AN: Thank you all for the reviews…I had no idea that so many ppl liked my story! Lol! Okay, here is chapter 11, the birth… and I don't have any experience on this, but here goes!


It was August 9th, the day before Rory's due date. It was 80 degrees outside and the air conditioning, thank God, was working. Rory was lying in bed reading Wicked and letting the day pass by. Logan was out on the deck making dinner, his specialty, Lobster and Steak. Lobster was the only thing that Rory would eat for a whole week, but Logan didn't mind, he'd do anything for his wife.

Logan was flipping the steak on the grill on the deck when his mind wandered to his little girl. He would admit it, he was nervous. He was scared about the delivery, not because he thought he'd be a bad dad, but because of the pain that Rory was going to be going through to give him his little girl. He hated that she would have to be in pain and most of all he hated that she was scared and unsure of herself as a mother. Logan would look back on all the girls that he ever went out with and the only one that he could see being the mother of his children was Rory. She had the personality of a mom, firm in her rules and beliefs, but willing to do anything for anyone she loved. He was ready, but was she?

Logan plated their dinner and brought it into their bedroom and gave Rory her plate.

"Thanks babe. I'm sorry bout not being able to eat anything but lobster. Bella really likes it!" Rory said.

"It's no problem, I'd do anything for my girls." Logan replied.

After dinner, the two of them laid in bed watching Charlie Rose. Then it happened. Rory leaned over in pain.

"Um, Logan…ow." Rory said.

"What's wrong Ace?" Logan questioned.

"I think I'm having contract-." Rory was interrupted by a wave of pain that washed over her.

"Ace, you stay here, I'm going to get your bag and we are going to the hospital." Logan said calmly.

Rory nodded in response. Logan got out of the doorway walking, but soon after he was in a frenzy running left and right getting everything they needed. He returned and helped Rory put shoes on and helped her into the car. Logan got in and grabbed her hand and gave her a smile before they left for New Haven General Hospital.

Once they arrived Logan helped her out of the car and took her inside and sat her down and went up to a nurse that was walking nearby.

"Okay, my wife is in labor and we need to get some help."

"Alright, how far apart are her contractions?" the nurse questioned.

"About 12 minutes apart, but they are getting faster."

"Okay, let's get you two into your room." The nurse said wheeling a wheel chair in from of her over to Rory who was breathing heavily and trying to get past a contraction.

"Okay Ace, this nurse is going to help us into our room." Logan said to his wife after giving her his hand to squeeze. Rory nodded and got up and into the chair.

The nurse got them into their room and gave Rory a gown to change into and had Logan fill out some paper work. Rory shrieked from the bathroom. Logan ran over to her and flung the door open to see Rory standing in a puddle of water and clutching her stomach. Logan started to get scared, and turned to the nurse.

"Is she supposed to be in this much pain after her water breaks?"

"We need to get her hooked up to a fetal monitor so we can see what is making your wife hurt so badly. Help me get her into the bed. Then I will go and get Dr. Mills."

"Okay. Rory, we need to get you into the bed and see what is happening. So lets get you up and into the bed and you can squeeze my hand as much as you need to okay?" he said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go." Rory said slowly.

Dr. Mills came in 15 minutes later and told Rory that she was 6 centimeters dilated and that Amberly was doing fine so far. Rory asked for an epidural and the anesthesiologist came into the room and administered it. Rory was asleep since it was 10:45 at night.

Logan took this opportunity to call everyone. He called Lorelai and Luke, Paris and Doyle, Lane and Zach, Honor and Josh, Mitchum and Shira, Emily and Richard, Finn and Rosemary, and Colin and Steph. They all were on their way. Logan went out to the car to get Rory's things and got his own bag that he had put his little Bee's blanket in so that she would be comfortable right from the start.

When he returned to Rory's room, she was awake and reading her book that she had brought with her. He smiled at her form the doorway and let out a small chuckle to let her know he was there. She looked up and said,

"It doesn't hurt too much anymore, I think I like drugs!" Rory said in her cheery voice. Logan smirked at her and she just laughed. Rory beckoned him to sit next to her, so he went and sat in the chair next to the bed and took her hand in his. He then stood up and put his other hand on her stomach and just smiled. He felt his little girl and the woman he loved more then anything at the same time. Everything was in a moment of bliss.

A Beeping interrupted Logan's peaceful moment and Rory and Logan looked over and saw that Bella's heart rate was dropping. Logan panicked and ran out into the hallway and grabbed a nurse and pulled her into the room where Rory was clutching her stomach in pain.

