LOL! Okay I just had to do a story like this!

I don't own 'The Outsiders'!

It was summer vacation. The gang was at the Dingo getting some lunch/super. It was around 4:45pm. They all had something different(food) Pony and Johnny had Pepsi. Soda had chocolate milk, Darry black coffee, Dally and Two-Bit had beer, and Steve had Coke. When The gang got back to the Curtis place it was almost eleven at night. Good thing Darry, Soda or Steve did not have to work in the morning. Will Darry would be mad if he did and he was out this late. Ponyboy went right to bed when they go home. So did Soda, and Darry. Johnny was sleeping on one of the chair, Dally on a couch Steve on another chair and Two-Bit on the floor.

Next Morning

Soda's P.O.V

I woke up the next moring facing the door. I rolled over to face my baby brother but he was not there.'Must be up already.' I thought to my self. I got out of bed and went down the staries. I could hear the guys talking.

"Hey guys whats up?" I could see everyone but Pony and Johnny."Wheres Pony and Johnnycakes at?"

"You mean Pony's still not sleep?" Darry asked me looking worried.

"I checked the lot and the park for Johnny but no sign." Dally said grinding his teeth.

"I checked his room at his place and not there." Two-Bit added in.

'It's not like Pony or Johnny to just disappear over night.' I thought to my self while sitting down. We talked for while then got up and went into the kitchen.

"Hey guys." Steve said, looking at us.

"What is it Steve?" Darry asked looking at him, we all turned to look at him.

"Look under the kitchen table." He said in almost a whisper while pointing under the table.

End of Soda's P.O.V

They looked under the kitchen table, and there was a small kid about six years old with clothes on him that where like twice his size. He had black hair and pale skin.

"Johnny?"Dally almost yelled while looking at the kid.

The small kid turned over and looked at them. He sat up slowy and rubbed his black eyes."What's going on? Where am I? Who are you?" The small boy asked looking up at the six greasers. They looked at each other slightly shocked to hear so many question's at once from the child.

Soda left the room, to go to his room. Darry bent down to the kid."Well you where sleeping under the table. I'm Darry, and this is Dally, Two-Bit and Steve. The one that just left the room is my brother Soda."

The child shook his head."No... Soda Steve and Dally are around my height... And you look just like Mr. Curtis. And Two-Bit is smaller..." The kid said blinking up at him. The guys just looked at each other. All thinking-'This kid knows how to talk... A lot...'

"What's your name kid?" Dally asked looking at the kid.

"Um...Johnathan Cade... But my friends call me Johnny." Johnny said crawling out from under the table. Darry stood up just has Soda came in the kitchen.

"Darry, we have a problem." Soda said looking at his older brother.

"What is it?" Darry asked looking at his younger brother.

"Well... Just come see." Soda said going up the staries and into his and Pony's room. Darry followed him, leaving the others with confused faces.

Up Stairs In the room

Soda moved over to the bed with Darry along side of him. He pulled the shits back to revele...

(KCK:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-Kyo's-Girl hits over over head!-KG-BACK TO THE STORY BAKA(Idiot)!KCK-OK-grins goes back to the story-)

A small Ponyboy!

Darry's eyes widen some. He then claimed down and picked the small boy up. Luckily he did not wake up. His clothes where 'WAY' too big for him. Soda and Darry walked out of the room, and went down staries. When they got down the there, they went into the living room to see, Two-Bit holding Dally back while, small Johnny was hiding behind Steve. Johnny had a look a fear on his face.

"Dally what are you trying to do? Kill the poor kid?" Soda asked and went over to Johnny and picked him up. As soon as Soda had picked Johnny up Johnny put his arms around Soda neck pulling him closer to the older boy and bared his face in Soda's chest.(no m/m pairings--)

Dally sat down on a chair and looked at Darry."Who's the kid?"

"It's Ponyboy." Soda said sitting on the coutch, with Johnny sitting the right way on hit lap.

Darry sat down in his chair with the child still sleeping."So Dally why where you trying to kill Johnny anyway?"

Steve spook up."We lost a game of Poker to him."

"How old are you Johnny?" Soda asked looking down at him.

"Six." Johnny replied in a quite tone.

"You guys lost to a six year old? You guys must me losing your edge on the game." Darry said shaking his head. He looked down to meat greenish-gray eyes. "Hey there kiddo'."

"Daddy?(remember Darry looks like his father!)"The child ask looking confused at Darry.

Darry shook his head slowy. As soon as he did Pony started to squire out of Darry;s grip.

"Hey Pony clam down." Darry said trying to clam down is now,'baby' baby brother."There's nothing to be scared of. Were not going to hurt you."

"I want my mommy."Pony said with tears coming to his little eyes.

"Mom's gone. So is Dad." Darry said trying to keep his youngest brother under control. "Two-Bit put Mickey Mouse on. The kids can watch while we try and find out what to do."

Two-Bit turned the television on, while getting up and going into the kitchen, followed by Dally and Steve.

Soda put Johnny on the coutch so he can watch T.V. Darry put the wiggling Ponyboy next to him."Johnny I want to to make sure he does not run off. If he dose go after him ok?"

Johnny looked from the T.V. and nodded,"Ok." then went back to watching Mickey Mouse.

