Disclaimer: Final Fantasy VII is the property of Square Enix, and no financial profit is sought from this work.

Warnings: violence, blood, death and yaoi

A/N: This fic is about my favourite FFVII pairing: Sephiroth/Reno. I just love Reno to death and I absolutely worship Sephiroth, so I wrote this. Sadly, I've found only ONE Seph/Reno fic, so it seems to be pretty rare pairing, which is funny, given that Reno has a respectable amount of fans, and (needless to say) Seph's fan base is frighteningly large! Not to mention that they look absolutely hot together… So why haven't anyone written about those two? But hopefully I'll someday find more fics about this pairing. If someone knows about a Sephiroth/Reno fic that's out there, could you please, please, pleaseinform me about it, and I'll make you my best friend! And just so you know, I might turn into one of those evil authors who won't update if they don't get reviews, so if you find the fic interesting, please review! And while you're reading, keep in mind that English isn't my native language.

That's all I guess. Enjoy!

Chapter One: The Confrontation

He was standing behind the door, Masamune raised, ready to charge in. He cast a quick glance towards his second-in-command next to him, silently asking if he was ready. The dark haired man gave him a curt nod. The General tightened his grip on his sword and kicked the door in.

The old hinges cracked broken and the metallic door fell heavily on the floor. Everything in the room froze for a moment as heads swung towards the doorway. Sephiroth ran into the dim room, Zack at his heels, and slashed the Masamune into the chest of the nearest man, making a deep cut and spilling blood about. The whole room exploded into motion, as the men reached for their weapons and lunged for the two intruders.

The silver haired SOLDIER easily dodged their bullets and blades and uncertain spells. He kept slashing and thrusting his sword into the men attacking him as he quickly moved deeper into the room. Then he realized that the battle was way too easy. The report had said that there would be about twenty men in here, but there were maybe even less than half of them in the room.

The Masamune clashed into an electrified nightstick and the man wielding it dodged his blade. A smirk made its way to Sephiroth's face. Finally a fight with some challenge, the others had been unbelievably easy to kill, he couldn't understand why the President had been worried about this group. The General turned his full attention towards the young man with the nightstick as he lifted his sword and attacked. The man blocked his attack with the nightstick and stepped aside. This scenario was repeated few times as the youth seemed to be able to block all the SOLDIER's attacks, although, there were two close calls. Before long, Sephiroth grew tired to the came and used more force as he swung Masamune towards the man. The youth was able to block the blade again, but the force of the attack sent him to the floor and his nightstick flew across the room.

The silver haired man stepped closer to the young man lying on the floor and lifted his sword, ready to get it stained with yet another man's blood.

"No, General! Don't!" He heard the man scream.

He hadn't heard many beg before, people in Wutai were too noble for that and after the war he had mainly fought against monsters, and the men he had fought against hadn't had the time to beg. Still, he recognized a beg when he heard one, and this was missing the despair, and during their short fight the man hadn't tried to attack him, he had only been dodging and blocking his blade, and the little electric shocks he had got were only because Masamune had led the electricity from the nightstick to him.

A choked cry informed him that Zack had just finished the last man standing. The silver haired SOLDIER lowered his sword and looked at the young man lying in front of him. He had short and spiky red hair, bluish-green eyes, and sunglasses buried in his messy hair.

"I have seen you somewhere before," Sephiroth said as he searched the youth's face from his memory, "In the ShinRa building?"

Noticing that he was still in one piece, the red haired man released a relieved breath. "Yeah, I'm one of the Turks," he said as he lifted his head from the floor and looked towards the General.

Well, that explained why the red haired man had reminded Sephiroth of dark blue. A Turk? The silver haired SOLDIER thought. Then he narrowed his eyes, knowing that look made everybody nervous, and the Turk was no exception.

"What is a Turk doing in a ShinRa resistance movement?" he asked with a chilling voice.

The Turk started rapidly waving his hands and shaking his head. "No, no, no! It's not what ya think. I'm workin' undercover."

Sephiroth heard Zack walking towards them. "What's up?" the dark haired man asked.

The General completely ignored his second-in-command's question as he quirked a silver eyebrow at the Turk. "So you are the 'reliable source' we got our information from?"

The red haired Turk lifted himself on his elbows and glared at the General under his bright red bangs. He didn't like the tone the silver haired SOLDIER had used, but he knew better than to start arguing with The Great Sephiroth. "Yes, sir. I am," he said in what he hoped was a polite and neutral tone. "Somethin' wrong with that?"

No, there wasn't. Sephiroth didn't care how and from whom he got his information, he just needed to know when and where and he would kill as many men or monsters or anything in between as needed, but that wasn't the young Turk's business.

"How long have you been a Turk?" the General asked as calmly as ever, ignoring the Turk's question. Given the Turks official job description, that being recruiting potential SOLDIER candidates, he recognized all the Turks at their appearance, especially the one with the long, black hair. But he hadn't seen this particular young man many times, which meant that he must be new to the job.

"'Bout six months," the red haired Turk said as he rose to a proper sitting position.