"Okay, we need to get the doctor in here now!" she yelled into the hall. Dr. Mills came into the room quickly and saw what was happening and whispered something to the nurse and went over to Rory's side.

"Rory, the baby's heart rate is dropping which means she is stressed and needs to be delivered as quickly as possible. We are going to do a C-section and get her out."

Rory nodded and Logan asked,

"What's going to happen to our little girl?" his eyes brimming with tears.

"Mr. Huntzberger, I assure you, I will do whatever I can to make sure that your little girl is safe. Rory will have to go and get into prep in the operating room, and you need to change into scrubs and inform your family with what is going on. We are going to take Rory right now, so you get changed and tell everyone and meet us in OR 3." Logan nodded and walked over to Rory and put his forehead on hers.

"Logan, what is happing, she needs to be safe. I can't lose her." Rory said crying.

"Ace, she's not going anywhere but our arms. Now I know that you are scared and I know that you don't know what to do, but I need you to do everything the doctor says okay. I need you to bring our baby girl into the world. I will meet you in there ok, babe?"

"Tell my mom that I love her. And I will see ya in there. I love you." She said before kissing him with a bout of passion that he hadn't had in awhile. She nodded and he turned and grabbed the scrubs and went into the waiting room.

Everyone saw Logan come into the room and they all looked up to see what was happening.

"Okay, Bella is stressed and her heart rate is dropping, so they have to do a C-section to get her out ASAP." He heard everyone gasp and saw them all nod in understanding.

"Now, I know that I have never been the religious type, but while we are in there could you all just pray for Bella and Rory. I'd really appreciate that." When everyone nodded in understanding. He turned around and walked back into the bathroom to change into his scrubs. After he was done he got down on both knees and raised his hands and bowed his head.

"God, I know that I haven't been faithful to you, but please, help my girls. Please cradle my little baby in your arms and bring her into this world safely and watch over my wife, who you sent to me, and keep her safe and give her a sign that you are watching her. Show her faith. Please God, just Please keep them both safe."

Logan got up and ran into the OR and saw them still setting up the tools. Dr. Mills was washing her hands and getting ready and Rory was lying on the table with her eyes closed. Logan pulled a stool up next to her head and whispered into her ear,

"What are you doing babe?"

"Listening to God, he told me that everything was going to be okay." Rory said crying.

Logan looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes and said a prayer in his head.

Dr. Mills entered and started the delivery.

"Okay, Rory, you are going to feel some pressure, but that's just us trying to get the baby out safely." Rory nodded and made a face at the tugging at her abdomen. Logan was rubbing her head and looking over the curtain and watching.

Then they heard it. The most glorious sound they had ever heard. They heard their baby crying.

"It's a girl!" the doctor said.

Logan leaned down to Rory and said,

"Thank you for making me a daddy, I love you."

"Go make sure she's okay Logan, go see your little Bee." Logan nodded and went over to the nurses that were cleaning her up.

She was the most beautiful little girl in the whole world. She had a little bit of blonde hair and had a little nose and he could've sworn he saw a classic Huntzberger smirk. After she was wrapped up, he took her from the nurse, and walked over to Rory who was getting stitched up.

"Oh, Logan, she is so beautiful. She looks like you."

"I know Ace; I never have felt like this before, thank you babe."

"You're welcome, now go and show her to everyone." Rory said.

"Okay!" he kissed her and kissed Bella's head and walked out of the doors into the waiting room.

As he was walking to the waiting room, he looked down at his little girl who had her eyes open and was staring at him. He smiled at her and she sighed and nestled into his chest. He smiled and kept walking.

He was at the door. He opened up the door to see sixteen pairs of eyes look up to see who it was and when they saw it was him, they all filled with joyful tears.

"I'm a daddy to the most beautiful girl in the world." Logan whispered. Lorelai came up to him and looked at the little bundle in his arms and smiled at him. The other 15 did the same, all too happy to say anything. Luke whispered to him,

"You are the luckiest man in the world. And thank you for her. Thank Rory when you see her." Logan nodded.

"I've got to get her back to the nursery." He turned and left.

Rory was brought back to her room and Logan was there waiting for her, he was holding Amberly. She smiled and watched them together. She knew that God was right. Everything was going to be okay.

AN: so there it is, I'm not too happy about this chapter, but it will have to do! Should I continue this, I want to, but I want you know what you all think!
