Soo... I decided to write a sequel to "Voices in darkness" as sesshomaruhasafluffytail suggested.

(Damn long name it is.o0) This isn´t exactly as the suggestion, but I hope you like it.


Love Is In The Air


Disclaimer: Alas, not mine. Oh woe.

Summary: Puppies go on a date! The horror! The blushing and awkwardness!


Even if Remus and Sirius had not been on a date yet, there was no doubt that they were a couple.

All little things showed that.

The way Sirius followed certain ravenclaw boy around two days growling menacingly.

The way their hair was ruffled and cheeks flaming red every time they came late for class.

They way Remus gave Sirius a piece of his chocolate bar, even if he usually wouldn´t share it with absolutely no one.

That was the biggest clue.

Yes, there was no doubt that Remus and Sirius were now RemusandSirius.


So it was no surprise when they showed up on Ravenclaw-Hufflepuf match holding hands.

What was a surprise, that they were so nervous. So blushing. They wouldn´t even look at each other´s in the eye. Girls giggled and boys smirked at the way they acted.

They soon find other things to occupy themselves than the love couple, when game started.

That´s why no one didn´t notice when two gryffindors disappeared.


In the middle of the game sky suddenly exploded. Thousands of sparks of red, gold and blue floated in the air. In front of the dumbfounded audience sparks suddenly formed into something.

The audience laughed, gasped and whistled.

Moony and Padfoot. Forever and always.

Under that was image of heart, sparkling red and gold.

The message was clear to everybody.


Later the couple was spotted on Quidditch-field, kissing passionately. Both Remus and Sirius got month of detention, even when Sirius tried to take all the blame to himself.

Nevertheless, no one didn´t even think about making them serve their detentions separately.


And that was how it became clear to absolutely everyone in Hogwarts. Love was in the air.


Meh. Luuww…"sighs happily" Review?