Cephied Variable

It was almost like they fell into it- a routine slow and quiet and steady and so very them. There's no way to stop it when Presea accidently leans too close and Regal admires the way her eyes are clearer than usual in the moonlight. The gap isn't very far- it's surprising because Presea isn't used to not being small and Regal isn't used to kissing anymore.

They break apart quickly, ashamed of themselves.

"She would never forgive me if I fell in love with you," Presea breathes.

"No," Regal's tone is even, "She would never forgive me."

But these are empty words because, really, both of them have proven themselves completely incapable of predicting exactly what Alicia would have wanted.

Secretely, Presea thinks that her sister might have been happy.