able to get back to normal now. But he knew better; he knew that normal was not something that would be associated with him for a long time. Normal was the life he used to lead, when him and Luke would do everything together….now it would just be Luke driving to get the crops for Uncle Jesse, or ploughing the back fields….or doing most of the chores around the house. He wouldn't be able to do much of anything anymore and it pained him.

But somehow, as Luke touched his face gently and wiped away the lone tear that had slipped down his cheek, he got the feeling that everything would be alright. Soon enough, Luke's arms were wrapped firmly round his cousin's shoulders, followed by Daisy's and then Uncle Jesse's….and after much yelling and persuading, Cooter's. Bo couldn't help but start to smile as the hug got tighter as more arms wrapped around him.

What was he thinking? Of course he'd be alright; of course things would get back to normal for him. With his family by his side, and the best friends anyone could ever even hope for, there wasn't anything he couldn't do. Knowing Cooter, if Bo wanted to drive again, he'd create a device for him to be able to. Knowing Uncle Jesse, if Bo wanted to do chores, then all Bo had to do was ask and Uncle Jesse would find something. Knowing Daisy, if he needed some girls to cheer him up, Daisy would have her little phone book out and calling everyone she knew. Knowing Luke….if Bo wanted someone to be right there beside him through thick and thin, wanted someone to help him try and get back to his feet and cry on when it didn't work, wanted someone to make things as normal as possible for him….well Luke would be there.

"Hey y'all, c'mon you's got to get outside, I got a surprise for you both."

Bo and Luke looked up in surprise at Cooter who was suddenly bounding towards the doorway, followed by Daisy and Uncle Jesse, who also wore huge grins. Luke gently slid himself to his feet, at first finding it hard to balance himself, but soon finding his footing. He pulled on his jeans and customary blue plaid shirt, before gently helping Bo into the wheelchair Cooter had brought round from Doc Appleby's.

"Hey Bo….I got a job fer us to do…"

"What's that Luke?"

"What d'ya say we take this thing over to Cooter's, paint it orange, stick the confed' flag on the seat and rename it the mini General. Then we's can race the two."

Bo had to laugh out loud with Luke at that, even though he could feel the little pang of guilt still hidden inside him. He hadn't heard hide nor hear of the General's condition since the accident.

He shielded his eyes against the glare of the sun as Luke gently pushed him outside and they followed their family, gasping as the saw what they were headed to.

"Luke….is that what…."

"It is….but how…I mean….who…when?"

Uncle Jesse, Daisy and Cooter all laughed, with Uncle Jesse finally answering.

"It's been there since before you boys got home. Guess you's were too wrapped up in that scheme o'Luke's ta notice."

Bo motioned for Luke to push him forward so he could rap his knuckles against the barn wall, staring wide eyed with disbelief as Daisy and Jesse had also done

"But how…how did it get…?"

"To cut a long story short buddy roe, the people of Hazzard are eternally grateful fer all yer help over the years, and this is just one of the ways they could pay ya back."

Luke put on a fake pout and folded his arms.

"Ah dang, there goes my excuse for not ploughing the back forty this month!"

Luke grinned as he heard Bo laugh, a laugh that he had not heard in ages. It was a laugh that sounded natural, relaxed and lasted more than a few seconds. Eventually however, he managed to stop laughing to look over to Cooter.

"Now, it's all good and well the barn's back, but the question is did you remember our hiding spot in there?"

Cooter laughed and opened the door.

"Why don't ya see fer yerself?"

Luke grinned and pushed his cousin through the open door, fumbling for the light. He finally found it about a good distance away from where it had usually been.

"Hey Cooter, why'd you go put the light a mile away from the barn door?"

When he got no reply from anybody, he turned round to see Bo sitting wide eyed in his wheelchair looking at something in front of him, Daisy and Uncle Jesse both wearing similar expressions. Luke couldn't immediately see what it was, his vision obscured by several bales of hay.

"Bo, Uncle Jesse, Daisy? What's the ma-"

But as he rounded the corner, he didn't need an explanation. There, sitting in the middle of the barn, was the member of the family that each of them had missed, a member of the family that they thought they would not see again for a very long time. And yet here he was, sitting in all his glory looking like nothing had ever happened. did you, do this?"

"Well, it took me a couple of sleepless days and nights after the accident, but I've had him done since the barn was up and raised."

Daisy moved forward and pushed Bo more towards the General Lee. Normally he would be able to do this himself, but until his arm was taken out of plaster, he couldn't do it with one hand alone.

He reached out and gently ran his hand along the bright orange hood, swallowing back tears as he remembered how mangled it had been; now it looked as good as ever. He was brought round to the driver's side and he gently leant in the window to see the dash and steering wheel all back in its right place. He felt around with his good arm until he found what he was looking for. Everyone jumped and laughed in surprise as the first 12 notes of Dixie rang through the stunned silence that had occupied the barn.

Bo let out a joyous 'Yeeee Hawww' and soon found Luke's arms wrapped around his neck. The General Lee was back, the barn was back, his whole life was starting to get back on track. And he realised, as the 5 people in the barn all celebrated the General Lee's return, that as long as he had friends like Cooter and his family, no matter how many times his enemy's crossed the line, the trust, love and faith they all had in him would never die, and they would do anything to make sure he was safe and he was protected.

They loved him, and he loved them. So he had lost the use of his legs, but it wasn't the end of his world, not when his family was the whole world he had.

Don't happy endin's just give ya a warm fuzzy feelin' inside? Lucky fer us, in Hazzard County, the endin's are never anythin' but. Come back real soon, ya hear?