Darry and Soda both went into the kitchen.


"First off who will baby-sit them?" Darry looking at the other guys.

"I'm no good with kids, and I might kill them." Dally said looking over at Darry.

"I can watch them when I'm not working. Besides, Pony's is my brother."Soda said looking at Darry.

Darry nodded."Ok, so Soda can baby-sit them when he's not working. I can look after them when I'm not working. Two-Bit, do you think you can watch them with out them getting hurt?"

Everyone turned to Two-Bit.

"I know how to baby-sit kiddies Darry, I have a kid sister." Two-Bit said mocking Darry.

"Fine but if one of them gets hurt I'm going to beat the tar out of you." Darry said and looked in the leaving room to see the kids gone. Darry's eyes widen."Where the kids go!"

The gang looked in the living room then all over the house. But no sign of ether of them.

"Grate we have not even been watching them for an hour and their gone!" Darry yelled in frustration.

"Hey Superman, don't worry they have to be here some where's." Two-Bit said grinning at the older boy.

Everyone looked around the house for the kids. No sign of them.

"Two-Bit..." Darry said gritting thought his teeth.

Dally just then came in the house dragging Johnny by the hand and had Pony under his arm like a football."They where playing in the park."

Pony look like he was going to cry and Johnny was just staring at his feet.

Soda went and got Pony from Dally,"Why did you leave the house Ponyboy?" Darry asked looking his youngest brother who was looking down.

"I wanted to go to the pawk." Pony sniffed, almost crying.

Darry looks at Johnny who looked sad."Why did you go with him? I told you if he went off to go after him."

Johnny was quite. Dally let go of his arm, and as soon as he did Johnny went and sat down on the coutch and watched T.V.

Soda was whispering smooth things in Pony's ear to clam him down.

"Arisa is going to kill me." Darry muttered under his breath while going to the phone.

"Why would she kill you?" Two-Bit asked looking confused.

"Her cousin is now alittle kid, when he was staying here." Darry said sighing he looked at Johnny and sighed once agian."Johnny do you know Arisa?"

Johnny looked at him and nodded his head."Yeah, she's my cusein. She's 12 years old."Johnny said looking at Darry.

"Ok, well tomorrow we are going to see her ok?"

(Now Dally, Steve, and Two-Bit and Soda are gone)

Johnny nodded his head.


Darry looked down to see Pony looking at him.

"Yeah, what is it Ponyboy?" Darry asked picking Pony up.

"I'm hungwy..." Pony said in a soft tone.

"Johnny are you hungry?"

Johnny nodded his head.

"Come on then." Darry said taking Pony into the kitchen and putting him down on a chair that when he was standing on it would only to his four-head Johnny could down and just eat off the table.

Darry put a plate in front of them and cups of juice. Darry went and got the phone book and let Johnny sit on it so he could eat. He gave them each a piece of chocolate cake. Johnny started to eat his but Pony just sniffed.

"Pony whats the matter?" Darry asked looking at his baby brother. He knew it was not the food.

Pony just sniffed agian. Darry then realized that Pony could not see what he was eating. Darry picked him up and sat down where he was sitting. He then put Pony on his lap. When pony saw what there was to eat he at it. Fast. But in the processes of getting his hands, face, and even some chocolate in his hair. Pony was a mess. Johnny was no different. But he only had it all over his hands and face.

Darry sighed."Johnny look after Pony. Don't leave the house what so ever ok?"

Johnny nodded.

Darry got up putting Pony down on the chair and left the room.

Pony looked at Johnny and giggled.

"What?" Johnny asked confused.

"You gots chocowate aww ovew you face!" Pony said giggling some more.

"You too!"Johnny laughed back.

Darry just then came back and went to pick Pony up."Ok bath time kiddo."

Pony started squirming trying to get out of Darry's grip.

"Come on Johnny."Darry said looking at the other former teenager, who nodded and followed Darry to the washroom, where a bath was already watting for Pony to go into.

"No. No. No bath!" Winded Pony while tears where forming in his eyes.

"Sorry kiddo. But your all sticky." Darry said while taking off his shirt witch was the only clothes left on him and places him in the bath. Darry got down on his knees and stared to wash Pony's hair.

-After Pony's bath-

Darry had to get changed because Pony wouldn't stop splashing him.

The guys had just come back. Soda noticed that Darry changed.

"Dar why'd ya' change?"

"You try giving a four year old kid a bath with out getting splashed." Darry sounding tired.

"Wheres Johnny at?" Dally asked looking around.

"He's in the bath." Darry said opping up the news paper."You can go and check on him if you want."

"Better not. Kids is probably still scared of me." Dally said and sat down. Pony was sitting down on the floor colouring.

Johnny came into the room in jean shorts and a black t-shirt. His wet hair looked like it was greaser. His bangs hung over his black eyes.

"Hey there Johnnycakes. How are ya'?" Soda asked looking at little Johnny.

"Good...Darry can Pony me go the the park?" Johnny looked at Darry.

"You can go but I don't think Pony can." Darry said setting his paper down.

"Why?" Johnny asked titling his head to the side.

"He's sleeping." The gang looked at Pony who was indeed sleeping on the floor with a crayon in his hand.


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