Six months? Was that with the training or without? Anyway, that wasn't such a long time, given that the second newest had been around for two years. It was hard to imagine that the President would put a rookie working undercover in an organization that tried to assassinate him.

The young man sitting on the floor seemed to get an idea about what the silver haired SOLDIER was thinking and without being asked the question he started talking. "The original plan was to put Tseng to the job since he would blend in better than any of us 'cause he's from Wutai. But there's the risk of people under the plate recognisin' him 'cause he's been a Turk for a long time and most of our work takes place here, the same thing went for Rude. So I ended up in here, not that I mind though."

Not only was the kid a fairly good fighter, he was pretty smart too… or he simply talked too much.

"How old are you?" was the General's next question.

The young Turk had been growing tired to the General's cold attitude and suspicions, and the age question was the last straw. Yes, he was young, but not too young for the General to doubt his talent. So he stood up and without thinking he started all but shout to Sephiroth.

"Seventeen. But what the hell does that matter, huh? I'm good in what I do! I have always been a fuckin' good fighter! And if the age is such an important matter, let me tell ya: in the slums one matures twice as quickly as one up the plate! And I've spent my whole life in the Sector six slums and I was a respected member in my gang, so my age shouldn't be a problem."

…Yes, he talked too much, and he was loud. And cocky.

"I never questioned your fighting talents. And there are boys your age in SOLDIER First Class too. He, for example," Sephiroth said coldly as he motioned towards Zack, who had been silently observing the conversation, with his head, "isn't a year older than you."

That was when the young Turk seemed to notice that he had been yelling to the man who, according to the stories, had almost single-handedly won an entire war. He lowered his head in shame and seemed to even blush a little.

Sensing the awkward tension between his commander and the Turk, Zack tried to lighten the mood. "Yeah, you must be a pretty good fighter since you didn't end up like them," he said pointing behind him, towards the bodies.

The Turk turned to look at the blood-soaked men lying on the floor, and the SOLDIERs noticed that his hair was longer than it looked.

"Aw, shit dude. They were my pals," the Turk said in a barely audible voice.

"What?" Zack asked as he leaned closer, trying to hear him better.

"That I truly must be or I had hell of lot luck with me," the red haired youth quickly said as he turned to face the two, knowing well what it would seem if he was mourning over the dead rebels.

Zack maybe hadn't heard the young man, but Sephiroth's hearing was better than any other's, so he had heard every word. And what the Turk had said was very suspicious considering the circumstances. He narrowed his eyes and fixed his cold, Mako eyes on the Turk.

"The report you wrote said that there would be 22 men in here," he spared a quick glance at the bodies, counting them, and then turned back at the Turk, "But there's nine."

The warning in the General's chilling eyes and voice wasn't lost to the Turk. He felt extremely uncomfortable under the hard gaze as Sephiroth's slit pupil fixed on him, demanding answer. The Turk had fucked up, and he felt humiliated because of it, and that was the exact reason he had stayed in the hideout waiting for the SOLDIERs to show up. He hoped that the General wouldn't be too mad at him for ruining the mission, but he assumed he was hoping too much, given that he had already yelled at the silver haired SOLDIER. The Turk's guess was that, even though he had survived the battle, he would still end up the Masamune sticking out of his chest, or have his head chopped off, or other things alike.

In reality, the mistake wasn't the Turk's fault, but he assumed the General wouldn't care. So he just explained what he could. "They were supposed to be here, but the meeting ended early, an' Eiji, the leader, went to buy weapons or other stuff. An' most of the men went to accompany him or to do other things. I tried to keep 'em here as long as possible, I swear! But it started to sound suspicious, so I just let them leave. An' I couldn't contact you an' tell there's been a change in plans. The company's very protective of you, General."

An unreadable emotion seemed to pass in the General's eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared, and the emotionless look was back before anyone had the time to speculate what they had seen in those emerald pools.

"Well, then there's nothing we can do about it. We should go back and come up with a new plan."

The Turk was left to stare at the General's back as the man walked towards the door. He couldn't believe he was till standing and breathing, he had been so sure that he would end up in the same lifeless pile with the rebels in the room. He had heard rumours about Sephiroth's cold, 'no nonsense' attitude, and given that the General was known to be an unstoppable killing machine, he had seriously expected to be punished for his screw up. But no, here he was, still in one piece and the General was already halfway through the door.

"Hey! What're you waiting for? A train?"

The Turk snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the doorway where the dark spiky haired SOLDIER was waiving at him.

"You'll be left behind. Sephiroth won't wait long even for me, let alone a stranger. C'mon!"

The Turk was still too surprised by the outcome of the day's events that he didn't even bother questioning the fact that he was being given a ride to the SinRa building. He just nodded and rushed to get his nightstick, then followed the dark haired man out of the room.

Once out of the building, the dark haired SOLDIER and the Turk introduced themselves, and then started talking about the difference between Turk training and SOLDIER training, as they tried to catch up with the General's long strides. Their conversation had turned into weapons by the time they reached the car waiting for them in the shadows of an alleyway. At some point during the ride they started talking about their favourite bars, and their babble went on and on all the way until they reached the ShinRa building.